Is she going to make it four more years Sup Forums?
Is she going to make it four more years Sup Forums?
she'll be fine
No. They'll run her out soon since she's now compromised.
Oy Vey old age is annodah shoa!
she'll die from a brain aneurysm on inauguration day
Will based black man retired and live a long peaceful life in the rural south after Trump takes his oath of office?
unfortunately, she might
spite is a powerful force
Maybe she'll die with a pillow over her face and not be autopsied too.
The writhing mass of worms which occupy her decrepit body will be vomited up and take a new flesh host, as is Jewish tradition.
My digits say dead within the year.
Dont worry user, the based Wop smiles down upon us on this day of reckoning.
Trump could appoint 4 justices in his first term. That is just amazing.
>Trump will potentially appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices
gonna fall asleep again at the State of the Union address and not wake up
dead within 12 months. Trump is going to walk by her and his mere presents along will cause her to orgasm for first time in her life, which will lead to a stroke.
We're going to potassium chloride her the way Obongo potassium chlorided Scalia.
I was kind of hoping Bader-Ginsberg would have a heart attack when the election results came in, but now I think she'll probably be the first person to have their consciousness uploaded into a robot, just so she can see the destruction of the white race and western civilization.
Probably. Thank god get some young dudes on there
God I fucking hope not...
She's in a heap of shit with the other justices because of her recent little outbursts and stunts. I believe I read somewhere that she was considering retirement, and I certainly wouldn't miss her if she did. She's a despicable woman.
If we can meme Donald Trump into the most powerful office in the world, surely we can meme a 100 year old jew to death ;^)
Who's taking Scalia's spot? I'm hoping for Napolitano, but I doubt the jews will allow it...
Trump will be a two-term president. Bank on it. The economy will be a-BOOMIN! four years from now. Unlike Obama, Trump will actually be a very busy and active president. That energy, those accomplishments, and the booming economy guarantees a second term.
Within the next eight years, Trump will appoint three Supreme Court justices. He will immediately replace Antonin Scalia. Then, Ruth Bader will either retire or die. Shortly after, Stephen Breyer will also retire or die. At that point, of the nine justices there will be only two who are far left (Kagan, Sotomayor), one who is centrist (Kennedy), one who leans right (Roberts), two who are hard right (Thomas, Alito), and another three Trump appointees who will most assuredly fall somewhere between leaning right and hard right.
I think we just found our next meme target, gentlemen.
>Who's taking Scalia's spot?
Ted Cruz or Mike Lee. I won't be surprised to see both men on the Supreme Court sometime in the next four years.
Very good post, can't +1 this hard enough. Would lol again.
The only thing I wonder... does Sup Forums REALLY want a lopsided SCOTUS?
Despite the BS spouted off around here Sup Forums is millenial as fuck and fairly liberal in some of its opinions.
Think weed should be legal? A 7 to 2 SCOTUS would overwhelmingly rule states can not legalize in any fashion, medical or recreational. Say hello to massive DEA raides, hundreds of millions in investments lot, hundreds of millions in tax revenue gone, and potentially extreme fines levied against the states themselves.
Want a right for a state to peacefully secede? SCOTUS would come down so hard it very well might be treason to even suggest such a thing.
Porn? Prayer in school? It goes on and on. For everything Sup Forums does like, I highly doubt many around here want to live in the 1880's politically
Rato has his flaws, but I take anyone with an originalist position.
My mom sent me her autobiography while I was in rehab and I was bored enough to read it. She is very quietly smug.
you must be saying some fucked up shit
We can't let uncontrolled illegal immigration to continue.
We cannot allow noncitizens to vote.
We cannot allow millions of "Syrian" "refugees" to be settled on our soil.
We cannot allow so called sanctuary cities to go unchecked, and doubly so for places where Saudi money is building enormous mosques for the expected terrorists they want imported here.
We absolute must never tolerate hate speech laws to gain any ground, nor can we tolerate the constant push to take away our gun rights.
Republicans like money as much as anyone else, weed will be legalized simply because its lucrative.
A right leaning supreme court isn't bad for social order. Liberals are cancer that rots the fabric of society. They are not a counter thesis to conservatism.
Neither one of these guys is getting shit. Stop shilling this garbage.
Is it cruel to meme a stroke into existence? Can we?
Cruz is still young enough to run again in 2020 or 2024 and wouldnt want a spot that even if he retired, could present problems should decisions be made that arent popular in the general election.
Lee has said he likes the job he has. Right now the popular theory is that Trump is leaning toward Joan Larsen from Michigan to appease women and reward Michigan for flipping (and giving himself Michigan brownie points for 2020)
nothing wrong with trying.
let KeK sort it out
Not only do I want a lopsided SCOTUS, I want it lopsided and stacked with the most extreme right wing, Constitutionalist judges out there and I want every single one of them to be White.
>I highly doubt many around here want to live in the 1880s politically
The late 19th century was a pretty good time to be an American.