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Fuck off. He's going to build the wall.
going to get annexed by russia haha
enjoy your freedom while it lasts you faggot slav
>new york post
>I-i was just pretending to be retarded xD
>He will never run for president
>He will never release his financials
>He will never win the primary
>He will never be president
>He will never build the wall
>He will never do etc etc
nice link
I actually don't care if he builds the wall as long as he increases boarder security I'm fine with it.
>(((the post)))
i don't think anyone who voted for him seriously thought Mexico was going to pay. The important part was the commitment to building the wall and now the US voters have blessed him with a red congress to make it happen.
What if we start a kickstart or gofundme to pay for the wall? If every Trump voter contributes $20 there would be $1,200,746,020 to get the project started.
Why is no one talking about the awesomeness of this post?
Lol i was just speaking methaphicorally bro.............. nothing more ;P
I'd donate $100
this is a nice post
Post source or fuck off
Kek confirms awesome post
fake, scam
>Trump won run
>Trump won't last more than 3 months
>Trump has hit his ceiling
>Trump won't win the primaries
>Trump won't attend the debates
>Trump will drop out
>Trump won't win
>Trump won't unite the country
>Trump won't build the wall
>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that thought this was actually feasible
Top fucking kek, m8s
>>Chris Perez
>Buttmad mexican
Good goy.
Did u cunts think he was gonna build a literal wall?
>people still dont realize that the media has long left actual journalism in the past and now make up literally anything they want to and push it as fact
Congratulations, you've been fed on what they wanted to feed you.
Should he just concede?
The wall was always metaphorical to increased presence with technology. Nothing more
>goes to home depot
>hires a bunch of dayworkers for 5 dollars an hour in cash
>wall gets built under budget and ahead of schedule
>technically Mexico built it
All promises delivered.
I don't understand how retarded people are on this.
He didn't mean Mexico is going to literally pay for it. He was saying they're going to reroute all of that money spent on illegals to the wall. It's not that hard.
This. I wouldn't expect an actual physical wall but more of an electronic "wall" of sensors, drones and cameras supported by some physical fencing and increased manpower. It's the most sensible solution to this issue. Trump gets to claim that successfully built his wall while saving money and preserving our relationship with Mexico.
Get a gofundme page started fampie
A news paper that if they make up shit about people even this fuck head they can get sued so no they didn't make it up as they can't.
Get it now you 12 year old?
Then why didn't he say that to begin with?
Katrina on (((reporting)))
It would be cool to have a donate 25 or $50 and get your name on the wall program with geolocation.
But he said 10 feet higher!
Nice link faggot
The article you posted is nowhere to be found
Ignore the press, they are trying to dodge the oven.
This really made me reflect and I came to the conclusion that the wall just got 10 ft higher.
Id donate more just to help make it more fabulous. Maybe right the names with Mexican tears mixed with food coloring.
(((New York Post)))
Man he really tapped into the uneducated white trash fuck ups.
So now he can be president and do none of the things he said.
Unironically believing in Trumps memes.
Because when having elections you are to have short, catchy slogans. Which Trump mastered and Clinton failed.
It's not even about the wall itself, it's about addressing the problem of illegals and solving it in the most effective way, which may or may not include building a wall.
And then go do your 8th grade homework kiddie.
Look, we had this issue before, even Ann Coulter was ready to drop him.
Physical wall. Real, actual military grade wall.
(((Credible news)))
Nice source, fag.
Fuck off you absolute nigger faggot
the beaners are going to pay for the wall
they dont actually have a choice in the matter
fuck the "relationship" with mexico
Trump is going to do to mexico what dads have done to lazy bum sons for centuries
Pay up, or get out and stay out
((((Sucking this much cock))))
No link. Fake and gay. Check for yourself.
A wall is just a building with three less sides. And building is this man's specialty, besides pussy grabbing.
>jew york post
>actually linking to the lying media
You're going to war with Iran morons.
>implying its not cuckservatives you are bending the knee
mexico can't do anything about it
Shills are trying to trick Trump supporters into joining their fake revolution by posting fake news all over making it seem he is betraying them.
Why is your commie shit country ass commenting on this subject?
Also Ivan he said many things h would or would not do and guess what ? Very few will he go by.
See All he needed to do was get a bunch of morons to walk around saying that stupid acronym MAGA and click the button for him.
This. I've been thinking the same thing.
Doktor will finally remove ICE's deportation inhibitors, and preform their job to their full potential.
Plz fucking sage
>we can go to space but we can't do something the chinese did thousands of years ago
I don't even live in America but I'd donate 1k of my savings easily.
It's always been about an actual, physical wall, not metaphorical.
>Trump tells Mexico to pay for the wall or they will be invaded
>start a war with Mexico
>Mexico takes over SoCal and Southwest Texas
>Trump signs a peace agreement
>as part of agreement Mexico has to pay for demilitarized zone between our countries
5d chess. Now we don't have to deport all the Mexicans, we get rid of hipsters, and Mexico pays for a Korea-tier wall.
>what is google chrome inspect.
AHAHAHA so many faggots fell for this!
I actually have been wondering about this. He was praised on Sup Forums and basically everywhere for being an outsider and gonna reboot the right and all this stuff - But he's literally choosing from the same group of people that caused the GOP wreckage for 8 years. Why is this not scary?
It's like reverse meme magic. They make a meme and the opposite of their meme happens.
The wall is in his 100 day plan you retard.
>trusting the lying media
Wasn't he just going to hike up tariffs on Mexico and use those to pay for the wall?
>still has hair in his avatar
hah what a fag
Do you honestly think building a wall with out patrolling it is going to do anything?
Also that's not even enough for the area on the rio grande. Seasonal flooding make building a cement wall there impossible.
>Cement wall
Nate Copper is absolutely finished
The wall was a bad idea to begin with since most illegals come over by airplane
End Illegal Immigration Act
Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern
border with the full understanding that the country of
Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost
of such wall; establishes a two-year mandatory minimum
federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after
a previous deportation, and a five-year mandatory minimum
federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering for those
with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions
or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to
enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs
are offered to American workers first.
You obviously don't know shit about construction. How do you think they lay out concrete supports for bridges that go over water?
"Oh no there's water there can't lay concrete"
Jesus, how can one man get Blown The Fuck Out so much?
>drumpf supporters: "MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL"
>Mexico: fuck off we're not paying for shit
>drumpf supporters: o-ok we'll just pay for it ourselves pls no bully
Honestly how is he even alive
At this point Nate should probably just kill himself. No matter what he says Kek has cursed him to infinite failure.
>thinks he knows shit about construction
>think a wall is the same as bridge.
Top kek, I love the poorly educated.
One of the most Trump-friendly publications on Earth.
They don't have the same meme-dedication and belief in Kek as we do.
It's also a fake article, mongoloid.
>no source
>a bunch of people from other boards are having a blast trolling us
>there are still people who follow the bait
Scared kokhol is scared.
Rerouted remittances sent to mexico + fixing the $60 billion trade deficit with mexico. That's more than enough to pay for a wall 3 times over, and none of it is our money.
Because he's not a retard like you. This was on his website for a year now, free to read at your leisure. He explained it multiple times on the campaign trail, but his slogan summed it up in an earworm soundbite that would filter through a thousand layers of media distortion: MEXICO WILL PAY. Dumbasses like you ran Hillary's campaign which is why no one knew what her central campaign messages were.
what was the new york post's prediction before the election?
that is now the gauge for judging whether to believe anything a publication says.
What if we were wrong? Maybe the right wasn't blessed with meme magic, but rather the left was cursed with anti-meme magic.
>implying mexico can say no to the fucking USA
Do you know the country you live in? Idiot.
If President Trump wants them to pay, they will. It's a matter of seeing if he'll demand it or not.
This is actually possible. A forbes goon came up with idea for a kickstart project that could use a crypto currency named "wallies" for people to design their own chunks of the wall.
it would be like donating shekels to videogame companies to get your name at the end of the credits