What did Occupy Democrats mean with this?
What did Occupy Democrats mean with this?
If leftists didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards.
Trump isn't president yet
we're total statist cucks when it serves our leftist agenda
and we're funded by the same corrupt interests as the DNC
dont bother trying to use reason to defeat a leftist
they are emotional and hysterical precisely because they lack emotional control
and thus it is emotional control that can destroy them
It's liberal hypocrisy. Nothing new here.
>shut it down
How is a society with nearly all information ever recorded in human history available at our fingertips so damn ignorant?
>no unity
They're still implying that this wasn't their agenda all along, but at least they're coming out and saying it openly now
Impact Bold
the font of meme desperation
Liberalism is a mental disorder user.
They're hypocrites and make shit up every time just to blame everything on anyone else, nothing new
>dose of their own medicine
Funny how, before the election, Trump supporters were told Hillary was going to win and to just accept the outcome. Funny how Hill supporters can't seem to take their own advice once Trump won.
When you try to quit smoking, the best thing to do is to put a ready-made cigarette in plain sight of you all day. That way you can always say "Well, I could smoke this anytime, but I won't right now" - and so do not get the anxiety attacks associated with addicts who are left completely without their poison of choice, but rather have the comfort of its ready availability to calm their nerves.
With knowledge, it's a bit like that. By telling people they are educated, intellectual and progressive (as is usually the case with leftists in their hugboxes) they eventually get the impression that they actually are, and the ready availability of information means that they constantly know they can look things up anytime to seem smart - therefore never actually doing so unless directly challenged.
Add in peer pressure and the usual high-anxiety personality of most liberals and you get a toxic mob of mutual indoctrination that results in mass idiocy.
And here I thought we were Stronger Togetherâ„¢.
Kek, this
why are you posting this instead of on some liberal hugbox?
>majority republican congress
good luck faggot
The entirety of Occupy Demofags fans, have a collective IQ of about 74. They are literally retarded. They take whatever that shitstain of a facebook page throws at them as being 100% accurate and true.
I saw a post they made about blaming republicans for blocking obama for 8 years and that's the reason why he wasn't the greatest thing ever. It's a kind of throw mud attitude that leads to nothing being done.
Besides that they are a hate group, openly opressive.
That they're hypocrites that only care about their own party and interests.
People are starting to wake up, only the SJWs that are in too deep still believe this is right.
Kek, they're not even hiding their sedition anymore. Soon we'll be rid of these traitors for good.
>People are starting to wake up, only the SJWs that are in too deep still believe this is right.
This. At least half of the voters in the last election are sick and tired of their bullshit. The best part is that they don't vote during midterms, so the Republican control in Congress can be further cemented.
The FBI needs to investigate these guys for sedition.
>shut it down
shit's writes itself