This is why niggers are fleeing from sheboons.
Black mother kicks out her own 8 year old son for voting Trump at school
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Poor guy getting kicked out for being woke as fuck.
All joking aside, the poor kid only voted trump because he saw him on t.v.
She should be gassed.
Kids better off on the streets than dealing with that bitch for a mother.
>8 year old
what is the story behind this?
Our public schools often hold mock elections in our elementary and middle schools, mostly to teach kids the voting process and for shits and giggles.
This dumb baboon took her son's vote as a serious endorsement for Donald Trump and flipped the fuck out.
shiiiet that makes it even more bizzare
Is this not child abuse? She will fuck that nig up mentally.
Where was the father in all this? Sad!
he is black senpai.
Pick one
>Black mother kicks out her own 8 year old son for voting Trump at school
Never thought I'd see the day when blacks are more responsible parents than whites.
you havent
I wish we could beat her to a pulp, then brake her legs and arms, then shove a metal pole into her vagina then leave her up there. If she does not die in five days then we tie her up in chains and drag her by truck. Then when she is dead we grab concrete and tie her head to it, then drop her into the ocean.
This needs to be legal to assholes like this.
Does anyone know who this mother is? This is child abuse.
>brake her legs
American education.
This is fucking child abuse. Why do niggers always film and share their abuse and wrongdoing? They really are just shameless creatures.
They think they're on the right side of history.
Just like all those progressive nujobs who do horrible things, film it, and then don't understand why society hates them.
Where is the original video?
poor kid, however this only works in our favour...
Some trump supporting white family should adopt the little black kid and educate him to be a black gentlemen when he grows up.
how the fuck else do you think we can stop niggers
Honestly I would kick him out too. Fuck Donald Trump.
I remember when I was about that kid's age I was at a playground and it was time to leave but I decided to stay on the playground and refuse to leave. My parents didn't feel like putting up with my shit so they got in the car and pretended to drive away.
It traumatized me to this day, this woman deserves to burn in hell
Original with 1.6M views and 30k comments:
sheeit, just wait until his dad gets home from work
>just wait until his dad gets home from work
You know whose dad will never come back home?
Now he knows the consequences of having the wrong opinion
I'll adopt that little fucker
this is truly sick. that kid will never forget that. punishing an 8 year old for something they do not understand is ridiculous. if Donald Trump was so bad and this election that important to her, she should have spent more time indoctrinating her kid.
fucked her own kid up for a fucking video
i checked his flag to see if I could cut him some slack...
You fuckers are so transparent.
You obviously don't give a real shit, because you aren't doing anything about all the many many abandoned children in the country. In fact, you constantly make jokes about it.
You're selfish, want to exploit this child for your own ends, and it makes you no better than liberals.
Is he our guy?
Fucking hilarious.
same. one of my earliest memories is honestly believing my parents were about to drive off without me. i was right outside the car too, looking up into black glass. fairly certain they were being playful, but shit scars the psyche
Okay Sup Forums, how do we do this? Regardless of who you supporter or whatever you think about any race, this is wrong. How do we find this woman? She needs to be brought to justice.
You don't know us. Get off your high horse faggot.
what do you know of the charity we do and don't give? what do you know of our perspectives on life? I think you may have let the memes here go to your head.
Well. This didn't take long, someone on reddit(yeah i know, they suck.) said the woman is Tchenavia So’Juicii Stallworth(what a mouthful) and she lives on the Southwest side of Houston.
Call CPS like crazy!
Whoever she is, I bet her body is so'juicii
and you dont give a shit about any of the tragedies in the world except the ones that pop up on buzzfeed
Little does the mom know this kid is going to be the most based human being on the planet.
Black single moms constantly abuse their children.
The day steve irwin died I was at a shopping center.
My dad got my brother a DS and not me so he went to get me one, he got it for me but what I really wanted was his attention, I had a cry and my dad just left me there.
I had to catch a bus to the hotel we were at. We were on the gold coast, never been there before in my life.
Burn the blackie
I found a facebook page that originally uploaded it. I've messaged the page and hopefully I get a response on where he found it.
Ye THAT will teach him about the cost of democracy
How can you posibly expect anyone to grow up a proper human being in such environment
hmmm really makes you think
I grew up in a nice nuclear family. I know nice people who also have, as a majority.
There are a few bad eggs, but nothing like this.
Are black Americans over represented by the media, or are most of them actually like this?
>trump sees this
>trump adopts based black kid
>no one can call him racist anymore
>trump looks like the greatest person in the world
lets meme this up lads
first for rare
""""""""""""""BLACK LIFES MATTER""""""""""""""'
>You fuckers are so transparent.
>You obviously don't give a real shit, because you aren't doing anything about all the many many abandoned children in the country. In fact, you constantly make jokes about it.
>You're selfish, want to exploit this child for your own ends, and it makes you no better than liberals.
Truth. For all the shit Sup Forums talks about niggers and anyone who defends them it's ridiculous that these faggots suddenly have a heart when it's a kid getting abused, if only because said kid voted Trump in a mock election. If the roles were reversed, you can bet your ass these fags would be laughing their asses off.
Be lucky if Angelina Jolie doesn't sweep in first to add another young black child to her Haram.
this man will be president in 2040
most are like this, id say 10% ive met in my lifetime are decent Americans, but everyone else is subhuman desu
people dont realize or wont admit how fucked up america is
subversion is a hell of a drug
yes to be direct, i spent 14 years in arkansas
You just gave me a real evil idea. Someone should put a pole in her pussy and put a rat in the pole and block off the end and heat it so the rat starts eating through her body inside out!
I have seen a few videos like this,a 17 year old white girl was beat up by a shenigger at her school for posting on instagram that she hoped Trump would win.
An 11 year old boy got his leg broken because he voted for trump in his schools mock election.
Like we say in Sweden, the left hate more than the right but to them it's the "good hate" so it's ok.
kek, does she really collect all the nigger children she can or was that a meme?
They really can't pronounce any word correctly or practice fundamental grammar can they.
>black kid
>wait for his dad
>They really can't pronounce any word correctly or practice fundamental grammar can they.
There should be a comma before "can they" and the sentence should end with a question mark.
How black are you?
Eat shit
It's open season now, call out everybody for their stupid decisions, let people know who the enemy is, this is our time, they had theirs and couldn't keep it, we need to nip bad behavior in the bud immediately and set an example
Fuck this bitch, fuck her kid, the people dont matter, exposing their actions is what's important right now
Enough is enough
I'd say 1/2 poor blacks are like this but its only because the white man made them poor, goy
He's at least serving a 5 year sentence.
what the fuck is wrong with her, he's just a kid, how can she do that to him, thats how you traumatize a kid, holy fuck im mad
You're a horrible person. Not as terrible as the mother, but pretty awful for having the capacity to want to do this to another person.
Has anybody called CPS? If not, I'll do it soon.
>I spent 14 years in Arkansas
I'm so sorry, this state is shit. I hope you weren't in Little Rock.
yeah guys, someone call child protective services and orphan the kid so his life is even more miserable.
He voted trump so she won't
Aside from Guyanese savages, and Jamaican gangsters, Caribbean blacks are mostly good people despite coming from slaves as well. (In my opinion)
Why do American blacks behave so badly?
Thanks for explaining by your example why Germany is fucked up beyond repair.
Liberal education institutions pushing white guilt and the mainstream media.
>even more miserable
Than living with a nigger sheeboon who traumatizes him most likely daily?
>Nigger or white trash detected
The nigress' name is Tchenavia So'juicii. You're welcome.
Sorry but I'm laughing my ass off at this video.
This woman is a comic genius.
Trinidad has some pretty shitty blacks too.
The number one charity I donate to is the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Kys you stupid nigger.
I can tell by the fact that you have no manners that you were raised by white parents.
>checks flag
Well, half-white.
He's probably at fucking work while that lazy mother sits at home soaking up his salary. Look at that neighborhood. The father probably works his fucking ass off, then comes home this. You wonder why they end up leaving.
The number one charity I donate to is the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Kys you stupid nigger.
>Caribbean blacks are mostly good people
you have some of the highest murder rates in the world
>bragging about donating to a charity.
Nah pham, you're the one who needs to kys
Hm, I wonder why young black men growing up are so disaffected.
What other option would you suggest then?
Because the way I see, she's a threat to her own child's wellbeing and mental health. He's only a child and he's feeling unsafe in his own home.
So go ahead. Tell me what you think is a better option. I'm all ears.
Single mother households, ladies and gentlemen.
Correct. Most people here are only expressing some feigned outrage because it only reaffirms their world view that blacks are inferior.
You hit the nail right on the head.
that's some fucked up shit, even the kid's brother is gonna get traumatized
>implying Sup Forums is one person
Stupid fuckwad
kek he's more informed than her
We should adopt this child and raise him into a success. Something that might make other american ghetto blacks re-think their way of life.
Im sure he had to leave because he voted Trump 8 years ago