You have doomed a man to death Sup Forums. How can you live with yourself?

You have doomed a man to death Sup Forums. How can you live with yourself?

He's dead anyway.

Gonna go to IHOP and get some pancakes.

I couldnt give a fuck abojt this retard.

>so many salt emojis
never change twitch

give him few years, his opinion will change

Yeah, in a few years his liberal opinion will be gone alongside his flesh and bones.

>every man is entitled...

>falling for the obvious propaganda

He a pretentious literal cuck. Doesn't matter the outcome he's gonna die from cancer either way

I doubt he'll live that long

How did he live before Obamacare?


Yeah, we should all be suffering under the weight of a terrible healthcare system that is causing many peoples lives to practically collapse, so he his cancer is taken care of.

Listen, we have the american cancer society, hospitals will take care of you even if you don't have insurance. The difference is that it will only financially cripple you, not literally the bulk of the middle class.

Maybe his dead beat ass should go to college and get a job with full benefits like i did. What disease does this cuck have? Cancer from eating doritos and mt. Dew his whole life?

>will die without ACA

>Lived before ACA


What is he dying from?

youtube comments

>Don't have to get drafted and die to US-armed "moderates" in Syria

That's how I'm going to live with myself. Not getting killed in one of Hillary's wars.

lmao this guy who makes bank from his blogging is going to die becasue trump


terminal bowel cancer

wasn't that the guy that wouldn't stop complaining about world of Warcraft and how everything was easy mode?

His wife came out and said he's full of shit on his Reddit page. They make too much money to get any benefits from the ACA and have been paying for experimental treatments out of pocket.

His wife refused to vote for Clinton and he called her a Nazi and she said they're not on good terms anymore. The guys fucking dying and he's driving away his wife who's stood by him and his fans that provided him with the revenue for his treatment.

> hurr durr my life is so fragile so my opinions need to be my rights
these faggots need to grow up already

>give him few years
Yeah he doesn't have that long.

the cancer has grown to such a degree he has become the cancer.


Or raped and stoned to death by one of the terrorists Hillary would try to bring in


at least he explained himself. unlike every other libcuck

I always knew total biscuit was a faggot. Now he is spewing literal propaganda-tier bullshit that he got off of cnn.

I want to see the look on his face when his healthcare costs go down under trump. I still hope he survives his illness, but a lot less now. Fag.

I thought this cunt was British?

TB can eat a dick

waitaminute, this guy lives in the States?

another whiny faggot removed from the gene pool. I see no problem with this

where did you get this from?

he moved to the usa years ago

Same source as the OP, his twitch. Knowing TB, it's deleted now.

I supported him during Gamergate because I thought he was red pilled but he turned out to be a big beta Cuck. Sad!

Yea, but we don't want him back

This human garbage is still alive? Why do disease-ridden famous (or semi-famous on this regard) live so long in their sicknesses?

If I recall he married a single mother and moved to the USA.

"How do you sleep at night?"

"Like a baby."

>Racist because against illegals
>Sexist because of decade old banter on TV
>Child rape allegation was dropped because they didn't have a case

Ah yes, it's quite clear he's working from solid ground there.

>You're a misogynistic, racist, sexist, bigoted, piece of shit!
>But please keep paying for my cancer treatment.

I like TotalBiscuit as a person, but he is straight up retarded sometimes.

He spends thosands of dollars on stupid useless shit, but muh healthcare

So why doesn't he move back. It's not like the UK has shit internet
I wouldn't either

Entitled to the pursuit of happiness, not happiness.

sauce pls

>legislation that prevents health insurance companies from dropping people on a whim
surely that's not true, right?
when you get health care you enter into a legally binding contract, don't you?
if they fail to deliver on their end couldn't you just sue them?

>So why doesn't he move back. It's not like the UK has shit internet
hes got terminal cancer, no point in traveling

What a retard. Trump literally said he would make sure that people with pre-existing conditions could get insurance.


Wait, isn't he a brit? Don't they have free healthcare or whatever? Why doesn't he use his country's healthcare?

People die, that is the way of things. Some advice to you, and all liberals and leftists- stop wearing your heart on your sleeves. It makes you gullible as hell.

On another note, did it ever occur to you that perhaps YOU should take some personal responsibility and initiative and work towards healthcare at the local and state level, rather than relying on government to hold your hand and give you everything? YOU are the market, and if a provider is not working in your interest, you take your business elsewhere- hence why medical insurance should be privatized into the open market. Businesses will have to compete and innovate to stay afloat, or go under.

Because he has to sustain his wife's son

>the fact that he's going on trial for child rape

Yeah, no, you're retarded. I would say you need to be put down, but you're already dying, so w/e

He has ass cancer. He might very well die before Trump is even inaugurated.

>Im not overreacting

He will replace Obamacare tho. Not abolish it. Lefties are retards

>SJWs breaking down left and right
>buttblasted degenerate (((((((celebrities)))))))) """""""""""""""threatening""""""""""""""" to leave the country
>TotalShitskit is going to die soon

He hasn't even taken office yet, and already Donald J. Trump is the best president the USA has ever had. What a fucking hero.

How much longer until this SJW dies from cancer again?

What was worse was the reaction he gave to his wife. I didn't quite like the guy because he's always been a pretentious faggot, but now I think he's a real piece of shit. Dying of cancer and still acting like a fucking child. What a guy.

nice one czechbro have a beer

so he moved to USA, to marry a fat pig with a 9yo

i nthe end he is getting cancer

karma and such

>On trial for child rape
I think liberals are becoming so delusional they're starting to believe their own lies
It would explain why they hate him so irrationally

You'd think after TB was berated by liberal SJWs after GamerGate, he'd be more red pilled. Instead he bought the narrative in full force. What a worthless sack of shit.

Those 376 salt replies are well earned.

Ass cancer

>his butthurt is literally killing him

Should have grown up, and stopped thinking a grown man can play video games for a living.

If you can't take care of yourself without gibs, then you can't take care of yourself at all. If you can't take care of yourself at all, sign up for disability

TotalAssCancer should save his strength, he'll need it for when the grim reaper comes a knocking

Don't get mad a Trump, get mad at Obama for destroying an entire network of HCPs with a halfassed system for "legacy"


I don't give a flying fuck about degenerates.

I think he's just referring to people who can't get insurance pre-existing conditions. Like when people get sick first and then suddenly want insurance.

Is anyone else glad TotalBiscuit is dying?

Sup Forums here
in this moment i now wish this man no longer live on this planet anymore, he's served his purpose for the vidya industry, but seems to have had his mind taken over by the SJW disease as well as his ass being taken over by cancer

he used to be a reasonable and wellspoken person, but "orange troll" and "you voted for hate" now makes it look like he's just another idiot

good riddance

no more than he cucked himself to death

Oh really I thought it was cured? Oh well. RIP TotalBiscuit

What is this fag on about? Just DM Martin Shkreli for healthcare, he'll hook it up

Cucked by Cancer

>Should have grown up, and stopped thinking a grown man can play video games for a living.
it's so pathetic that people actually spend their time on their asses playing video games and actually earn money for it

He can LITERALLY leave at any time back to the UK and enjoy his NHS benefits as a dual citizen.

For most plans. If you smoke, it's gonna cost you more. If you're fat, it's gonna cost you more. If you're old, it's gonna cost you more. If you're dying of cancer and need expensive medical procedures, it's gonna cost you more.

Obamacare doesn't have that (supposedly), but it's expensive as fuck. My family is paying $2,000 a month for it. We're all healthy weight, don't smoke, have no diseases. Fuck monkey obama, can't wait till it's repealed

>Dying from cancer.

Jesus fucking Christ. At least die with dignity. All he's doing is leaving the taste of anger in his loved ones' lives with this attitude.

he literally raises another man's child, not even meming

Is he an American citizen? I thought he lived in the UK.

ree white people

ever since he got some tranny on his podcast and called everyone who didn't like """her""" a transphobic i unsubcribed

He is no better than Anita now

He can't just fly back to the UK and use his country's healthcare system? If he's concerned about his cancer that much he should just fly back, it not like he would have to quit his job of streaming video game reviews - Doesn't his job leave him well off anyways?

>Caring about that fat twat of an anglo
He is literally gonna die before age 40 because he eats so much shitty food even americans are telling him its time to go into rehabilitation.

Pre existing conditions have always been covered under company insurance policies and under medicare/medicaid. If he is truly struggling to last just 2 extra years, he would be declared disabled by SSI and be given 100% free health insurance. If he is still working, he already has insurance.

It only effected a tiny portion of the population that had enough money to afford private health insurance (and if you are sick, even under ACA, you need a shitload of money to pay for it) yet werent sick enough to be disabled and are too lazy/stupid to work

Meme more

>people get paid for being good at something or being entertaining
>implying this hasn't been going on for ages

30 FPS

just wondering... is there any proof he has cancer?

lol isn't this logical though?
maybe not the paying more for being old, but if you smoke and eat like a pig, you have a higher chance of getting sick and it's your own fault.
You should pay more than some guy who eats healthy and exercises

Literally from cancer

Dead people vote liberal all the time.

But he'll still vote democrat

Red pill me on insurance, Sup Forums
I don't see the buzz around people with pre-existing conditions paying more
the insurance company is gambling on your ability to live long enough to pay them more than they will have to pay you, and if you are more likely to die, they are making a financially boneheaded move to give you the same rate, no?


>his wife started losing weight when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer

Can't jump ship when you're fat I suppose.

>if I say it enough it will become truth

>Everyman is entitled to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness
You'll notice this doesn't say you're entitled to health unsurance

>we are all american. You might be, I'm not.
Why wouldn't you consider yourself american if you were born in the US? Are you saying you identify with your race first? That's racist bro.