Where my fellow Womyn alt-right's at? How many are we? Do we even exist?

Where my fellow Womyn alt-right's at? How many are we? Do we even exist?

You know the rules

what are the rules?

Present mammaries or begin to exit the board.

1. My boyfriend would be upset
2. Why call the mammaries?
3. No
4.Why are men not required to do the same to prove their gender?



I bow before your wording good sir

send feet pics please mommy uwu

go fuck a maple tree leaf

>My boyfriend
I don't care anymore unless you have a qt sister who is single.


Pick one

Because there are no girls here.

If you don't bring up your gender/identity (regardless of what it is) you're more likely to be respected. If you insist on making the conversation about you instead of the topic at hand then you deserve to be disrespected for attention whoring.

go fuck a st. bernard you mountain jew

I have three hahahh but only one single.

I pick neither

Because we aren't making our gender the point of our posts. No one gives a rats ass about whether you have a vagina or not on here, so don't bring it up. Your opinion isn't more valuable here because you have holes. Also.
>Sup Forums


false flagging CTR. Thanks for stopping by!

Mountain dew*

Because you degenerate fucking woman, men don't go around parading their sex on ANONYMOUS boards because literally nobody gives a single fuck about the thing in between your legs. We're here to have "intelligent" interactions with people based on their views and opinion, not give in to our primal instict of pinning you against a wall and ravaging your cooch.

So please, tits or GTFO

What is CTR?

fuck, alright, I am sorry I will get out

go fuck a bear leaf

Kek'd. Maybe Americans can use near British godlike wording.

This is why this board sucks

Good for memeing but terrible when shut-in virgins go all spaghetti with other shut-in virgins roleplaying and pretending to be girls

Thats why there are no girls on the internet : if u do have a vagina, u dont showoff or u cannot have a conversation without having beta males trying to get pics of your fucking feet

Go jerk off and give us a break

t. upset alt-right girl

as a fellow female, never reveal your gender

you get bombarded with demands for tits, its the internet.

We're here though, posting memes and redpilling ourselves.

>tfw a year ago I was in college
>gonna get all sorts of cool edgy tattoos
>discover pol
>tattoos are for whores

Met and married a nice guy, tells me one night that he really appreciates my not having tattoos.

Thanks pol

been there done that bud fuck lad chum bud FUCK bud eh fuck chum

I have one tattoo but regret it... but it's okay

guess thats what happens when leafs fuck leafs

Tits or get the fuck out. Or make a new thread where your not using your gender identity to attention whore.

Just stop mentioning that you're a girl ffs. No one cares who you are, that's the fucking point of this website. Tits or gtfo was meant to keep people like you away.

go sniff out some more money you big nosed cuck

>t. upset alt-right girl
Sure thing slut, just as Bailey Jay and Chris Chan are girls.

yes good leafyim give me your mapledollar

Masculine men don't like women having tattoos because they make the woman masculine and most often are a sign of promisciousity.
Might as well fuck a man, why a masculine woman?

Checks out

This. It's one thing when they meme about tits, but the foot guys are completely bizarre. I wish Trump wanted to deport them, too--maybe if people would stop jerking it to toes we could have more white babies in this nation.

>one tattoo

So hows arab dick taste?

lol just kidding senpai, just be a good human being and don't let degenerates drag you into their misery. All my old liberal friends are single moms/single and miserable/ or in weird marriage arrangements that make normal people uncomfortable when they discuss it.

Find a good man and make your neighborhood better.

Your feet say a lot about your person

Whoa just saw this post have tits been posted yet

post feet

No it's not OK, it shows you have no personal control and thought for your future. It also shows your an attention whore who does what other people think is cool to fit in. You will never get a loving alt right husband. go become a single mother nigger baby supported by the state. it's what u wanted.

Show us the tits or fuck off



>No it's not OK, it shows you have no personal control and thought for your future

It's exactly like short hair on women.

I used to wonder why so many men hated short hair on women and preferred long since I was fine with both. Often you hear short hair compared to dying your hair blue.

Boy were they right.

Once I started dating short haired girls I noticed they all had some kind of mental disorders. Every fucking single on of them. I believe it's because they CONSCIOUSLY rebel against femininity and youth that the long hair symbolizes.

just show ur tits u stupid snow nigger slut

Hey OP whatcha doing with my cat?

Normal conversation can't take place when we know you're a girl. It's just biology. The sexes aren't equal.

Show tits please.


No fucking sensible woman spells women with a 'y.' GTFO.

I fully agree which is why you need to sit on my face.

That's the problem, Finner--tattoos have been fetishized by (((them)))--they want the goyim to desire women based off of criterion that (((they))) have constructed which happen to be pretty convenient to their hold in the marktet.

Fifty-sixty years ago, men wanted a nice woman who desired a family, a woman who could be his companion and friend. If she was a freak in the sheets that was a plus, but men knew that if they gave women loyalty and support, she would give him great sex in return--not to mention, many people got married without having sex with their spouse.

Today, in this post-(((Frankfurt))) age, men want a woman who is smeared with tattoos, piercings...the "alt-girl" meme was shoved pretty fucking hard down everyone's throats. Ah, and look at trannies--is that womandom now? Some fake tits and botox? Some fucking shoes? Look at all these people with bizarre fetishes--back in the day, foot guys were creepy and were shunned appropriately. Today, every pair of heels is a torture device designed to encourage degeneracy--every bra is coated in rhinestones, makeup is to be worn 24/7, filters, nylons, perfumes, fake nails, fake eyelashes, hair extension, surgeries...it's insane. A girl can no longer GROW to be a woman--she has to BUY her womandom.

Masculine men have it pretty hard these days. There's not a lot to choose from anymore.

Wow i love le new /r/b xD

ieve been here for a year now and i've been loving every second of it :))))

im a girl btw anyone know this le feel?


See pic related.

I'm sure there are some women here but the disparity has to at least be 95% male. Women don't even use reddit that much because it's considered "underground". In general they are passive in their use of the web so unless the structure of the site lends itself to the social (tumblr, pinterest) then there is no value. Of course I would like to hear from women on here of their experience, I only know retarded college girls and my sister.

You aren't a girl but you get fucked like one

The men who want tattood masculine women are feminine.

It's also funny how women are mad for men preferring young women, which is a biological fact. Yet they spend all their cash on makeup, which is designed to make them look younger, skin products, which are designed to make them look younger and clothes which are designed to make them look younger.

Schopenhauer was fucking right.

I see these girls now with their rainbow hair and anime styles, damn ID fuck every one of them but never would I date them. This is why they will all be unhappy 30 year old single mothers.

>Women don't even use reddit that much because it's considered "underground"

do you even talk to people outside of Sup Forums?

Yeah. I did a net communications subject and in it we had to discuss reddit. My class was mostly women, none of them used it and said that, "reddit is for trolls".

there's no such thing as the alt right you stupid cunt. stop playing into their identity politics.

Show me dem titties shikse

>women are mad for men preferring young women

I can tell you right now those aren't the women that are buying makeup and trendy clothes.

Those are the women that are buying manic panic hair dye and buying t-shirts from the local head shop

Of course a fucking cum dumpster would believe there is an alt-right, fucking whores are only good to follow orders.

Whats the weather in Norway?


>tfw you're way more conservative than your bf
how do i redpill him. he even voted for hillary

Tits or get out is because no one cares here.

Sure there are girls here, I'm one of them and I've been coming off and on for 10 years. I mostly read, generally don't comment often, and if I do comment then the fact that I'm female does not matter because your gender doesn't matter in intelligent discussions.

Why are you dating an idiot instead of a red pilled alpha male.

Dress nice, be feminine, act like a lady and find yourself a real man.

Withhold secks and hot pockets.

I hate the term alt-right.

Shut the fuck up frog-eating cunt, pic related is what tits or gtfo is about

t. female person