You monsters, how could you vote for Trump when Pence is so anti-LGBTQ?
You monsters, how could you vote for Trump when Pence is so anti-LGBTQ?
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Out of the three steps of tolerance, acceptance, and endorsement, I think it's pretty fucking outrageous that fags expect the world to skip right to step 3 in regards to their lifestyle choice.
Pence is based and gays will have to deal with it.
Because Pence ensures nothing will ever happen to Donald Trump.
Fuck gays. Women dont even care about gays, they pretend to fall in line.
Study shows 67 percent of faggot slur is used by women in general.
Homophobes are the majority sadly.
Because faggots do nothing for the white race. Gas yourself.
I'm gay and I voted for Trump. Next time don't rig the primary and stab our candidate in the back.
And also don't support letting in people that want to toss people like me off buildings.
But what about lesbians?
kys faggot.
Fuck off you faggot.
Lesbians are based.
Lesbians are based asf
Lesbians are the majority of SJW feminists, you fucktards.
No fuck them. Theyre most mentally ill of them all.
Pence exists so nothing bad will happen to Trump.
4D chess
>I think it's pretty fucking outrageous that fags expect the world to skip right to step 3 in regards to their lifestyle choice.
I dont see anyone hate you or pass any laws against you for your sexuality
Wow you fucking bigot OP you didn't include my special snowflake letter you fucking ass hole.
but I'm a lesbian and I'm not a SJW or a feminist
Harm the God emperor in anyway and e will become the dreaded hydra!
Literally a meme started by bitter straight men that are jelly of lesbians
'Majority' is an important word in that sentence.
I'm not mentally ill at all, I'd just like to be able to continue to date my gf peacefully and undisturbed if that's okay with you
Purest form of love!
Nice meme.
im Alt Right Im not allowed to think for myself. also I think were supposed to hate all women even lesbians.
maybe cause the sjw are just a minority?
What are you talking about? Pence loves barbecues!
I can tell you, as a lesbian, that it is not true at all
For the most part, sexuality has no affect on your political opinions
case in point
I don't like them slipping the "Q" in at the end now.
Because we aren't mentally ill.
You mean Mike "Have a Zap if you Fap to Traps" Pence?
I always wonder why they included the trannies. I mean, I can understand that people like to bang their own sex, that's just preference. But it's a completely different thing to be actually convinced that you're not what you actually are. It's a mental illness and the best thing is to help them get better. Not validate their delusions over and over again.
It's just in a completely different league than sexual preference.
Questioning or queer is just a catch all they threw in at the end so they don't have to add in anything else
That's because it's normal, friendo.
Keked and checked.
Would Pence defend Trump with his life?
Extensive studies and research by prominent doctors shows that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is to transition, though
First you should get extensive therapy and try everything else, but at the end of the day the success rates for transitioning are enormous compared to people who don't
What will anzu think of this, pol? Will you also vilify her for being trans?
i totaly agree
What if that was his plan all along? Throw a bone to the traditionalist wing of the Republican Party and ensure that if he gets capped, then the liberals pay for it.
They all an hero anyway so I don't understand why they would waste so much time and money.
>he doesn't check post IDs
The SJW aren't a political opinion, they are a cult in every sense of the word.
get back to me when there's actual proof accepted by the medical boards of 3 first world nations that people are born gay and/or develop into a biological state of being gay during or post puberty.
Until then, it's a lifestyle choice undeserving of respect, support, or rights much in the same manner that gender and racial equality merits.
Trump will win the best of me and I can only imagine what lies ahead and I have chosen to try a different kind of passion I suppose that's the importance of a good one too much for money just to keep playing with your chest in my hands as I can do that at the Schwab or at least apologized for the first time in a while.
Lesbs are useless. They are kinda sugar made of shit.
if I did her and she used her unwind ability to go back, would it still count?
>You monsters, how could you vote for Trump when Pence is so anti-LGBTQ?
>I'm anti-LGBTQ
Who is this semen demon?
Because I am anti-LGBTQ
Same reason any doctor would try to save a person's life even if they'll most likely end up braindead as well; because the job pays.
They an hero because people sexually abuse them, are violent towards them, get kicked out of their houses, etc
There is a higher rate for all of these things if they transition, but at the same time transitioning is the best form of treatment for gender dysphoria. It would be like if you have a mental illness like schizophrenia and you take pills for it and people rape you, beat you up, or your parents kick you out of the house for it.
>on Sup Forums
>"How can you vote for the anti fag vp"
You're on Sup Forums you stupid faggot. Reddit is that way. Please take pic related as a take away as to what Sup Forums thinks of you deranged freaks
That looks more like a LGBQT to me.
They don't want to import millions of Muslims who are a far bigger threat to fags than Trump or Pence ever could be.
Quality digits
Because gays are not a virtue for any society. Sick, alternative lifestyles only destabilize and demoralize virtuous societies. This is a godsend so that we as a people can return to social darwinism. Its a chance to undo some if not all of the cultural marxism brought on by the left, and remove sick degenerate crap from the public's consciousness, and return their attitudes towards things like homosexuality to normal; the way it was for centuries. People shouldn't even think about this stuff on a day to day basis. Homosexuality is something that someone finds out about, says wtf thats weird, and then never thinks about it again. This Weimar republic has put it in the spotlight, and it has corrupted the youth, by tricking them into thinking it bears importance.
Its time for a cleanse. And by god it's coming, boy.
There is nothing gay about fapping to traps.
Kill yourselfs you fag enablers.
Actually, there is
Abortion law deprives straight men of their right to their children
Divorce law punishes straight men
Obamacare forces straight men to pay the offset for high risk gays to have insurance
Repressed homosexualty.
Fuck off.
Pence won't do shit. He's just a life insurance.
its LGBTQAIXYZ2 now you bigot fuck
I'm a pedophile so I have to worry about real persecution, I don't care about whatever bullshit the queers are whining about these days.
What the god damn fuck does Q stand for? How does that phrase get longer every time I see it? And how the fuck can someone be bi-sexual if there are 2000 sexes? Does that mean that bisexuals are gender bigots?
Why haven't you left the country yet, Lena Dunham?
Most actual lesbians don't look like that you fucktard. Probably heteros just mucking around due to degenerate queer culture being promoted as mainstream.
I means queer.
I don't understand any of it.
It can't be repressed homosexuality if it isn't gay though. If anything it is gay not to.
I'm an oppressed minority bisexual. I voted for Trump because of the Orlando Club massacre. You may not value the life of Queers, but I do. You selfish hypocrite.
>how could you vote for Trump when Pence is so anti-LGBTQ
Pence is Trump's bullet-proof vest.
Nobody is going to kill him, because Pence is the one who's actually literally Hitler.
>when Pence is so anti-LGBTQ
shifting the goal posts
guess you found out Trump wasn't a homophobe
Stop listening to those who lied to you, OP
"It isn't gay if I jerk off to dicks"
Yeah. Fuck off.
Only like 5 percent of lesbians are actually attractive though. Most are butch man-dykes like Richard Maadow.
I feel like you aren't listening. I'm not jerking off to a dick. I'm jerking off to a chick with a dick. Not gay.
I hate faggots. They need to unironically be put in mentally disabled camps.
You don't even need 2d chess to figure that one out
>chicks with dicks
Biologically impossible.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Being heteronormative is by definition "homophobic" you brainwashed moron. Are you telling me that you think sticking your cock up another man's shitpipe to not be repulsive do you? You are MEANT to have an instinct to be repulsed by intimacy with the same sex to ensure a proper reproductive drive.
Calling another man a faggot is also healthy if he is being too weak and pathetic to be successful with women. Many poofters become so because they couldn't get laid with a woman in the first place.
except you are you degenerate.
Why do you hate them besides memes?
>ensures nothing will ever happen
or else
that whore anzu is going to die in the war soon
Source please?!
mental illness
Well, I don't agree with that assessment of transgenderism, but at the same time it's still kind of weird that transgenders are in the LGBT movement.
There's probably a bunch of reasons. First off, it's simple: It's a gender issue, and so it's closely related to the language the faggots were already speaking. Probably a lot of early transgenders were already active in the gay community.
But there's one other important thing: Visibility. Gays will always be only 5% of the population. That's a hard limit to the sort of involvement you can have, so communities like the LGBT one are always looking to expand their influence. I also experienced this with a feminist speak in my first year of university. She was an obvious radfem. The haircut, the outfit, everything. And radfems traditionally hate the gays (because most loud gays are men) and they traditionally hate trannies (because they see it exactly the same way Sup Forums does). But in order to inflate the importance of feminism she suddenly judged the gay and tranny "revolutions" to be part of the same social movement: Feminism.
did someone have a wet shitty fart in her face?
You like naked women x 2.
I don't care about LGBTBBQ
Woes even admits he brainwashed himself into it. Those who say it can't be a choice due to degenerate culture are 100% wrong:
Go away CTR layoff before you invoke divine holocaust, we won and this world is ours now.
I don't judge you for liking traps.
I judge you for being a repressed homosexual who isn't comfortable with his own sexuality.
if trump is assasinated then all the things the (((media))) said about him will be true. it's the ultimate play; trump essentially is a lich.
Dude you are gay. Or bi. Just accept it.