Wear this in public before election

>Wear this in public before election
>Get verbally and physically assaulted for it
>Wear this in public after election
>Get verbally and physically assaulted for it

So why did you buy this hat when you can't even wear it outside walking down the street without taking a punch to the face and being called a racist bigot?

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Living around niggers must suck. I can wear mine any time I want and the worst thing I have to deal with is effeminate losers giving me the stinkeye.

Because I want to upset the local liberals without having to say anything. The death glares are well worth the $9.99.

I bought it so I could have an excuse to beat some nigger's or liberal's ass. Funny as fuck to watch them squirm while trying to get away from my foot up there ass after they start the fight.

its totally ok to smash shit out of or shoot democrats who attack you
self defense


what kind of chimp infested hell hole do you in live in, I can wear whatever the fuck hat I want

I live in White America and not one of those nigger havens

The MAGA hat and a handgun are the "I am going to kill radical leftists and get away with it" starting pack, if you think of it that way.

>So why did you buy this hat when you can't even wear it outside walking down the street without taking a punch to the face and being called a racist bigot?

so when the world isn't shit you can say you were there when it turned around

>wear a hat that's literally a big fuck you to America
>wonder why you get beat up

Repubcucks can't be this stupid right?

>why did you buy this hat
I didn't because I live in northern Virginia, and I did not want to be socially ostracized for having a different opinion than the masses.

wow. civics 101 in action. you go outside abd get your friend to film you walking around getting picked on, then you share the youtube video on Sup Forums, it goes viral, etc...

That sucks dude. I grew up in Nova. Illegals and niggers all over mixed with nu-males and an insane amount of traffic and cost of living. I moved to North Florida and can wear my MAGA gear all over and get nothing but compliments from strangers everywhere I go. It's great.

Also if a nigger wanted to fuck with me, we have Stand Your Ground laws and I would double tap his ass quicker than Amy Schumer would sign up for a butter eating contest

That's the point.
The purpose of the hat is to allow you to beat the shit of liberals legally.

I wear mine everyday. Only a white trash lady has accosted me over it. Her cuck of a husband was trying to tell her to be quiet the whole time. I just gave her a shit-eating grin and kept walking.

It wasn't even that bad, she just kept asking me if I like Donald Trump. I could tell by her tone that she wanted to start shit.

I've had two black people compliment me and I get alot of waves. I'm not wearing it as much lately because I don't like the attention. I just wanted people to see that there are Trump supporters.

>wear a hat
>get beaten up for being violent
>get ostracized for being racist

such is the weird progressive mind

>A big fuck you to America
Seriously I'd slit your throat if I saw you. You are so dangerous to yourselves and the people around you it's unreal. Letting tons of hyperbreeding criminals into your country is not good.

Speak for yourself. I love in a nig nog part of Georgia and I wear mine everyday. Haven't had one person say anything

>My lil' nigga

Oh boy, another Trump supporter thinks he can proclaim his racist, sexist, and xenophobic beliefs so boldly. Guess what, white boy, we are all across the country and if you dare wear your bigoted cap in our turf we'll smack you so hard you'll be as disabled as the people your ableist butt looks down on every day.

I dare you to meet up with the antifa in Sacramento, gringo. Then you can face the full consequences of your bigotry, punk.

>mfw all the illegals go to Canada because you don't Mexicans don't need a visa to get in anymore

Fuck you I wear my MAGA hat whenever I want.

Hillary lost, so you can stop now.

My guess is because europeans are individualists and its a matter of principal to individualists to celebrate their personal identity.

Its a shame that all the marxists educators are turning western youth into collectivists but the ones who are not collectivists should not have to hide there true self from society.

>tfw live in southern Tidewater
>tfw even the blackest black people high five me for "ending that white bitch"

I wear it to trigger leftiecucks who I know won't stop me.

And at protests. I bought 10 for 20$ so I have replacements.

Trump's victory ensures the MAGA hat will triggers liberals for the rest of time. It's really an incredible value.

Fuck it lets do it. I can't wait to smash each one of your worthless bacteria nigger skulls under my boot.

I have a concealed carry permit.

When I squeeze the trigger bad people disappear.

Oh it makes perfect sense from their point of view.

They view their collective status of a "protected class" as a "superior" class.

They believe they have the right to shit on anyone not "protected" like them.

>CTR lost the election so they have to attack hats

Take a cue from based Chuck Johnson:


>Not buying pieces of history while they're cheap

Relax Cletus, you won't slit anyone's throat. Canada doesn't let immigrants flood in like this board tells you. Even if you do try shit you guys get your asses kicked anyway, so don't pretend like you're tough shit when you guys can't even keep your own car

I just get glares. I walk into a store and everyone is staring at me.

Good thing I live on the East coast though, nothing but white people.

Any chance someone can answer this for me:

The classic hat has actually gone up in price (from 20 to 25). Where is the profit going? I bought about 10 of them for anons here, and I could justify the high price back then because the profit was going to the campaign, but where is the profit going now? Trump had no campaign debt and his campaign ended up with 40-50m in the bank still.

Mexicans don't need visas to get into Canada now. Enjoy.

I wanted to buy one a few month ago to troll around but sadly it didn't ship to France. I know I am note a voter but I really wanted one to trigger lefty and support him.

It was $25 when I bought mine 9 months ago

I want to buy one, but I live in the Congo (aka Charlotte,) and would rather not be harassed every waking second while outside of my home.

Also one of my housemates is a total cuck and would probably break into my room and fuck shit up if he knew I had that. Don't want him funding my guns...

pathetic passive loser

Don't you have gun with you at all times to defend your right to wear your hat?


The liberals who confront you about the hat are giant pussies, watch the short video in the tweet I posted here:


It's a Featureā„¢

They lowered the price to 20 dollars about a month ago and then started giving them away with any order over 75usd.

I don't mind buying a at 25 dollars, but I'm just curious if the money is going to Trump's reelection campaign or if it's going to the cucks at the RNC.

>can't even wear it
LEL I wear mine all the time and it shines like a beacon of hope amongst the unwashed masses.

>not having your ccw
top lel

It's a gun accessory. When nigs/sjws physically attack, draw weapon and unload. This is how you SAVE AMERICA. The legal stuff will be your sacrifice. Get a body camera to ensure a strong self defense case.

>tfw maga hat and lgbtq for trump shirt
Unfortunately the useful idiots are beyond saving, their brains programmed to respond to certain stimuli as per Yuri's disclosure. You can reveal their cognitive dissonance, shove it right in their face, and it will change nothing. Their masters would have culled them. What else can we do.

I can wear it outside because first, I live in a pretty republican state and second I own a gun to defend my self.

Only downside is I'm not really a hat person, before I bought this hat I never owned a hat except a cowboy hat once but I never wore it because I don't enjoy wearing hats but I will wear my MAGA hat.

I've worn mine every fucking day here in Palm Beach, FL for the last few months. Literally nothing has ever happened.

I'm also 6'3 and 200lbs, though.

Sorry, I couldn't hear you all the way over here in my red state. Which is weird because it's pretty quiet.

I live in Naples, it's based as fuck in Florida.

and I get so fucking hard when some cunt at walmart shoots me a dirty look

needs a gun to complete the look

I wanna wear it but I'm a girl and live in Southern California it'd be a death wish

NOt everybody has your weak body of coward.

I can't wait for someone to pick a fight with me over it
I'm going to wear it to trump tower in hopes of seeing the man himself

I'm also going to be in a wheel chair to sweeten the pot since he certainly wont pass up the photo op.

I can see the headlines now, protesters assault disabled trump supporter

>he bought a knockoff

South Philly here
i walk to my stores and shit whit this on all the time no one even said anything to me yet
>i see the helicopters covering the protests in center city for the 2nd night in a row trump got btfo in philly
where do you live that your geting hit for it???

I wore my MAGA hat to the gym on Tuesday and I recieved death stares primarily from non-Whites and woman - the enemies of civilization, but nobody said anything and I walked out of there unscathed. I live inside of a liberal enclave full of non-Whites, Jews, and cultural marxists so I have to be very careful when I walk outside with this hat on. I make sure to take it off before I pull into my neighborhood to keep my car and property safe from vandals and other left-wing nuts.

>Everyone in this thread agree that you should commit murder if someone tries to mess with your inanimate head gear

And with this logic is why Trump will ruin America.

Because I live in a white state and wear mine and none of that happens

I live in the Bay Area and wear mine outside a lot. Only gotten dirty looks from numales who wouldn't do shit anyway.

I have a Chad body tho so most faggots won't start shit with me regardless

It was a campaign contribution, they just gave me the hat as a Thank you.