The professor who predicted that Trump will win also predicted that he will be impeached due to Congress not being able to control him. They would rather have a simple minded and easily controllable pence.
What do we do about this?
The professor who predicted that Trump will win also predicted that he will be impeached due to Congress not being able to control him. They would rather have a simple minded and easily controllable pence.
What do we do about this?
He will make a deal. He's made deals with politicians before.
And be replaced by Mike "Shock the cock out your mouth" Pence?
I dont think so
Since Clinton, every president is threatened with impeachment by wackjob losers who don't know anything about law.
I'm sure someone will try to impeach trump for free popularity. It won't work though. The way impeachment operates in America makes it almost impossible to actually do.
>ever getting impeached again
if obama couldnt get impeached for all the dozens of laws he broke, no way trump will ever be touched.
Why not? That's exactly what the GOP wants
Same people who predicted he would lose predict impeachment. Fucking kek
Rush Limbaugh has also made the prediction that Trump will be impeached because he obviously will.
Paul Ryan is one fucking treacherous fuck.
Trump will survive though.
into the trash
K. Post again when you are of age.
this guy predicted Trump would win apparently
cowardly republicans didn't impeach Obama because they didn't want to be seen as racists.
they will happily impeach Trump though when he starts crossing their big corporate donors.
To be unelectable for 50 years?
Yeah right.
I really hope Trump goes through with those term limits. The biggest part of the swamp still needs to be drained
If I was president I'd order my intelligence agencies to detain fucks like this for dividing the country.
>(((The Washington Post)))
Tell me goyim, why do you read (((their))) articles?
He had a model for predicting a Trump win. He doesn't have a model for predicting an impeachment.
That's the huge difference.
Tl;dr this guy just has a shitty opinion vs his actual model based on facts
the great war is only just beginning. kek carried us all the way but now it's time for us to take charge.
The problem here is the Trump landslide
They can't do it without all of them being replaced
The funny part about this is that either way, they're out
The new term limits or getting voted out
Their 40 predicted years as congressmen are no more
"Trump's candidacy is over" says increasingly nervous liberal for the hundredth time.
>Washington Post
I guarantee OP is on Jeff Bezos' payroll as well.
This is a liberal tears thread now.
reminder that impeachment is not the same as removal from office
>The new term limits or getting voted out
>Their 40 predicted years as congressmen are no more
Mitch already said no term limit bills will pass the senate. They will never vote on it
What will Trump do? Congress will just strip him of all executive power till he is a puppet.
Trump is not King. The GOP and congress are in control and he will bend the knee
these people are fighting for relevance so hard.
You don't really need a model to predict that people are going to try and get rid of him, family. The question is whether or not they really are capable of doing it.
What an idiot. A presidential campaign is structured; it's like an NBA bracket in that one of the 'teams' will definitely win. The real world isn't like that at all and you can't make a sensible prediction like this two days after the man was elected.
remember when they were so moronic to turn against and actually plot against trump when he was sweeping the primaries? Remember they plotted against him while he was running for president. GOP is useless. This will be the last election they win. Dems are going to push back hard in 4 years and go full fash against us because of us humans and white people getting trump elected. They will come after us
I know that. But the idea here is that because his model predicted a Trump win, he can also predict a Trump impeachment, which is silly.
Anyways. With majority Republican houses, he's likely to not be impeached.
2016 will be the last cries of lies from the media
mark my shekels.
>GOP is useless.
The GOP incumbents often outperformed Trump. They don't need him they won without him.
They will gut medicare and replace it with vouchers while privatizing social security
Good. The fact that republicans hate him that much is one reason I voted for him.
They won't impeach Trump just like they didn't dump Trump as the GOP nominee
You can't impeach him for not being controllable.
Yeah, I have said for months that if he wins, he will be impeached. Pense will replace him, no better in my book, but at least somewhat sane and wont further destabilize the world
i predicted his win too
can i be a professor now?
and it is exactly because Pense aligns way more with mainstream GOP than trump does that he will be impeached.
I voted trump and am a Trump supporter. Just wondering what the possibility is of Congress giving him the boot because they realize he can't be controlled like they want and putting pence in the seat since they can control him.
wouldn't that rile up a LOT of people though?
Are you a Marxist? If so, you in!
Did this professor factor in the "impeach me, and le gay conversion therapy man takes over" contingency plan?
The government is the enemy.
Much easier to control Trump in office. Imagine if Hillary and all her corruption had taken power. How would you ever remove them? She would become so entrenched that there would be no stopping it. At least Trump has a high chance of getting impeached. Much easier to manage.
Law school fag here. Impeachment only means that you assert that someone lied under oath. Trump would need to give testimony under oath that was subsequently proved false to be impeached. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath about Monica Lewinsky.
>implying he will be able to be impeached
do you really think small government conservatism is closer to reality after having healthcare completely socialized and a fucking clinton appoints 2 supreme court justices?
what does that answer tell you.
Pretty good
Pence is absolutely based and no where near as crazy as some Trump policies are
that's not what impeachment means you fucking idiot. Impeachment means you charge an official with a crime.
Where are you studying, fucking Whittier??
congress asserts that the president has committed a crime and votes to impeach, or try him for it
it can be for any crime, not just perjury
im so mad at how stupid you are
>without committing an felonies
How is he a professor exactly?
You cant get impeached unless you break the law
What the fuck is wrong with libs?
You have to consider that if the Republicans in Congress go against Trump they're not getting reelected, and the Democrats in Congress don't want Pence to be President.
Trump is safe.
>Guy wins at what is essentially a 50/50 guess
why does that matter? there's literally no reason to suggest trump will be impeached right now.
You cant just "impeach" a President because you "dont like him" or because of "muh racism"
Do you shitlibs understand that you are magnzamized and Trump's goals and policies are BUILT IN to the Republican national platform now?
You liberals have nothing other than soros scumbag rioters and the disgraced media. Enjoy
He's predicted every election since 1984
That's fucking PERJURY you sack of shit
it doesn't
Whatever sings ya to sleep a night princess.
The battle is won but the war rages on
“I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can,” Maloney wrote about Trump’s supporters.
rev up those socks
You know what to do faggots
I hope grubhub isn't DDoSed into the stone age
lets push back on the dems even harder then
You mean like how Bush was impeached?
Or Obama was impeached?
Is this the first election you've paid attention to or do you just have the memory of a goldfish?This is how elections go in the US.
>Call winner Hitler
>Insist electorates will sort it out
>They don't
>W-well he could still be impeached!
>Spend next 8 years with ass-mad bumper stickers on your car
This is just all how America reacts to presidents. The exact same shit would have happened for Hillary.
I get the impression it's almost impossible to impeach a president... am I right?
Also, given the Senate and House is Republican, why would they impeach him?
>he will be impeached due to Congress not being able to control him
this is not grounds for impeachment.
especially not when Trump is the reason why Congress is majority GOP.
The worrying is on the wall.
Caesar returns to Rome.
Et tu Brutus?
The senators surround him with knives drawn.
You can kind of see it in his face after meeting with Obama. Being a CEO isn't like being a ruler. Rulers are under constant threat of death. He needs to build good will and alliances.
Sup Forums's baby brigade won't help but hurt him. You elected him, but that's the end of your political relevance. He's alone in the wolves' den now.
no, his MODEL predicted every election.
what model predicts the impeachment? oh? there isn't one? it's just his own shitty opinion that somehow now has merit because he wrote a good model for predicting something completely unrelated?
>I get the impression it's almost impossible to impeach a president
No, it's just that it's usually not politically all that useful
>why would they impeach him?
Trump is an outsider who they can't control
The GOP is a flatout enemy of Trump, they're not on his side in the slightest
Lol. Pence is running the show. Trump is filling the cabinet with people like Rudi and Newt. This is the GOP, darling.
Senate and House are both republican, thanks to Trump.
Soon the Supreme Court will be Republican too.
That means all 3 major elements of state, executive, legislative and judicial, are republican.
You lose.
AmeriBros fucking explain how a President can be impeached???????????????????
Tell me, trump supporters.
Let's leave impeachment aside. Let's say Trump dies in the office.
How do you feel about President Pence? Do you respect him as much? Do you think he will do as well as Trump, or even better?
Main thing to note is that Trump is a great campaigner but has no political experience
while Pence has been a elected office for almost 20 years
do you not have google in your country?
>implying Trump won't start campaigning again to get his shit passed
>implying he won't go straight to the voting public with this
>implying he won't samson option the entire GOP
Nigger, hes been playing 1488D underwater hopscotch and these faggots are playing checkers. They don't play ball, the party dies.
>gut feeling
Republicans are going to betray their base just because they don't like him and lose 2018/2020
we sure do, but making a google search would be too scientific and academic, I wanna hear an explanation in a Sup Forums-ified format, and that means it have passed through the brain of a Sup Forums-er who explain it to me in a Sup Forums-way, and im lazy as fuck
This nigga thinks they're talking about impeachment in the sense that you openly catch a witness lying on the stand and use their affidavit/deposition to call them out.
Bruh, I'm only a 1L and already know the difference.
Make your phone's edge handle transparent OP that looks like it's annoying as fuck
>a republican house and senate will decide to impeach the guy who gave them everything that they havent achieved in 80 years
get real ctr
get a fucking life
You would think these imbeciles would quit with their predictions after being shown 100% full of shit
Well, first the jews have to trick you into doing something that doesn't seem illegal, but actually is. Then the jews have to blackmail you to get what they want. Then when the jews are done they leak it all to the public and then charges are brought against you. Then those same jews throw the book at you because youre just a goy.
b-but NATE SILVER SAID IT! glory be to him! he predicted once an election so hes obviously modern day nostradomus
got it haha
Trump University alone will get him impeached, sorry Drumpftards.
>didn't ever try to impeach Obama for funding ISIS, domestic & international spying or any of that shit
>thinking they'll have the stones to impeach Trump for hurting fee-fees after he forced Washington career politician rats to kiss his golden TRUMP ring
lmao these people """""""""""""""predicted""""""""""""""" a shillary win
this, not only did he win and flip states that haven't been flipped in decades, they also have a majority in the House and Senate and can turn the Supreme Court to the right again. This election was a complete Trump victory and a colossal loss for the Democrats, Hillary will go into history as a fucking joke that managed to lose to an Australian-tier shittalker, despite playing the woman card and having the media and the entire establishment on her side
>due to Congress not being able to control him
Congress controls every President, what does he think that he'll pas legislation by himself or something?
These are the kind of idiots we have in academia. "Sure you helped us win one of our greatest victories ever, b-but Trump University sorry"
This honestly would be the most impactful thing for him to do. If this happens, Trump could piss on a baby and I wouldn't mind.
Democrats are just losing support right now by being whiny little bitches complaining about Trump's legitimate election.
I bet this same cucked professor also said Trump had no chance of winning.
Next shill thread please.
He will be impeached as president and coronated as God-Emperor Supreme of the American Kingdom
Pence will take the reigns of the country proper
THIS. Pence is Trump's dead man switch.
>implying its the GOP who wants to take Trump down and not libs
"If you put enough monkeys on typewriters, one of the monkeys will write the Iliad in ancient Greek. But would you bet any money that he's going to write the Odyssey next?" based taleb
bask in their sweet and salty tears
Thinking we believe this
This and Republicans have CLEARLY stated they want to WORK WITH Trump.
They are on board the Trump train now at this point.