Trump picks Anti-LGBT group for Domestic Policy

"Republican president-elect Donald Trump has picked a member of an officially-designated religious right “hate group” to run domestic policy for his presidential transition.

Ken Blackwell, the former secretary of state of Ohio, and current senior fellow at the officially-designated anti-LGBT “hate group” Family Research Council, will be in charge of coming up with Trump’s “First 100 Days” of domestic policy."

What was that about being LGBT-friendly? Hope you like conversion therapy, fags.

This is gonna b gud


Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

>The Family Research Council is so anti-gay and so anti-transgender that it several years ago ago earned the title of “hate group” from the (((Southern Poverty Law Center))).

>The FRC promotes traditional family values, by advocating and lobbying for socially conservative policies. It opposes and lobbies against LGBT rights (such as same-sex marriage, same-sex civil unions, and LGBT adoption), abortion, divorce, embryonic stem-cell research and pornography.
Are you happy for your new life free of degeneracy, America?

Right, the Southern Poverty Law Center. The guys that designated a single man posting on his blog about planned parenthood from Florida an official hate group.

He will also make Pepe health secretary. Problem?



The SPLC are so discredited that the FBI dumped them as advisors years ago.

FFS, they designated the IRON CROSS a hate symbol. They designated numbers 11 to 16 hate sumbols. They are absolute fucking morons who designate anything that isn't jewish a hate symbol.

Under Trump. the SPLC will be designated a hate group and we can all laugh at them.

In this hour, I am euphoric.

>get policies
>find - homo
>replace - illegals

there we go, a way to round up illegals without violating citizen rights

I hope this shit trickles-down south of the wall

Good. Faggots are cancer.

Yes. America is being made great again.

One good thing if we survive four years of Trump

It will teach faggots that being ironically conservative is all fun and games until they bring the electroshock machines out.

The Iron Cross is a hate symbol.

Fucking hell, why are they getting so much focus? Does their sexual preference have any political relevance at all?

The answer is no.

guys im a trap and i voted for trump and have been on the train since it started

all of these threads are really scaring me though.. they're not actually going to fuck us over right? these people have to be deranged right?

Get some men's jeans and start working out, faggot. Maybe, just maybe you'll be allowed to stay.

I mean you just won't be able to ever do it in most public places unless you want your shit kicked in.


You dumbfuck millennials are about to get a lesson in who your real enemies are, and it ain't the SJWs.

The real Christian conservatives want you all gassed.

Also, fuck you, tranny.

I am fine with that. Obama and his supreme court picks helped to force gay marriage on America.... time for payback.

To all the faggots out there... you do not control the world and your lifestyle is and will forever be resisted by normal people.

Don't like American now because Trump is not going to light up the white house with the colors of the fag flag? No one is going to stop you from leaving.

You thought everyone was being ironic right? Think again. And be careful what you wish for next time.

Gays can already legally marry. The LGBT group is trying to expand into LGTBQWERYABCDZF and its support for all these retarded new "genders". Also the push to normalize trangender children is sickening.

this is what they get for forcing our pizza shops to cater their ""weddings""

The iron cross is a centuries old symbol of Germany. It literally represents the cross. The cross of Jesus Christ.

Fuck off Schlomo.

What is the problem with gay marriage?

Except it's not.

FFS the German military STILL USES IT.

c-come on guys i volunteered for trump in michigan

we're on the same team

You're next.

There were fags who helped Hitler's rise to power too.

It didn't matter, they got gassed all the same.

And people wonder why we're protesting...........

Good fags are an abomination


Gays aren't going to be allowed to marry any more.

They'll be lucky to be allowed to live.

This is what you memed into being Sup Forums.

They're going to ban dildos, porn and anime, regulate the internet, and make sure the only sex you ever have will be in the approved missionary position with your wedded wife.

Now fucking choke on it.

Then take this advice from a team mate: Get in the closet, or get out of town!

it's a price you have to pay. no human is allowed to be happy on this planet. haven't you noticed?

>Hate X

Lmao. Jewish word games are failing.

He's justifying the fags protesting him

of course not CTr

BTW Pence is no fucking hitler, he literally just defended property rights and people's right to choose.

>Say people should not be forced to cater to ceremonies that go against their beliefes, literally property rights

>Say government shouldn't make it illegal for gays who dislike it to try to change it, in a country where people can literally have surgeries to look like dragons and cats

libertarians should support both positions since they both come from voluntary association and property rights, but "libertarians" these days are a bunch of Larpers who haven't even read Hoppe or Hayek or Rothbard or Mises


get the faggots out or zap the gay away



>CNN isn't yelling about Trump wanting to literally kill all LGBT
>check the article date
>11/10/16 7:47pm
Oh wow it's literally fucking nothing

SPLC is a bunch of histrionic kikes who see the 6 million around every lampost

So leftists think simply calling something a """hate group""" actually makes it a hate group? Nobody cares about anything they say anymore. The cucks who cry hate.

hm okay i agree with all of this

so its just liberal hysteria then?

In short, good. The only thing worse than a man fucking another man is creepy little rejects jerking off to cartoon porn. Fucking freaks

It is left to the states, not to judges who think they're gods among men

HAHAHA gays are so quick to assume we won't take the bat to your faces

can you faggots stfu

nobody is gonna take gay marriage away

Well done. You just committed sudoku by electing the Christian Right.

You thought the SJWs and liberals like me were over-reacting?


They want you dead.

Fuck, this den of filth at Sup Forums will be one of the first things to go.

fuck off concern troll

Just go back in the closet and you'll be fine

you can protest all you like, won't make a bit of difference. enjoy the next 4 years

I agree with that ideology, but only if it can apply to anything. Like if a place doesn't want to serve you because you are goth, they should.

It was rendered unconstitutional, it should be up to the federal government to uphold the Constitution.

post rare pences

All of this is leftist scare tactics attempting to incite hatred against the man before he has even been able to do anything. This country has checks and balances unlike the commie hell holes the left is trying to make. He just wants states rights which is the best option for peace.

>Family Research Council
They don't define reality.

I hope and pray their right to live is taken away with the whole faux marriage

>Trump picks Anti-LGBT group for Domestic Policy


I'm sick of politicians trying to appease you genetic freaks, especially when you're like 2% of the population.

>look at me I am a ruse man
>oh nooo Sup Forums is shut down, why has that happened?!

Bigger faggot than an actual faggot.

Except that is exactly what the R's are going to do.

Doesn't affect me, does it?

I hope Pence gasses Milo first for his loyalty.

Wait where is Barneyfag?

Literally cannot wait for you to get BTFO

Especially Milo, that is going to be fucking hilarious

But all this will do is vindicate the extreme left.

Gas the fags!


Sup Forums is literally not your blog niggerOP.

As a left winger, I can't wait to see all these alt-right faggots meet Ernst Rohm's fate.

Everyone here will probably end up in jail for jerking off to porn or something.

>vindicate the extreme left.


Trump is giving me everything I could ask for in a one term guaranteed president.

Truly, God is on his side.

As always. Trump is the most pro-fag candidate ever, basically, (i.e. New York values) and his position on any moral/social issue so far is "It should be left to the states", as the constitution says it should.

Sure, if you think the "constitution is a living document" meme is true and that judges can re-interpret a 200 years old document to force their own ideas into it.I mean, i read the votes, Scalia's made the most sense, the other ones were just emotional bullshit without any connection to law.

Does anyone truly believe hte founding fathers tought the federal government had the power to force people to recognize homosexual marriage, I mean really?

Come on, read the votes and tell me the dissent opinion doesn't make 1000x more sense.

Oh, it's nothing. Is there anyone they don't say is a hate group?

okay i hope so

i just want to live in my white ethnostate

How do they feel about pedophiles?

Oh wait no one cares because he left hates them too

Oy vey, it's annuda shoah! This will only lead to less fucked-u... I mean less vibrant gender fluid children in America. We cannot countenance this, goyim, it will mean more White children and intact, healthy families!

The SS replaced the SA and I'm in the formers boat
feels great

I m so scarred I m shaking

This is desperate. You have nothing lmaooooo WE CANT STOP WINNING

>"It should be left to the states",

We all know what this really means. A majority of states are governed by Republicans which means they'll get rid of gay marriage ASAP.

dont make us sick Mike "shock the gay away" Pence on you faggot

>implying Sup Forumstards are genetically superior
You're getting the rope too faggots.

No you are a mentally ill freak that's gonna get what's coming to you

>tfw the only choices are psychotic, deranged SJWs and Marxists who want to ban wrongspeech or neo-Nazis who want to regulate who you're allowed to have sex with

Two sides and they're both filled with busybodies who are incapable of leaving people the fuck alone. Fuck I hope we all get nuked soon, this shitty species doesn't deserve to live

>All of this is leftist scare tactics attempting to incite hatred against the man before he has even been able to do anything. This country has checks and balances unlike the commie hell holes the left is trying to make. He just wants states rights which is the best option for peace.

respect the damn constitution for a change

Btw this is the new CTR tactic, larp as british trannies saying Pence (not Trump anymore) is literally Hitler.

he'll send it back to the states and stop all this figthing between east-coast pizza perverts and rural rednecks

then all the fags will move to states where it's legal, and faggots will have an easier time finding other faggots to buttfuck in their geographical area.
everybody wins.

Trump hasn't made ANY administration announcements.


Then move to a fag state if you care so much about "muh marriage"

Who the fuck falls for the marriage meme anymore? Christ

>they'll get rid of gay marriage ASAP.


Gay "marriage" is a fucking joke, and a mockery.

Laws are supposed to be made in accordance with the will of the MAJORITY, not the will of a minority of degenerates.

Anyone that disagrees with the left is a hate group.

Get ready for an extremely negative press for the next four years. When it comes to opposition liberals are relentless.

then move to one of the states that accepts it. thats how the country was intended. that is after you leave and reapply to come back.

any better source?

And now you truly see.

No fag YOU don't deserve to live

Sure you will, let's just take a ride first, we should make you clean before your new life in the white utopia, just step into those showers for a moment for a quick washing.

>officially-designated anti-LGBT “hate group”

It's nothing, just libtoddlers being smug and judging again

Cool it Mohammed

wew lad

yes, my post was all about genetic superiority, wasn't it you illiterate island-pooinloo?

I remember when Trump and Pence institute the bed-police and went after everyone arresting them if they fucked the wrong person, just like Reagan did in the 80s. Oh wait its just leftist bs and literally nothing

It's nice you voted for Trump. But neither you nor anyone else gets any special rights, period. We are NOT going to pay for your hormones or mutilitation surgeries or your psychiatry bills.

No one is going to start bursting into mentally ill, deranged faggot's homes in the middle of the night and haul you away to camps or anything. But you will not be able to poison the minds of our youths, not will you be able to go in our daughters' and wives' bathrooms. You can't change your chromosomes and you will never be a female - you will only be a degenerate who wants to pretend to be a female and want all of us to defer or cater to your mental illness.

No. YOU are the one who is deranged, and it's time people told this to you directly.

>Get ready for an extremely negative press for the next four years. When it comes to opposition liberals are relentless.

They're "relentless" because people let them get away with their bullshit.

If media outlets started to get burned to the fucking ground for spewing their bias, maybe they'd stop, or at least get replaced by something a little more neutral.