my prrrrreccious
My prrrrreccious
Why do people hate her but still watch her videos
Do poltards like being triggers as much as those feminaziSjwTransKek ?
I've jerked off to this video twice. Her tears are fueling my hateboner.
I wouldn't listen to her talk, but I would probably bang her, not like the crackwhore I just sent away.
God I want to berry my dic in her
I don't why I want to fuck her so badly.
I want her to crush my skull with her thighs, to sit on my face and fucking crush it.
Insane roast beef chubbo.
Does she still use garlic tampons?
she has good body aesthetics that's why
You feel like she can take your pound so you want it badly to happen
I would make her gag with my balls
I want to comfort her in the best way possible, if you know what I mean.
>Why do people hate her but still watch her videos
Gee, I don't know.
She looks like the kind of whore who would fuck with the enemy right ?
Slutty lil treatrous
is like watching a trainwreck, it's horrible but you just can't stop looking at the carnage
Isn't this the cunt that tries to downplay herpes or other STDs because she's a walking cum dumpster and infected herself?
Looks like Riley Reid with tits.
So you are prepared to kill Trump because nothing would please the crazy bitch more?
Her porn vids are OK u tube stuff sucks though.
There's porn?
cannot unsee
frog knows what he's talking about
Happy she is freaking out.
enh, just google evangelion porn or something, it's all the same. It's untranslated, and the other pages really aren't even that great.
>attention white is currently emotional
Get going lads, this is your best chance of getting nudes.
rip, thanks anyway.
um, who is she?
Just another SJW warrior, nothing special about her fucked up personality.
Her body though, that's a different conversation.
a looney
or if you do, fuck her then get out fast
tit cow
Because she's in a lot of ways very typical American princess;
Fat (but not too fat to be a turn off)
Unstable women are attractive for reasons
Cute, even under those stupid glasses and bad hair
Kinda funny watching her flounder
Also fun to laugh at her
Learn the enemy by observation
Easier on the eyes than Anita-AKUBAR!
What's the name of this titty monster pecker wrecker? I'm doing research, you see.
Lacy Green
She's a wretched cum dumpster.
>tfw sex negative
Do i need to watch more of her educational videos?
Would you happen to know if there is an actual English translation of that doujinshi?
You don't watch her videos. You fap on them, lad.
care to elaborate?
You had me at "cum dumpster."
not that I found, just joke ones I made myself.
It's too bad we did not save some of her more stupid videos before she had to delete them.
Surprised no one has tried going to get a piece of her, using the excuse of the election protests and all
Would be doing Sup Forums as a whole fucking her