Who did our /aryan princess/ vote for?
Lots of people are saying her own silence during the election was a tacit endorsement of the silent majority
Who did our /aryan princess/ vote for?
Lots of people are saying her own silence during the election was a tacit endorsement of the silent majority
"lots of people" = le Sup Forums
You know who she voted for OP
/ourgirl/ voted for /ourguy/
Nice ass.
>points to the right on her picture
>Republicans are considered right-wing
She is not making a scandal on Twitter like that bitch Katy Perry
>Liberty is a duty
Honestly doesn't matter. She had the humility to not act like her opinion is more important just because she's a celebrity.
By letting people decide for themselves instead of smugly talking down to voters, she's GOAT.
What do you think she tastes like?
probably one of the two independents, maaaaybe Trump but I doubt it.
This desu. You don't have to be Nostradamus to see it. It couldn't be more obvious even if she went and got a 1488 tattoo. She's silently trying to subvert Hollywood for us. Based TayTay is unironically bae.
Legit I homestly believed she voted Trump
Remember her liking that King of Leon's Album Walls. She said something. " I need this in my life". Taytay has browse around here. If we could get her to give us a sign that woild be great
Like what a strawberry scented perfume smells like
She dates a fucking nigger
Enough memeing swift is shit
she is a coalburner, fuck off with this whore
even worse, he's a niggerjew.
can you not check the party she's registered with?
someone did for Lena Dunham and turns out she wasn't registered for either party. All that shilling and didn't even vote
She's a white woman, so she probably voted Trump.
Quit posting this flat assed coal burner and go back to Sup Forums cuck
This is statistically true
Kanye's dick
>flat assed
Obeast detected.
this x77777777
Is that a flavor you are intimately familiar with?
5 gum
Im skeptical
She's called a feminist due to her closest friends, but she hasn't expressed outrage. However, she runs the risk of losing her hold on music if she says anything for either candidate...
Id love to know, but completely understand her silence.
Why is she best friends with Len Dunham? I honestly don't understand it. She should be able to find better friends. She probably voted for Clinton. Remember she was born and grew up in Philly. She's not Southern.
it'd be like second hand kissing karlie kloss, so kale shakes and vegan cookies or some shit
oh gee I trust this so much
Shes a nigger lover. I wonder?
She's a ex Country music star. Of course she still feels some bonds to her fanbase. The people who have been left behind by America by Global Capitalism
She looks like a blonde version of my girlfriend
Cruz said his daughters wanted her to sing at his inauguration, so perhaps shes a tea party girl. If so, probably voted for Jill Stein or Mcmuffin.
Drake is the most caucasian nigga on earth.
No. She grew up in Berks County which is more conservative especially outside Reading.
Reading PA != Philly
Tay Tay -- lovers with --> Karlie Kloss
Karlie Kloss --- dating ---> Joshua Kushner
Joshua Kushner ---- Brother of ---> Jared Kushner
Jared Kushner --- married to ---> Ivanka Trump
>Caucasian nigga
Oy vey
her dating a nigger is a meme, you fucking nigger
She's showing that outfit for a reason you tards.
>She is not making a scandal on Twitter like that bitch Katy Perry
Taylor absolutely hates Katy Perry. If your worst enemy is endorsing a candidate, it'll be obvious to endorse the other candidate. Also her parents are in the financial sector(so they know their family will benefit from a Republican presidency) and her BFF Karlie is dating Ivanka's Brother-in-law.
This is the most apologetic statement I've read all day.
So you guys are fucked, like really fucked when the older white population dies out.
>Reading PA != Philly
Thank God for that
All those larpers, who claim she chose trump...
We all know, that she chose a German wrote in candidate.