Implying this isn't what is playing out now


Doesn't Yoda die in the second movie though?

>implying empires strikes back isn't the best of the 3 and return of the jedi the worst

Real life isn't like your Jewish movies, user.

bernie will be dead by 2020

>Bernie Sanders dies during the primaries

He'll be dead by 2020 it'sore likely they'll try and push for micheal Obama for the first transgender president


Part 2 of a trilogy is always the best

Nah... 2008 Obama was "Revenge of the sith".

George H W Bush, CIA master and head of the Bush crime syndicate, was "The Phantom Menance"

Bill Clinton and George W Bush are "The Clone Wars".

And Trump? He's "A New Hope".

2020/2024 could be "The Empire Strikes Back", but only if we the people allow it.

It's more likely someone like Biden takes office in 2020. I'm guessing in the next 4 years are going to stagnate in terms of economic growth and people will begin to realize that Trump has given in and accepted many members of the establishment.

Empire is the best of those three

>The Empire Strikes Back is by far the best Star Wars movie
>Return of the Jedi is by far the worst of the original trilogy
It's like poetry.

Bernie will be dead
404 get

inb4 Bernie dies before next election.

Oh wait...

Well, maybe some other heretic DSoA member will rise in the wake of Trumpism...hopefully by 2024.

Also predicting Trump will be a two term president.

bernie will die by 2020

So that means Trump will be the best out of the three?

Fact: Vador was the best thing that could happen to the galaxy

Trump will deport all the Ewoks though.

OP is literally saying he wants Ewoks to rule out country in 2020

>Hillary would've been The Force Awakens

And who plays the Ewoks ?

praise kek

You sir earned this picture.

>supporting a jew that literally sold you out for cash

Commies really are the biggest cucks in the universe.


I agree, the second movie was the best.
And Bernie probably would die about halfway through.


You mean 2024

Hillary would have been Attack of the clones, obviously

>implying he's not done with this shit of two flawed sides
He's making a new empire, a new America, filled with prosperity and ever lasting peace.

As a Socialist, I still voted for Trump. I bet I'm not the only one that voted for him either...

do they actually unironically believe trump is part of the evil empire (establishment)?

> Return of the Jedi
> picking Bernie Sanders over Ron Paul

The force awakens will be Ran Paul in 2028 after Elizabeth Warren was president between 2024-2028 and destroy USA

>implying TFA isn't objectively the shittiest of all

She would've been edgy angry angsty kylo

>"i will finish what you started"
finish what Bill started

>Not getting the joke

The force awaken is a glib facsimile you fucking pleb

Empire strikes back is the best Star Wars movie 5>4>>>6>7>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So what, 74 year old Skywalker with Alzheimers and in a wheelchair?

Do they seriously believe Sanders will run in 2020? He's living it up in his mansion in Burlington, paid for by bernout campaign donations. Plus he'd be like 80 years old. Sanders is just a greedy pig like most socialists.

He's not, yet anyways.
Heil Vader!

This is only applicable if Bernie plays the role of Yoda and dies before the end.

I have a bad feeling about those liberals.

Nefag is newfag.

>Implying Bernie is the new hope and not Tulsi Gabbard

Bernie will be 78 in 2020. Its not happening.

no he dies in the third

it's like poetry

1) it's very improbable to beat the incumbent president in the election

2) Bernie is a shill cuck with no principles

3) Bernie is going to die soon

Such a shame he will be dead in 2020

Ivanka will run for Trump's second term.

I kek'd.

People are already pushing for her. Normies have gone nuts and apparently don't care if people actually have political views. They think it's a popularity contest.

Democrats won't be able to win the Presidency for decades my man. They've lost their "blue firewall" of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. They've lost the working class White vote and they don't have a hope of recapturing it until Trump is long gone and their party has undergone some major reforms.

>I'm guessing in the next 4 years are going to stagnate in terms of economic growth
Can't get much more stagnant than 1.5% GDP growth.

>begin to realize that Trump has given in and accepted many members of the establishment.
The entire establishment is sucking his dick now. Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell. He has to work with these people since he's gonna be a President not a Dictator, but he basically owns them. Especially Paul Ryan and McConnell, he saved their party.

Attack of the Clones is far worse, senpai. It's objectively the worst Star Wars movie.

>implying Bernie will still be alive in 2020
>implying Obama's hope wasn't aimless and empty
>implying Empire Strikes Back wasn't the best of the three films

TFA and AotC are both equally bad imho.

Bernie unbuckled and bent over, I don't see any possibility for him getting anywhere in a future race

it rhymes.

>implying Empire Strikes Back wasn't the best of the three films
Totally this^. Fucking poser hipsters probably havent even watched the movies. Just like these cunts appropriating nerd culture to sjwize it yet they dont know shit about it.