When did you realize that Palestine are the good guys?
When did you realize that Palestine are the good guys?
when I was like 5
I don't support muslims, the end.
What about Palestinian Christians? Jew's completely fucked them over when they stole their lands. Jew's are actually demonic
The middle east isn't just kikes and arabs. We should try to protect the christian minorities down there and let the scum exterminate each other.
Palestinians are disgusting. They are literally the descendants of Jews forced to convert to Islam
I used to think that, and if you isolate the conflict down to simply Israel vs Palestine I think i'd still agree with you
>Palestinians were there first
>the Jews are the invading force
>Israel has more money, larger military, etc
>Each year Israel occupies more and more of Palestine
But the less Muslim run states that exist in the world the better, so let the Jews exterminate them
Never. They're muslims and don't deserve respect.
Get the Christians outta there and let the fuckers eat each others
Palastine the good guys haha good one.
Remember Landshut they were our enemy even back then.
When i read the bible.
Fuck off, Mohammed.
They wear black and use AK's, they are classic bad guys!
Both are shit and should be gassed
After learning about Trianon.
>they are classic bad guys!
a classic created by jew controlled Hollywood
For a brief period when i was a deluded student Commie. Thanksfully that past and i now see clearly how utterly savage Palestinians are, randomly stabbing strangers, that i now support Israel and Walls.
>Each year Israel occupies more and more of Palestine
Israel has only been surrendering territory to the appeasement of arabs since 1982.
What people (usually reddit tier college students) consider an "ongoing land theft of palestine" is primarily the construction of new neighbourhoods (some buildings) in existing settlements in the west bank, ignorant to the fact these settlements are physically isolated from arab villages anyway so it doesn't effectively mean Israel gained more territory
if your stupid irish ass wants to know more about the issue (lol i have a feeling you don't) read about the 6 days war, the jordanian disengagement from the west bank, and the oslo accords.
Kek'd, screw that.
Thats bullshit and you know it.
when I realized that Juden are no fun
Whole family is Christian. We noped the fuck outta there before shit got real bad.
Shut up Abdul
You don't deserve this clay
When I watched Munich.
Made me realize how things really are and that the Jews weren't the good guys but neither is the Palestinian people.
spoiler: even in the event of a solution for the israeli-arab conflict and the creation of a "palestine" state, your family will still not come back here, because one of the reasons they fled in the first place is not wanting to live under muslim rule in a muslim majority state.
They're not.
Either way I don't care.
Palestine isnt its own country, it never was its own country and the people they elect to run there "country" are terrorists. Fuck Palestine the jews are better.
countries that don't exist get flag?
whats next, kosovo?
achmeds gtfo
They demolish Palestinian homes to make room for new Jewish settlements.
t. Ahmed
1. >a westerner countryside settled by normal people
2. >a jihadist shithole full of stone age savages shilled by marxist college kids
a hard choice indeed
When I was about 9.
There are no good guys there. Just glass the whole thing.
When it disappeared off the mp and suddenly isntreal was in its place.
>Just glass the whole thing.
No worries, global warming will make the whole region unlivable in a century or so.
There are no good guys. Every side is complex individuals, and most of them have in common that they will throw out their principles in favor or "anything goes" against the other side. I have personally seen people go from "let's work for peace" to "genocide every *other side*" in under a year.
I would never forsake our greatest ally
They aren't good, they're sandniggers who never got the chance to be themselves, cause they were victimised
Then they'll have time to move. We need to take them by surprise.
They're both shit, Kingdom of Jerusalem soon
Israel are winners.
I support Israel.
Palestinians, like the rest of the Arab-Muslim world, are bacteria that needs to be washed away.
Bye bye towel heads.
Both Suck, Jerusalem belongs to the Crusaders.
according to your country Kosovo exists.
I hope you enjoy your shit tier Egyptian cinema, sharmuta
So before 1967, the year when Israel took control of West Bank and Gaza strip, where these territories considered seperate entities like they are today? That is, did people see them as "palestine" like they do today when Egypt and Jordan had control of their respective territories (Gaza to Egypt, WB to Jordan)?
Making a 5 year old girl wear the scarf of a terrorist organization is the textbook definition of "not good".
>Muslims and Jews killing each other
everybody wins......
Oy vey Shlomo, it's a mitzvah
>Making a 5 year old girl wear the scarf of a terrorist organization
>scarf of a terrorist organization
Nigga, the scarf is a perfectly normal peice of palestinian clothing.
How fucking uneducated are you, boy?
Nigga, what?
she's also pointing two fingers in the air which is doubly terroristic. Textbook definition of "very not good".
They are? I didn't get the memo. We are talking about ar*bs here right?
They're not the good guys. The fact alone you need to post a pic of a little child to garner sympathy should really get the old noggin buzzing, Muhammad.
>mfw palestine and belgium get flags but """scotland""" don't
I hope they both die
paleshits are niggers
Palpatine is not the good guy
He blew up alderaan and also killed millions of innocent ewoks
and that's why I stand with Israel
As soon as I knew that something like jews and a state called israel exist.
>T. Schlomo Moshe Baruch Silverstein Goldberg from the Jew York Synagogue
I believe they are capable of being the good guys. But I don't see it happening soon. They are thought from young age that we are the devil, and must be all destroyed.
Rub my horns, goy.
afert watching this youtu.be
the poster say "stop gaza massacre"
so they tried to shut it down
I stopped caring about who's who when I realized there are 2 billion whites and 300 million arabs and that you're afraid of us like we will replace you.
Whites are more insecure about their lives than jews about money
Shabbat shalom, Ari fleshberger, it's a mitzvah :3
When did you realize that we'd all be better off letting God sort them out?
who is 'us'? just asking because I hate women.
Oh right, it's shabbath already. Good thing shitposting is one of the things you are allowed to do. My rabbi told me so. Only shitposting on Sup Forums though.
>When did you realize that Palestine are the good guys?
honestly there is nothing wrong with Israeli and middle eastern Jews they are the most based and red-pilled and are family first
its the damn European Ashkenazim jews that are the greedy backstabbing fucks that are evil
When I heard they were fighting jews.
When they wrecked Christianity in Lebanon.
Arabs, of course I didn't count Turks that are too ugly to be related to us in any way
I also hate women but sadly they have value before God so we must take care of them.
((( )))
>They are thought from young age that we are the devil, and must be all destroyed
>mfw palestinian education is better than my country
>national """hero""" is literally a womyn
>faggy sounding low energy language
>actual faggots
>surrender beta-cucklet
If asked I would probably prefer to born here rather than france tbqh. You will soon be minority and nignogs will racemix you out of the gene pool so... Yeah.