Now that we've taken the throne, how do we fix this tax dollar trash can?

Now that we've taken the throne, how do we fix this tax dollar trash can?

I say about 90% of all funds appropriated to NASA for climate change modeling and climate monitoring be redirected into annual manned lunar missions.

We end all NASA launches for private companies (an endeavor which costs a ton of money and kills the private sector), and force those companies to buy contracts from the private space industry.

Finally, we need to bite the bullet and give them funds to send rovers/drills to Europa, Titan, and Encyledus. We also should outline and being a manned return mission from Mars, to be completed by 2030.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw when climate change is a hoax by nasa
>tfw when climate research is fake and is used to secretly funnel money to black military research
>tfw nasa secretly has already sent rovers to europa, titan, and encyledus

btw are you newt gingrich????


What's the gain of annual manned lunar missions?

Practice makes perfect. We need to build teams of experienced astronauts, we need to get good at tackling and handling all unforeseen problems that occur in manned missions, and we need to develop cheap and reusable launch vehicles.

Trump's stated he want sto move Earth related programs to other agencies who would more appropriately study such things (NoAA for weather and climate research, for example)

NASA is to be set on deep space exploration and colonizing our solar system.

But for what purpose? If you only do it for the experience, it is just a waste of money and resources.

Technological development is good for the economy in the long-term. And space has exploitable resources (but that's far off).

A lot of technological progress has been sponsored by governments. Sometimes in secret. Especially for wars. The free market doesn't always deliver (not nearly as fast anyway).

NASA was a lot about transferring some technology and expertise from the military to the civilian sector. And then from the public sector to the private sector.

Space program is balloons
Look up Project Echo 1/2

Attached flat Earth proof
Go outside and measure for yourself

Scrap it. Space is a lie.


Or they could just come clean with why they've got so many Photoshoppers doctoring up the images they satellites are taking. Removing things and painting over them.

Like, stop hiding shit thats going on up there. Seriously.

The purpose of the civilian space program is disinformation about physics and what goes on up in space

NASA itself is not a trash can. The government has been failing to utilize it for anything truly meaningful because it is not politically useful; the bureaucracy has ruined the program, and NASA is begging for a mission. If the government said "you have 10 years to make a manned mission to Mars," NASA would say "We'll do it in 8." They're desperate for something good to do.

Get the government out of NASA. Allow SpaceX and other varied competitors to merge or become subsidiaries and then you have a good space program.


There is zero doubt the future of humanity is space. We have to conqueror it at some point. We can either start now and have a century lead on the rest of the world, or we can wait and have to space race China and Korea in 50 years.

>there are people who unironically believe the earth is flat

NASA should go back to its roots and focus on manned space flight, whether it's for space stations, lunar missions, treks to Mars and asteroids, and all points beyond.

Right now NASA is too cucked and bureaucratic to actually accomplish anything useful. There's a big reason why SpaceX is rapidly closing that gap and will be launching manned space flights soon.

SpaceX is essentially making the same kind of advances and progress that NASA was back in the 1960s, but doing so with a smaller team and budget.


Never A Straight Answer
Protip: They're here


>there are people that ignore photographic evidence and mathematic proof of a flat Earth

Baal whirled
They are gaming you goy

even if we get nowhere, successful space missions generate american pride and in the end are good for the economy/well-being of the country.

when we went to the moon in 1969, America was arguably at its finest point in history, both economically and socially.







b-b-but what about improving the self-esteem of Muslims?

Red countries
Red land
Red planet 2020

Make it happen AmeriRuss.

Can someone [spoiler]redpoll[/spoiler] on climate change. If it's a hoax, why do we trust these same scientists with anything? Vaccines, space travel, etc.
