Is anyone else genuinely surprised at how pathetic and embarrassing liberals are being? From the protests, to the petitions, to the fake news stories, to the wanting to steal the election...
This is the most pathetic America has ever looked.
Is anyone else genuinely surprised at how pathetic and embarrassing liberals are being? From the protests, to the petitions, to the fake news stories, to the wanting to steal the election...
This is the most pathetic America has ever looked.
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kinda expected it 2bh
think about it this way:
americans were so fed up with their bullshit that they went out of their way to vote for donald trump
>Is anyone else genuinely surprised at how pathetic and embarrassing liberals are being
Not possible anymore
same would have happened if hillary won. I would have been out protesting and im sure drudge and brietbart wouldnt have been too happy. Im sure some of us would have beaten up a sjw or two. This is what happens when your party doesnt win.
No, most humans are cattle and you cannot have enjoyable interaction with such low end life forms.
You cuckservitives did the same thing when Obama won...twice.
Not "liberals", white """straight""" male liberals.
I would recommend you to gas them if it wasn't for the fact they could maybe just maybe snap out of it and give you more republican votes next term. Unlikely though.
they are just showing their true colors as bitter cynical hypocrites who are only composed and proper when they are getting their way
now the world will see libtards for what they really are
it's very funny, save everything to use against them in the future. When they come with "muh educated" bullshit remember them how they're in reality a bunch of entitled violent crybabies
No. California could secede and I wouldn't even be surprised.
The Berenstain universe is a weird one.
either of you guys waiting for the lib Lord himself Bill Maher to finally speak
Nah I expected it to happen if Trump won. They can't handle anything that doesn't fit how they want the world to work.
to be honest.... trump looks like he staged this
I've been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me.
Conservatives didn't riot
Conservatives didn't flood media sites with fake "attacks"
Conservatives (the few) that yelled secession got no media coverage
Conservatives did not burn Flags, attack police or have college "cry ins"
Face it you ducked piece of garbage...You Liberals are every single fucking thing wrong with this planet. Please just fucking kill yourself already.
Not at all.
But I find it frustrating that, in spite of the obvious hypocrisy, crime, and fascism they're constantly engaging in, the only people who will recognize it for what it is are the ones who are already redpilled. In the end, nobody will learn anything from it.
I'm not surprised at all. I've watched them accuse Trump supporters and Trump of being Nazis, then turn around and get violent against Trump's supporters. That is literally behaving like the SA Brownshirts. They don't understand the irony behind this.
Not true, normies are finally seeing through libtards bullshit and will end up fully redpilled in 4 years
That's how facists act.
Not really surprised
That sign should read
Fucking assholes
>literally jewish beliefs
what the fuck are you on about you utter mongoloid?
>other countries protest over dictators who murder large groups of people and remain in power for life
>we have protests because our new democratically elected president hurt some losers' feefees
Republicunts would have chimped out even worse. Remember, you guys were planning civil war? Mark my words anons. In 2 years, Trump will lose control of both houses and in 4 years, Elizabeth Warren will mop the floor with this guy. The progressive movement was shut down by weak democrats. We wont let that happen again
I like your digits amigo
>violently rioting against democracy
seems like pretty normal behavior for these hypocrite retards
I want to see your sources for this bullshit claim faggot, since when did we protest and have those protests turn into riots. KYS
Oh and yes i mad.
I'm honestly stuck. I'm a very liberal person in a lot of ways, my girlfriend is a POC for example. But the way the leftist cry babies have been acting the last few years is really upsetting. Where do I stand if I hate radical libs and radical ring wingers both ?