How dare he

how dare he.

Other urls found in this thread:

The absolute madman



It's not going to work, Martin!

Tell her it will take her to a country where it's legal to molest little girls!

He said he was going to release his music collection, bit rich of him to be nagging on someone else for not following through on promises.

Based pharma bro

Who is this guy? I only recognize him from Rowdy Gowdy roasting him

Wew laddie

It has been released.


he has been releasing it you stupid ass

Release the musicg turbo neet

Did he ever release the musics?

fucking kek

he's the dude who got notoriety for raising drug prices last year

and again when he nearly bought Sup Forums last month


Did he ever drop those albums now that Trump won?


A greedy capitalist millionaire schmuck who doesn't give a fuck and continuously takes the piss out of liberals and cucks.

So yeah, he's pretty based. Also promised to release a shit load of unreleased music from people like Wu-tang Clan and The Beatles if Trump won.

He hasn't a greedy bone in his body.

The absolute MAD MAN.

Hahaha how can anyone hate this guy?

what happend to him releasing all the albums and such if trump got elected?

I'd argue that you need to be at least a bit greedy to become a millionaire.


so far he has only streamed short opening pieces of Wu Tang Clan, he is negotiating with them to release everything

>multimillionaire spends a majority of his time streaming on his phone/webcam to strangers and shitposting on twitter while eating at mcdonalds

also he just offered a free ride for lena dunham how is that greedy?


Truly great

o i am laffin

I really like Martin.

I don't know why people call him a sociopath.

If he was a sociopath he'd be sucking up to the jews. I think he's a good person who understands to defeat the jews you have to play dirty with troll tricks.

He seems pretty funny but I hear a lot of liberals bitching about how horrible he is because of the whole aids meds. Can anybody redpill me on him?


Okay, I withdraw that comment.

If you're lurking here Shkreli, then continue not giving a fuck. You can actually allow yourself to do so.

I used to dislike him for jacking up the price of that drug. I still find it unconscionable and I am glad he brought the price back down to something reasonable.

I have to say, he has grown on me over time. Sometimes I wonder if the whole pharma thing was just an elaborate troll.


what did he mean by this?

Dare I say it ..

he did


Getting woke marks a second chapter in one's life. That he openly and bravely supports what is good and proper, in my opinion, demands one gives him a second chance.

Also the idea that he survived Gowdy demands some level of respect on its own merits.

im dying here

he also gave like half his stock of it away to uninsured people, but the media stays quiet about that.

he jacked it up because he hates how artifically expensive healthcare is. it was to loot the ultra profitable insurance companies.


I watched the WuTang album on periscope. This guy seriously isn't the boogeyman the media made him out to be.


oh god

this is going to be a beautiful 8 years

was planning to kill myself for unrelated reasons but just might have to stick around for this

pretty much this, he pumps his profits into R&D to save people with extremely rare illnesses I doubt he makes any money off of them

insurance companies and the media are in bed with each other, and he pissed off the insurance companies and the media tried to destroy him, but he's too based to be brought down

May Kek watch over him




he likes breathing

Our (((guy)))

Holy shit, I thought I hated Albanians.

Based Shkreli for Attorney General, goddamn.

>I used to dislike him for jacking up the price of that drug.

There was actually a good reason why he did that and I can't find the link to explain it.

>A greedy capitalist millionaire schmuck
He is just doing his job, if Americans did not want extremely expensive medicine then they would have universial healthcare. Don't blame skrelli for the system, he is just doing his job. If he did not do it then he would be fired and they would get someone who would.

Hey, Martin are you following this?

Please buy the rights for Methysergide and put this shit back on the market.

The fucking bantz, dare I say he is /our/ guy?

holy shit

He doesn't want to get suicided duh.


just because Soros's candidate lost doesn't suddenly make him not one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world.

He doesn't want to shoot himself twice in the back of the head


He bought out a company that makes a drug that treats toxoplasmosis. Really lethal. Drug is ancient and super shitty. He raised the prices in order to fund research for a better drug because theres 0 funding for research on curing toxoplasmosis. He had a salary of $0. The only people paying for the crazy increase in drug price are insurance corporations. The copay for the drug is even lower now, medicare and medicaid make it like $5 or something, and if you tweet at him or call him or something or one of his 40 or so agents, he will personally give it to you for free if you cant afford it.

essentially, its fucking retards who don't know anything about drugs trying to fight for another moral crusade when in fact they're just arrogant pricks as always

What a fucking champion



Wow. Just fucking wow.

>pretended to be against Trump and be a globalist faggot before Trump won
>after Trump wins celebrates and fucks with everyone
He truly is /out guy/


I wish Shkreli had bought Sup Forums, these bants are just too much


Wow that's awesome thanks man!


Holy cow.




Dude those are some sick rhymes.
>A greedy capitalist schmuck, who doesnt give a fuck and takes the piss out of liberals and cucks.

>I don't know why people call him a sociopath.

The media never reported on the fact that he gave those AIDS meds away for free when poor people just asked him for them.
He only scammed the insurances but people thought he was some kind of capitalistic demon.

>leaf in charge of being well informed

only a few knew how close we were for a shooting war here


I don't get it.

I'm officially done with this mortal coil, I can now transcend reality with no regrets after seeing this glorious burn

where did he make his money anyway?

selling crack to school children dressed up like a nun

He really is our guy.

Sounds lucrative, which school we talking, middle or high?


She needs to go.



I had to buy toxoplasmosis medicine two years ago and it was quite cheap (in Estonia at least).



>You stupid ass

Top kek


Really drew attention to the fact that drug prices are arbitrary as fuck and the insurance companies are making money hand over fist with fixed non-competitive pricing though didn't it?

WTF?! I love Martin Shkreli now!



Gookshit was never selling, he was just trying to scam some more money

I wish he had sold though

>thinking Soros ever loses

Gee I wonder why Trump won biggest in states with Soros voting machines