What did putin mean by this???
Should I worry Sup Forums ???
What did putin mean by this???
Should I worry Sup Forums ???
Sounds like he's going to be going full USSR soon.
Ukraine has always been apart of Russia until the jews broke them up.
Ukraine LITERALLY means "land" or "border". It was first used to define part of the territory of Kievan Rus' in the 12th century.
Russia has your best interest in mind. Trust me goy.
It still doesn't mean we shouldn't be worried.
If Putin starts going into Eastern European countries at will and overthrowing the governments, it's going to be the Cold War all over again.
I wish it were true :)
He talked last month about an economic union between you guys to encourage growth
Pls no USSR putin.
Over 12 gorillion Ukrainians died in the Holodomor
They should be happy that putin at least cares for them
Let him unite against Globalism, him by himself sucks.
Fuck off, Ukraine is its own country. They don't deserve this. HOLD ON UKRAINE BROS, I won't abandon you even though most of my countrymen hates you!
If you want to defeat the Globalists and the elite then we MUST become allies with Russia.
Russia has it's own problems like Oligarchs but at least the threw off the Globalists.
>no source
Worry about what, being united with the one true motherland?
Embrace it.
Do we have to give you to the commies again, upside down Indonesia?
In other news
>Plotters were allegedly going to storm Podgorica parliament, shoot Milo Ðjukanović and install a pro-Moscow party
>Serbia has deported a group of Russians suspected of involvement in a coup plot in neighbouring Montenegro, the Guardian has learned, in the latest twist in a murky sequence of events that apparently threatened the lives of two European prime ministers.
>The plotters were allegedly going to dress in police uniforms to storm the Montenegrin parliament in Podgorica, shoot the prime minister, Milo Ðjukanović, and install a pro-Moscow party.
Quit being a cuck and admit that you want to serve your Slav King.
This isn't real, it isn't on RT anywhere
What "we"? I can only hope Trump speaks to our government first.
Tbqh there's no logic in taking anything but Ukraine. The reason they took Crimea was that it installed anti-Russian government and nearby NATO bases is the last thing Russia wishes.
*it = Ukraine
People unironically fell for the putin saviour of the white race meme.
No putin is not getting harrased by NATO but NATO was keeping him in check, and now east europe will be btfod.
Im okay with this.
He has a good smile.
Russia is "Russianist" though. They want to take back their USSR clay. This is not a good idea.
Russia is a great country, love hearing news like this
> Belaruss will be annexed
> Ukrainia not
> Putin say "see i annexed only the who have say"
Having a pro Russia government in Montenegro means better access to the Mediterranean. It also puts you closer to Serbia, one of your few allies.
>* the one who say yes
Putin pls no kill Mashas, Nastyas and Daryas pls
Nah, USSR was an illegal regime so we don't need that clay. We should restore our rightful imperial clay instead. :^)
Seriously though, Ukraine and Belarus are our brothers way beyond USSR and we should be together.
Can someone explain why liberals are against this?
>it's okay when America wants globalism/socialism
>its not okay when Russia wants it
So lads, in an ongoing progress the Russian PM's is visiting balestine, and one thing that caught my attention is the shit one of our diplomats coming with the Russian envoy said "Expect easing from Trump with Balestine and him giving Russia more role" "Russians knew that Trump is going to win months ago, only them" Have in mind that our President got confirmed to be ex-KGB agent, so...
Who cares? Your country is shit anyway.
You're just swamp-Russians, like we are swamp-Germans.
shitt, looks like someone's gonna die in fire riding his squad bmp in ambushed convoy in ukrainian steppe.
why the fuck me, kek, why?
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS; Russian: Coдpyжecтвo Heзaвиcимых Гocyдapcтв, CHГ, tr. Sodruzhestvo Nezavisimykh Gosudarstv, SNG), is a regional organization formed during the breakup of the Soviet Union. Nine out of the 15 former Soviet Republics are member states, and two are associate members (Ukraine and Turkmenistan). Georgia withdrew its membership in 2008, while the Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia) refused to participate.
The Soviet Union never collapsed.
>United we stand, divided we fall
Don't read too much into it. Putin is just a huge pink Floyd fan
>implying we would oppose this
trump's already in quiet support of this. these kinds of things just don't appear out of thin air-it's just been in the works for years. which means obama admin and trump's admin know about it.
Plus you think any american is going to die in a war for ukies? If they don't make a move, we sure as shit won't.
Do we have to arrest and deport you again, you filthy commie?
American intervention into Iraq and Libya were sanctioned by the UN and were a result of either self defense or regional actors asking for support. Russia invading Ukraine is a violation of their sovereign rights and their disinterest in respecting a nation's independence. Yes, those areas should belong to Russia, however there are areas of Russia that would then need to be returned to their rightful and legal owners.
Yes it did. The nations in the CIS need Russia to survive or have Russian armed insurgents right off their border.
What about galicia?
Russian military doesn't have resources to occupy Ukraine. Only cause local defeats like in recent cauldrons, but not on strategic level.
When logistic supply chains have to be 1 000 km long instead of 20-25 km near border, its all different.
Ukrainian military consists of 280 000 servicemen, 16 mechanized and armoured brigades, 5 airborne brigades and etc. They are not really weak desu and are one of largest military in Europe right now, though they have older equipment, but quantity is really impressive.
Some shit never changes. Can we nuke ruskies already?
you dont ave ma permisin
You shills are fucking pathetic. Give it up. We are pro Putin here. You don't deserve to be an independent country. Join the federation.
they can always overthrow the government and put some puppets in to make sure the coalition of the 2 countries happen sooner or later...
soooo.. the Serbians invented the whole coup, and arrested some randoms, declaring them 'Russian Plotski-ers'? No axe to grind (or dog in this contest) either, just interested as to why the story would appear, if 100% false. Maybe there is a littleee truth in it, after all..
god emperor would not approve
More fake news to turn people against trump. No LINK!.
No they can't. West took over Ukraine for long now, Ukrainians are pissed off and until they start to be friendly with Russians again, Pro-Russian coup d'etat is not possible
No we aren't
That's not what I was getting at. The USA is pretty hell bent on globalization, hence why they've jumped on board to try and get military bases in every country and to get influence in other countries.
America is pretty globalist, and their progression to socialism is kek
What happened to all our smart posters?
Can't the Russians agree to giving the Germans back East Prussia and have it free of Slavs, prepped for German re-colonization, with the agreement that Europe doesn't get involved with what they're doing in Ukraine and Belarus?
The only chance Russians can acquire more clay is swallowing Belarus for good (Belarussians cucked themselves out of their Belarussian identity, hardly anyone there speaks Belarus-tongue anyway).
And maybe then they can try taking Kazakhstan because nobody cares about that country anyway (for Americans, it's a country of Borat).
Russians are only capable of betraying their best friends/allies.
fake, is no such article
stupid poland
why stole our flag
go eat some burger
Yes, we are and have been for a while now.
Are you going to tell me Sup Forums used to be left leaning now too.
Okraine thread about:
[ ] Okraine
[x] Russia
[ ] Poland
google it you poo
we dont need western Ukraine.
We have Novorossia and Crimea the rest of it can fuck off.
Russia can still defeat Ukrainians in Donbass and create another cauldrons for Ukrainian army. That's maximum they can achieve, occupying such large country is utopia.
literally means "land of the ass"
Ruski pls come all the way to my border
ass as in donkey or ass as in ass?
Yeah, more war and destruction in Russian populated areas sure will do :) :) :).
If you understand the basic math that 80% of military conflicts' casualties are civilians and the area you "supposedly" want to "liberate of "Kiev Junta""", please do it. The less Russofascists in this world, the better.
That's great news, considering that we won't be sharing borders with you guys
Too late US do it already.
Lol Lithuania is, as always, butthurt that they are a worthless tiny nation who can't do anything by itself and needs its daddy's, aka Poland's, permission to do anything
>there are areas of Russia that would then need to be returned to their rightful and legal owners.
Well they're welcome to return them if they can.
The best what I can predict from Russians from the last "Debaltseve cauldron" are just artillery bombardments of civilian settlements, nothing more.
I don't know what brings a Russofascist more joy - that Russians living in Ukraine dying so they could never see Ukraine in EU or killing their supposed brothers Ukrainians.
They're literally fucking russians
>A leaf cover in Poo.
Oldest trick in a book, gib something you don't own for real stuff. We're dumb, but not that dumb.
Sorry that no one gives a shit about your pathetic, weak nation. Oh wait, not sorry
Why would Russia want Turkraine and its ugly kebab rape babies?
Because Putin doesn't like fags
That's literally the entire reason people don't like Russia
>implying Russians aren't just disgusting Mongol rape babies
Ukrainian brothers turned into fascists after Kremlin told Russian sheep so.
Turkish [s]cockrhoaches[/s] enemies turned into brothers and partners, Erdogan turned into good guy after Kremlin told them so.
Russians will change their opinion based on Kremlin instructions. If one day Putin says Ukrainians are brothers again, most Russians will forget this war
>Ukrainian brothers turned into fascists after Kremlin told Russian sheep so.
I blame Mosfilm for making all those fake videos with uki nazis
artificial and hummasexual
>liberators coming soon
Good thing my family is already packing it's bags.
Let's pronounce every Ukrainian citizen and army conscript a nazi, based on some marginalized groups, right?
Oh, whats bad about being a nazi in 2016 though? we've all seen that Hitler was right after all. You are on Sup Forums, faggot Russian. Get the fuck outta here
give belarus at least we could put the land to good use instead of that disapointment
>tfw state sponsored Russian propaganda is still more fair and balanced than 90% of American media
>marginalized groups
maybe-- he wants a terror-balance to counter the USA plundering the rest of the world with NATO, I wager.
Gib Bavaria and we have a deal.
Ukraine and Belarus should ask Putin: Sure, but we want to govern this union state and not Russia.
Will Putin still say yes? If not, this is just a thinly-veiled attempt to grab control. Trump will stop that shit pretty quickly.