So what's the deal behind all the libyards saying that Clinton should've won because she got the popular vote? I can easily assume it's them being crybabies and shit but I've been trying to find a more in depth answer for this. So I ask, the fuck is this?
The whole popular vote thing
the US is an federation, not an country.
Just say that and that'll beat em. If not then they are not even worth discussing anyway
Implying that normal democracy won't work well and that this system is a beter choice.
I voted Trump and I also think the electoral college is an atiquated relic that no longer serves a purpose.
Also, when they counted the ones caught by the cutoff from conceding, it showed Trump's also ahead in popular votes. So that's bullshit.
They're using that and not the total count-- it'll ruin their argument otherwise.
they're too stupid to understand. just like you, apparently.
They didn't take civics class
Babby's first election.
They're mad because despite their best efforts at voter fraud, they weren't able to win the election. However the millions of dead voters, illegal immigrant voters, and felon voters were enough to sway the popular vote slightly in her favor.
If they want an actual all out civil war, removing the electoral college would be a sure fire way to start one.
LITERALLY the only reason she won the popular vote is because of Commiefornia and Jew York.
Trump won ZERO states without winning the popular vote as well.
Shillary bots are just malfunctioning, ignore them.
What the fuck are you talking about? You're just spouting nonsense.
>the only reason she won the popular vote is because of Commiefornia and Jew York.
ding ding
more than ever, this country is jew-controlled cities that will fine you for not sucking tranny cock vs the peasants still grounded in reality.
They haven't counted all the votes yet and they may never count absentee ballets.
And you think republicans don't do the same exact thing?
Both parties try and "rig" the system to their advantage. To think that Trump didn't do fraud and shit as well is just plain ignorance.
Pure Democracy is barbaric
Because each state is somewhat independent, they get to make their own laws and if their voice is not heard, they may secede.
They don't understand that states are each separate from each other and vote based on their needs.
i.e.- what issues Californians vote on are not the same as issues Floridians vote on.
It would have been nice if he "officially" won the popular vote as well, but at least the libs get a concession prize.
Then again, it would be nice for a recount to occur and remove all the dead voters, illegal voters, and multiple voters. That would shut them up.
>Burgerland is not a country.
Many republicans in hard blue states don't even vote
>Many republicans in hard blue states don't even vote
Many republicans in hard blue states don't even vote
>Many republicans in hard blue states don't even vote
This is not such a problem for liberal people in red states
>This is not such a problem for liberal people in red states
This is not such a problem for liberal people in red states
>This is not such a problem for liberal people in red states
Reds in blue states don't vote because it doesn't matter
>Reds in blue states don't vote because it doesn't matter
Reds in blue states don't vote because it doesn't matter
>Reds in blue states don't vote because it doesn't matter
Trump doesn't have millions of pissed off illegals in his pocket that can vote without any punishment if they're caught
They don't understand tyranny and WHY the framers of the Constitution built in fail safes for every process and right.
it's really not
trump doesn't have all the insider political connections that politicians usually have.
Clinton, on the other hand, is possibly the most bought and sold candidate ever.
The idea that there was an equal amount of fraud on both sides is laughable.
Trump didn't have illegal immigrants voting for him. Trump didn't have felons voting for him. MAYBE he had dead people, but I've not seen any evidence of this. Go fuck off CTR shill. You're done. It's over you lost you nerd virgin faggot.
if you took away just 1 district; LA Hillary would have lost the popular vote by over a million
Electoral College did its fucking job
>a foreigner saying criticizing my government that he has no idea about
The United STATES are represented fairly through the entire continent. If you ran elections through popular vote then places like New York City and Los Angeles and Chicago would determine the political landscape for the entire country that spans an entire fucking continent. The majority of states voted to be represented by Trump not Clinton. This is balanced out by the larger population of states having more electoral votes. It is a CHECK AND BALANCE so libs can't dump immigrants into sanctuary cities by the millions and win elections every time.
If I have to explain the electoral college one more god damn time to foreigners too lazy to do a Google search I'll fucking scream. It's bad enough to have to explain it to Americans.
The majority of whites voted for Trump. That's all that should matter on Sup Forums.
>Trump won ZERO states without winning the popular vote as well
you don't say....
California here
Can confirm
No point
This is the reason why the popular vote will never work.
he won the popular vote in every red state :^)
If the popular vote meant anything, Trump would have bothered to campaign in Democratic strongholds like California and Illinois, and he would have won it.
>not a democracy
who made up this shitty meme? political power is legitimized by popular vote - > democracy. the rest is details.
>doesn't even understand how their election works or why
why am i not surprised
>Trump won ZERO states without winning the popular vote as well.
>not even 2/3
Obama pulled in nearly 100% of the black vote. Now THAT is racism.
The "popular vote" numbers right now are pure rigging. They are rigging them now that no Trump supporter cares so they can steal the election in December somehow.
What the fuck did so many blacks vote for him less than hispanics for?
Like he was pretty actively against Mexicans shouldn't their numbers be reversed?
>believe you'll get fined for not sucking tranny cock
>they're the delusional ones
You can't get accurate voting numbers from our system right now, our president is elected by the electoral college, period.
Republicans in deep blue states don't show up to vote. Hillary won CA by 2.5 million votes and NY by 1.5 million. When people know their vote is not going to make a difference, they don't waste their time voting... this can go both ways (although deep red states are much less populated - so less Dem voter suppression is likely).
My point is, you can't compare apples & oranges. How many total votes each candidate DOES NOT MATTER... AND IS NOT ACCURATELY ACCOUNTED FOR when the system is made for the electoral college.
Basically Democrats cheated out the ass and stuffed ballot boxes and let illegals vote but they didn't do it in the right places so now they're butthurt.
It isn't about who wins and who loses, in the end everyone loses. We are no longer building cities or advancing without the help of Chinese tech.
Whoa, you know who else won without the popular vote?
It should definitely go through some reform. I like the idea Maine and Nebraska have.
I'm guessing a lot of blacks want eternal food stamps and free housing.
You're a dumbass. Please return to the caliphate of Berlin.
Because they didn't get their way, so like all elementary school children, they come up with a litany of reasons why they've been wronged that has no ideological basis.
You'll notice that most of Sup Forums went through lengths to explain the ideological basis of having a representative republic (not a constitutional democracy as HRC claimed) and that while the current system is questionable it's not something we want to do away with and not really the real focus of the problem.
>Now THAT is racism.
That is the one black thing whites should imitate. Ethnocentrism is the winning strategy.
Why can't Hillary smile normally without looking like a fucking psycho
only 93% of total votes are reporting, thats 10 million votes not counted yet
America is a republic not a democracy.
Democracy occurs at the state level, to tell the electoral college who to vote for. This is where the republic comes in.
Where is your evidence that Hillary had illegals,felons,and dead people voting for her?
Alex Jones? lul
Sure Hillary had fraud votes and probably a ton. I'm not saying she didn't but to say Trump is so moral he didn't have any at all because he is some sort of 2nd Jesus is stupid.
>And you think republicans don't do the same exact thing?
no, they dont
Electoral college prevents mob mentality and ensures that every constituency/state/a group that thinks alike is represented. Each state gets no. of votes proportional to the population so nobody should be crying. Direct elections can work in small countries with similar people/culture, but it can be a disaster for larger countries where no same group of people think alike.
those are not mutually exclusive terms. the US are a republic and a democracy and a federation.
>playing poker
>get a straight flush
>friend gets four of a kind
>friend announces he wins because if this were Go Fish he would have the better score
Liberal logic.
Finalized counting nonsense to you? It doesn't stop in conceding.
Wtf I hate the EC now
and btw the federation is what lead to the electoral college. a republic is any state that isn't ruled by a monarch. look up the goddamn definitions.
The governor of Virginia pardoned 60k felons at the last minute.
He found it a difficulty because he didn't know that he'd have to personally sign 60 fucking thousand pieces of paper to do that.
>because we have 5 trillion illegals in california clinton should have won
look at the map
Trump won landslide
People have been bitching about the electoral college for years, and for good reason. It's a shitty system.
[citation needed]
>americans are evenly distributed across all land
Get a load of this retard!
Because Hispanics have jobs.
Hamilton would like to disagree with you.
Which is what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they created the electoral college.
We can't have that. If we were to have proper public investigations into election fraud then it would expose too much dirt. Both sides? Sure, why not. But let's wait and see how excited the Democrats are to be brought into the spotlight.
I'm sure they'll pay to have niggers riot in the streets until we know the full truth of what they've been doing.
fuck off faggot
california has the most electoral votes and it didnt help her
The district-based system was how allocating EC votes was originally done, but eventually all the states opted for the winner-take-all system. It's only been fairly recent that Nebraska and Maine have resurrected the concept, although gerrymandering would become a much larger issue.
It will never happen widespread because states would have to concede winning them all, but also since Republicans would win it through a huge margin every time.
This popular vote doesn't reflect what it would be if we had a popular vote system. Voter turnout would have changed.
Only she didn't win the popular vote. Millions of illegals voted, Soros owned voting machines in 16 states, the dead were voting.
There was mass voter fraud and they still lost.
>Delegate count: 2,272½
How the fuck is that possible?
I'm going to have to explain this again....
Hispanics covers a huge grouping of people (like "Asians")
Cubans loved Trump. Cubans are counted in "hispanics"
Mexican = Hispanic
Hispanic =/= Mexican
It literally did just serve it's purpose dipshit. The only real problem with it and our entire election season is that third party candidates don't have a chance.
Why do they STILL not include michigan and arizona?
trump has over 300 electoral college votes
The half is the one that split to form Ted Cruz.
Pure Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.
I never thought of this but it's actually very intelligent and probably true
If you want to switch to popular vote don't do it after the results are in but before the elections started.
If I was Californian I probably wouldn't vote because there's no chance in hell that cali would go red. However if it was popular vote I would certainly vote.
I'm in Oregon and I still voted Trump
Registered with the librarian party though
>lets effectively give the power to NY and California to mould the US into a one-party state for the Democrats
Fuck off you unbelievable cocksucking moronic halfwitted buffoons, go take your Down syndrome sensibilities some other place where it's more appropriate and welcomed.
Makes me mad. #CallMichigan
Why do you think the Democrats aren't demanding a recount? They know that a second hard look would turn up all sorts of shenanigans.
>American education
Nice job replying to urself man
Cause that delegate was a beaner or a nigger...they only count as half a person
My wife is from your shitty country
lmao did you fags really believe Hillary wasn't gonna cheat her way into office? Shes waiting for the fix to be in and all the delegates to switch sides giving her the lead.
only a butthurt liberal mad at losing doesnt understand the electoral co-oh... ooooh
A strict, majority-rules Democracy is stupid.
Actually, Democracy is stupid, period.
Reminder that in 2008 Hillary won the popular vote in the democratic primaries