What's the most racist state in US, so I can move there, I have duel citizenship
What's the most racist state in US, so I can move there, I have duel citizenship
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I don't know, but it has to be one of the states in the South.
Portland. It's 90% white and full hypocritical "muh diversity" liberals.
I'd say Kentucky or West Virginia.
The whites in places like Alabama and Mississippi are probably more racist than KY/WV, but those states are over a quarter (AL) and a third (MS) black, while Kentucky is about 90% white, and West Virginia 94% white.
The most racist states are usually the ones with the most niggers, OP. Having to live with them breeds the racism.
In a similar vein, Boston, MA is probably the most racist place in the country. Not only do you have "muh diversity" libs who don't actually like Blacks and Hispanics, you have actual racist Sullys everywhere.
Other than that, probably somewhere in southern Alabama or Arkansas.
That's what I thought. Honestly though I think I'd rather live near coloreds that are hated than some lib state full of whites that hate themselves and praise non whites.
I like what one Idahoan said (of course libtards disliked the shit out of it):
''Yes Idaho is a very racist state, it is homogeneous and free of crime. People can walk the streets at night and not have to worry about getting shot in a drive by shooting or stabbed by a black gang banger. A great place for white people to raise children. If you're not white please don't come here, we're doing just fine without you''
>I have duel citizenship
>duel citizenship
Alright faggot. I accept your challenge. Choose your second and name a time and place.
Additionally, in my experience Southern Blacks tend to be the most racist people in America.
They hate Whites, Asians, Indians, Hispanics, Africans, and, most of all, they hate other Black people. It really is amazing.
>West Virginia
This. It's also where you can find the highest concentration of poor whites. It's not a desirable place to move.
>duel citizenship
I chose Pikachu
You want some you leaf CUNT?
Duel citizenship? If you shoot an american, you get his citizenship, and if he shoots you, he gets yours?
fuck I blame Canadian education for this
Minnesota is 90% white and their Democrats aren't white-guilt faggots. Northern Minnesota is white and republican, but not necessarily racist. You can even move to Fargo, which is a big but Republican city.
so just move to chicago or detroit then?
New york.
The mountains of West Virgina. Literally people so racist there they would shoot a black person if they even saw them near their property.
Have you been there? You can live like a fucking KING in a nice little pocket of WV while driving to the beltway to earn your shekels. Also happens to be the most beautiful part of America east of the Mississippi river.
Another snownigger border-hopper hunting for a
Trump will put a stop to this!
>duel citizenship
I accept your challenge. Prepare to get raked.
Guys, what about Alaska? Do you have niggas in a there?
I visit there every summer, it's quite nice. I don't think I've ever seen a nigger and my parents let me walk around at night by myself when I was 12 without fear
I would boycott that restaurant solely on their abuse of apostrophes.
No. Just Inuits.
Keep your eyes off Alaska, Dimitri.
Sup Forumstard is on the move.
fuck off Nigel I was born American and moved here when I was 13
Considering you're a leaf and would like something close id say Indiana.
State has very active Aryan Nation and KKK groups and has very many sun down towns.
Home of Pence.
Non-Christians tend to get savagely beaten on a regular basis
Police literally dont serve non-whites unless they are serving them tickets/death sentences/jail time.
Whites that befriend blacks get slaughtered as if they were blacks.
Source: Atheist black guy that lived in Noblesville, IN
How i managed to survive living there for 7 years is beyond me.
It's a meme, don't go to Minnesota
It's literally Somalia
C'mon, i'm just gonna watch around.
I was actually born in Indiana had no idea it was so comfy
Not as racist as you think, actually.
You might find pockets here and there but people are largely just friendly and complacent. At least openly.
Northern Minnesota is comfy and has qt Scandinavian girls
...Oh, did you mean racist against BLACKS?
My professor said that he moved to California because Florida was "too white" and he didn't want to teach a "room full of white people."
I've researched this, and am moving to KY for this very reason. It's not just about racism though; my metric included racism, percentage of minorities, and general comfiness. See you there.
I agree that the majority of Alabama is not like the picture painted by most of the Northeastern Liberal elite. Southern hospitality is a real thing.
However, like you said, extreme pockets do exist.
New York City, St Louis, Baltimore, Atlanta. Basically any state that has an overpopulated city with too many nogs.
This should help you make a decision
New Hampshire, in particular the northern counties like Grafton.
I't funny how the south secretly wants to BLEACH every voodoo mama-jama around them.
I can attest that I probably apprise at least 50% of the pornhub "lesbian" searches in Alabama.
im still amazed at how bad a reputation Alabama and some southern states get for racism when a huge proportion of the population is black. Hell 1 out of every four people in the county are black.
It's real easy for latte liberals to talk smack about racism in the south but in reality, the most racist place I've ever been in my life was Boston Mass.
Not the city itself, but the surrounding areas like glenn Burnie? Sheeeeit yes
>blue state
Look at Minneapolis school policies that are among the most anti-white in the country! Minnesotans are outta their fucking minds! The fact MNs are mainly Scandinavian should indicate the cuck level.
Mississippi without a doubt.
If they close the MAX lines down again I will need reinforcements so I can get home
>What's the most racist state in US
But that's probably not what you're looking for.
I really want to check out Minnesota cause of that reason. I want a qt scandi