Will Trump give Jeb! a position in his cabinet?

Will Trump give Jeb! a position in his cabinet?

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What good is a low energy loser

As Secretary of Testudines.

he could be put in charge of cutting costs in the department of energy

Secretary of Guacamole

Court Eunuch


he will make trump the best gauc in the land

wow he almost doesn't look like a total goofball in this picture

White House Executive Chef.

Considering the Bushes leaked the pussy grabbing video... Hell no


He can be the Secretary of all turtles in America, ensuring their safety.

So, Ambassador to Mexico?


He will be in charge of prepping Melanoma's and Ivanka's bulls.

>Trump emails Jeb
>says he's got a cabinet position open
>asks Jeb over so they can discuss the matter
>Jeb hops on the first plane to Washington
>takes "über" to the White House
>ominously quiet
>gets text to meet president elect in the kitchen
>Trump is there, standing next to an empty kitchen cabinet
>"here it is."
>stunned Jeb just stands there and balks
>"get in."
>finally pushed to anger, Jeb stammers and starts blustering about the time, and Papa George sr.'s money Trump just wasted
>he is struck from behind in his soft, tender left kidney
>Jeb falls hard onto the tiled floor
>Ben Carson's flutes whisper of a voice is heard
>"get in"
>more begin entering the kitchen, some laughing
>Cruz is there, Ryan, the floor creaks under Christie's girth, and then the smaller shoes of a shorter man, a self assured and some claim arrogant chuckle- George W. jebs's beloved brother
>"go on then, git."
>Jeb begins to crawl towards the cabinet
>he is pushed along with sharply striking shoes
>some how, the hulking broad shouldered man is able to fold his body as small as his meek little spirit
>Jeb is fit into the cabinet


Original in non-potato quality:


That's some top tier Austism
Still made me chuckle/10
Good job user

No. I feel bad for him but he's still from a crime family and can't be trusted. Trump should just buy him a turtle habitat or something to show his respect.


He'll be put on trial for Election Rigging in 2000

His Family will be put on trial for Money Laundering and Drug connections.

> info the public isnt widely aware of

Also George Bush Sr. will be stripped of the title of President which all Presidents are entitled to for life.

Because he wasnt a natural born american citizen.
> Sherf family, from Germany, his father headed the company Ig-Farben which worked in collusion with Hitler.

The Bushes & The Clintons should be banished from politics forever



I fucking hope not.
Fuck that loser.

