How does Morison square his belief in an inherently good universe bent towards justice with what a fucking horrible...

How does Morison square his belief in an inherently good universe bent towards justice with what a fucking horrible shit hole reality is?

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I refuse hatred and negativity.
I want to be a good person

Go ask him assbag.

Did you not read The Invisibles and The Filth?

I want to protect that magical horse from all evil.

I did. Final Crisis and All-Star Superman, too. I still don’t understand his optimism, especially when he’s very honest about the state of the world.

Right? Was so pissed at Sax when he convinced Happy to help him cheat.

Uuugh. Don't even remind me, I wanted to punch him really hard. The scene where Happy lost his belief and became gloomy almost killed my non-existent heart

as a matter of fact, I'm going to hug my dog right now and weep at the evil of this world, and I'm trying to be sarcastic

*I'm NOT trying to be
evil gods messed up my post. shoo shoo, you evil fiends, you will not claim this innocent creature. not under my watch. nuh-uh

I will also monitor this thread. Don't try to do anything evil, I will see it

Cause the world really is on a path to a more moral place. It has downturns, WW1 was a huge one but the over all path has been to reduce human suffering through advances in science, politics, law and philosophy. Check out some Steven Pinker talks on it.

I still think we have not yet excaped the point in which the worst thing to happen to a human is being born but we may get there at some point.

I’ve read The Better Angels of Our Nature. It’s just really hard to accept lately. Everything seems so irrevocably fucked anymore. Boot stamping on a Human face forever. That sort of thing.

You are so full of shit it makes my teeth hurt. Humankind is damned. We will only find solace and peace in death

>Everything seems so irrevocably fucked anymore.

Stop spending so much time on internet.

How dare you argue with my double digits? Who art thou to question my judgement, when God of Sup Forums himself graced me with the truth? You, who can't summon numbers at all? Begone, harlot, go to your puny humans and continue being a cheeky faggot.

It seems fucks cause we are spending more and more of our lives worrying about the smaller details. I am absolutely terrible for this and is probably the reason for my chronic depression. It's a fucked up situation that i can objectively acknowledge that i am living in the best time of human existence and still get depressed over it.

I would say that we are more and more selfish. We only see ourselves, and nothing else

But what if i don't care for anyone, myself included? I'm not selfish if i care zero for everything

Then you don't exist, and your post was a bot

>How does Morison square his belief in an inherently good universe bent towards justice with what a fucking horrible shit hole reality is?

Extensive and extremely public drug use.

it's called quote unquote, "magic"

Anybody find it odd that a little girl's imaginary friend was entranced by a stripper? Maybe Happy's a little more "real" than even HE knows...or Haley's gonna play for the boys' team when she grows up.

...and beyond that, you ain't gotta explain shit. You get what you get and you don't get upset.

Well, the mushrooms are at least.

Maybe, the stripper was pure? There are people who just want other people to be happy, even at the cost of the dignity

What can I do to make this world less real and more happy? Hardmore: something that even a lazyboy would be capable of doing

Partly because being cynical makes you unhappy and makes people not want to be around you

You've got one life to live. If the world makes you unhappy, either learn to ignore it and focus on the things you love, or find the comfort in believing in a better tomorrow

Spend less time on social media, reading the news, and especially on Sup Forums and other forums. All you're doing is exposing yourself to strife and depression

And most of all, if you truly believe the world cannot improve, improve yourself instead. Practice a new skill. Learn about zen. Read a book. Just do something other than wasting your time on mental poison like social media and forums

Real answer Meditate in the Mindfullness way

More real answer sex and drugs.

Mushrooms, dude. A good eighth of an ounce. Steep them with some good, strong tasting (mushrooms taste horrific), tea.

The outer world is a reflection of the inner. If you believe it’s all trash, it’s all trash. If you believe it’s leading towards a brighter future, slowly but surely, then that’s the way it will be for you. You create your world every day, and you choose to be salty, so there you are.

He explains the answer to this in almost every one of his comics.
With Flex Mentallo, you had The Hoaxer, an illusion creating supervillain who teamed up with Harry to stop the evil teenage Wally from destroying the universe. Note that his insignia is a pair of question marks made to resemble a heart. And Harry also participates in this illusion as love theme by giving his wife the illusion their pet goldfish never died (they had many goldfish and he just changed them out and passed them off as the same one). The message there is even though the world may be terrible you still have a lot of control over how you see things and how you frame reality for others, and you can use this control for good.
With The Invisibles, good and bad events are seen as all part of the same game the world is playing to evolve into a greater supercontext. Just as how in a dream all the different characters and events, good and bad, are really just you, and just as all the plot points and characters in that puppet show were really just the dalang, all of us are really just different parts of the enormous larval timeworm that is collective humanity. And so the message there is to try to remember it's just a game and don't feel too upset about the parts of it that make use of apparent hardship or tragedy.
With The Filth, nobody's special, everyone comes from dirt and shit, identity is imposed on you from outside to make you serve a role, and everything's even worse than you think it is when you dig beneath the surface. But towards the end we see Greg confronting the Hand's boss, Mother Dirt, where he holds up what's basically a big misshapen clump of dirt, random dead body parts, and manure, and asks what he's supposed to do with that shit. And the answer he gets is to spread it on his flowers. Which is a neat message in that it reminds you as shit as life may be, horrible, broken, dead shit is exactly what you need to fertilize and create the good things in life.

The hell is this, the Rick and Morty general? Someone needs to get these kids banned.

Be the change you wish to see.