EUROPE GENERAL - /eg/ - Memes afloat



Keep the memes flowing.

> FPÖ Victory at the Austrian Election (Austrian Presidential election 4th December 2016)
>Italian Referendum

> Remove Angela Merkel from German Government
>Increase support for AfD (Alternative for Germany)
>Increase support for Frauke Petry (AfD leader)
>Election in the Netherlands 17th March 2017


> Build SoMe presence
>Create educational material on setting up multiple accounts across social networks anonymously
>Follow and boost other Sup Forums accounts
>Get followers and increase reach


> Electorial System of Austria

> Electorial System of Germany

> Electorial System of France

> Electorial System of the Netherlands

>Fitna (Geert Wilders his movie about radical islam) (Part one) (Part two)

>Wilders about Trump victory

>Migrant Crisis in Europe

>Black Pigeon Speaks: Merkel's Migrant Crisis

>Putin on Migrant Crisis

Other urls found in this thread:




When will the sunday law come?
When will the adventists be hunted by the papal hordes?

Soon my friend, soon.

I grew up adventist.

What a blast from the past your post was haha.

Blessed Sabbath brah

We will rise again

Yeah man, I remember all the discussions my church had about whether Ellen White would approve of purchasing things on the Sabbath with a credit card because it isn't really paying for something yet.

It really felt like I was growing up in the 19th century the way the women acted, just with modern day technology.

We will. How is the referendum going?

What are some more direction actions our European comrades can take to MEGA?
Handing out pamphlet, speaking, making an uncucked news source?

Well it's something we should discuss. Luckily the first MEGA threads sparked the start of several other threads like the French Election thread, the Italian Referendum thread and the Make Holland Great Again thread. I'm not even sure if the MEGA threads are really needed at this point, but some frenchbro asked if we could host these daily and I didn't see one up yet.


>It ain't over till it's hofer

Not sure which one is the best choice, we're going to have a bad time if the No wins, we don't have good right wing parties we can afford to elect right now, however the Yes would grow the ego of our retarded President, and it would fuck up half of the costitution, so I guess we'll have to take our chances and vote No

god I love classic art.
fight for europe boys. Do it for the great men that came before you and for yourself, dont piss on your country and its history.

Would a blue hat with Make Europe Great Again text on it sell well?

It's great. After we've won we'll come for you Germany.

I guess

Not a fan. I ment one with with the maga hat style.

Yeah this one's the only one you can buy at the moment, not a fan either. the maga hat style could work, but maybe something original would be better.






Can we make these threads a daily thing lads?


The charge fight. Is not yet now. Done for victory.

I'm already starting a thread everyday, but most of them bleed dry after a few minutes


Splitting the thread into the focus groups it has now might've been for the best. The first few threads had so much infighting. It does make it all harder to manage though.

I'll do my best to contribute broeder.

Can we play with you?


>but most of them bleed dry after a few minutes
Because you post no solutions. There is no guided conclusions or arguments.

Of course these threads die.

Yeah that's true, but I like to get some general idea of the situations in other places without having to follow like twenty threads. Thought we could just keep each other up to date in /eg/

Thanks broeder!


/eg/ THEME

I'm just one guy with only a little spare time, as long as there is some form of discussion happening I''m happy. The previous /eg/ threads have been the reason why the italians and french started their own thread (Also because they refused to talk mainly english)

>Thought we could just keep each other up to date in /eg/
Then we might need some kind of place to check up and discuss that won't get bumped off the front page.

Yeah, any suggestions?




Oh shit, also. guys. Bulgaria has a big election soon. And the guy looking to win is based.


Guess who killed more white men in Europe?
Guess who will suffer from restoration of nationalism in Europe?

Both a forum and leddit ruin the anonymous nature of these things, though I think some forums allow for guest posting.
Whatever it would be would have to load quickly and be easy to navigate at a glance too, because I wouldn't feel like opening and dealing with a shit site just to rediscuss things in my specific thread.

IRC or Discord could be fine, though with the same anonymous problem, but getting people on that might be a pain.

Eastern "Based" people are commie holdovers




yeah that is annoying as fuck, but they are anti EU (to the extent that part of the platform is to begin reversing integration) and anti migrant (important considering they hold back the hordes)

So its a step

Let me remind you that they eventually failed back then.

Burgerlands got your back. we owe you.

Even though you were infested by mudslimes for centuries your still eurofags.

worked for 100 years and we didnt have the same kind of military superiority

>anti migrant (important considering they hold back the hordes)


That's sounds mega

(nice digits)

General Rumen Radev - may looks "leftish" ,but actually he scams the leftfags to get moar votes.
Many rightwing voters are on his side , he is anti-eu,anti-immigration, trump supporter.

trips. Radev will win.

Someone pls assassinate Poodeau



I think you cant understand how the first crusade was an extraordinary achievement at the time and how it shaped our world for the future........

Yeah, I can understand - Jerusalem in hands of Jews (not that I'm against them), Palestine - in hands of Muslims.


>mfw France refused to fight in Iraq


Trump's nationalist mercantilism, protectionism and isolationism (to a degree) would lead Europe to many years of suffering (not that Trump concerned - he cares only about USA and rightfully so)


Actually that was smart. While invasion was brilliant, occupation was a disaster.
And this is all you need to know about Crusades.


Problem number one

MEGA for Greatness

>league of nations


Thats a trade mark, you gonna get sued out of your pants.

Damn, MEGA sounds even better than MAGA!

>caring about some company's trademark

In Austria you can't even film someone face or car number without been sued to shit. Don't make me laugh, its evening here.

sehr gut! We need more like this.

Is there something like a social media action plan for the Austrian election?

I got a account already, could use my reddit account.

It would also be great if some austians could post relevant articles to shitpo... uhm comment on.