The Day of the Rope Can't Come Sooner

SHOCKING VIDEO: California High School Student BRUTALLY BEATEN For Supporting DONALD TRUMP!!

Race war when?

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Buy weapons for a happening so when Trump gets inaugurated we can shut down the chimpouts. The dindus will run the second they see them

I live in this 650 town on the peninsula. this shit is bound to happen. there are 3rd worlders in this town mixed with gated white neighborhoods within blocks.


Girls should start carrying guns to school desu.

i mean, on the scale of 1 to 10 how easy would it be for the parents of the kid to sue the parents of the sheboon for everything they got?

Kind of silly so openly advertise your support for a wildly unpopular candidate when you're surrounded by people who will react violently at any perceived provocation.

Should she have been beaten up? Of course not.
Could she have easily avoided it by keeping her mouth shut? You betcha.

Should she have to keep her mouth shut? Of course not.
Should she have expected retaliation for voicing her opinion? You betcha.

It sucks but there it is. You don't live inside an invincible bubble. Sometimes you need to consider the consequences of expressing yourself before you do it; not just in circumstances like these.

The black nigger's name is Maliyah.

Slow your roll Clint Eastwood, a show of force will only send the normies crying, we send out a warning, militias go in first, then police, then the nasty guard.. 1992 all over again, a shame I'll have to kill my own people, but they picked their fate.

Did the nigger get arrested already?
Also, what a qt

doubt she would get anything in this Clinton drone area

so a export from Africa got it

The liberals want to encourage these random attacks, they make fake er scenes, the write racist stuff places and blame trump..
What if they accidently meme their fears into reality.. what if they normalize it all and we really do make america white again

Fucking niggers.

>in a school
impossible. Bullies and niggers are god's children in american schools
>outside a school
very easy

>give teenage girls guns

>give hormone riddle sociopaths the ability to kill at will

YEA cause that wont end badly.

Start organizing ffs Amerifats, you're letting the leftists dominate your streets.

Dont sit on the computer going "lol we totally BTFO them XD, we wont the election now so its over!" while white children, women and old people are being fucking beaten in the streets.

Get together, get armed and start looking after other Trump supporters

So you trust a girl with this, but not a .22 rifle?

> commiefornia
already dominated by lefties... long ago

It's interesting that there are so many reported racist and sexist assaults from trump supporters but none ever caught on video

However, few videos of Trump supporters getting assaulted are already out there.

Sigh.. it's always a nigger. Shit for brains.


Fuck off you spineless traitorous cunt.

Attacking people for their democratic fucking vote is absolute cancer and every single subhuman involved should be taken out back and shot.

You need to learn how to read. I'm not defending the baboon's actions. I'm pointing out how the girl was naive as fuck to think she could openly discuss her controversial political view and remain safe.


Yep, the mom in the interview was spot on. You probably shouldn't be putting this (among all the other stupid shit people put up) on social media, but it's a fucked up world we live in where this will get you jumped by a pack of wild niggers.

But this is how red pills are dropped. And for these next 2 months, we're going to be seeing a lot more of it.

ooga booga

The white guy at the table that didn't help needs to have his head caved in. He just kept staring at his phone.


No, I read and understood your post just fine, I stick by my comment.

>Don't make them mad or they'll hurt you

Fuck off with them.

Where the fuck did you get that I am ok with a woman having something like that?

I fucking hate that women can drive larger vehicles.
They cant drive for shit, and they buy that stuff because "it makes them feel safe" even though they are the #1 hazard on the road.
Every single time someone pulls infront of me or about hits me its a fucking woman.

Id rather drive in an asian country than I would have to be on the road with a woman, especially in something like that.

btw, a 22 can kill too (not that theyd be able to aim it accurately enough for it to be lethal (or even hit the target))

>sue the parents of the sheboon for everything they got?
Probably because it's not worth the hassle of a court case just to get a few 40's and a baggy of crack.

The same can be said about anyone. Don't make them mad or they'll hurt you. Being intentionally ignorant to this truth doesn't make you a fucking patriot, it makes you reckless. Don't piss off people unless you can handle the consequences of their anger. She's a defenseless little shit. She expected society at large to defend her from retaliation. She got a bloody nose and a lesson.

>If you anger the Muslims, they will bomb you, don't anger the Muslims

Nah, still telling you to fuck off with your cucked state of mind.

>brutally beaten
>gives interview on TV
>no bruises on face

Ya real fucking "brutal"

Why are you people such pussies?

No, you're an idiot.
I don't know how it's going in USA, but here we are taught to accept, that we must live with people who can have different opinions.

where in CA is this?

Try not to cut yourself on that edge

Uh yeah, that's exactly what happens. You piss people off, they might fuck you up. That doesn't mean you need to stop pissing them off; it means you need to be prepared for what they might try to do to you. Understand the distinction?

Don't start fights if you're a fucking pussy. You're just going to get your shit kicked in. Unless you're completely autistic or a woman raised in a sheltered life this should be obvious common sense.

I don't roll up into a black neighborhood with my windows down screaming "fuck all niggers". Why not? Because black people mean so little to me it doesn't matter if they know how I feel. But if I did care, and I did want them to truly know how I felt, I would make sure that I am armed and not alone. That's because I would EXPECT retaliation. Makes sense, right? If I'm not prepared to defend myself, I'm not going to paint a fucking bulls eye on my back.

Should I, as an American citizen, expect to be attacked for voicing my opinion? No. I should not in an ideal society. But do I? Yes, because this is not an ideal society. Acting like it is makes you naive.

>mfw live in a 95% white area

We will if it persists, for now it's just children throwing a temper tantrum as we expected. Quality of life in America is too high for people to actually keep protesting and being violent for any significant period of time so it's not likely anything substantial will come of this. Other than the left making itself look worse and worse.

Stop trying to explain away your weakness, I told you how I felt.

>I'm not going to bother reading or responding to any points you make

Way to advertise your stupidity. You're why nobody can have an actual discussion on Sup Forums.

no you fuck off ctr cuck shill back to plebbit and tumblr cuck

I read everything you had to say.

Stupid niggers need to hang from threes. The other niggers should be banned the entrance to Europe.

White people should have picked their own cotton. Would have saved a lot of drama and the country would be safer.

I doubt anyone realized just how destructive outdated farming equipment could be.

At the time of their arrival they were slaves sold by their own people after all, that's a next level weakness.

Answer me this. If you were the defenseless girl in OP's video, would you do the same exact thing she did? Are your principles so steadfast you would not hesitate to take a beating JUST to let 12 of your classmate followers on instagram know you're a trump supporter? Does their knowledge of your political party matter so much to you?

nah we was kings and shit

Has nothing to do with whites picking our own cotton.
Whites didn't bring slaves to America.
Kikes did.

>were protesting because were scared for our safety.
>trump supporters the only ones who have been attacked.

>>trump supporters the only ones who have been attacked.
Yes, they are the only ones. There's no other video evidence of attacks. Notice when Trump supporters are attacked there's fucking evidence to back it up.
When people against Trump are attacked the only evidence they have is a paragraph about how they are literally shaking

No I would bust the fucking head of the animals attacking a girl for her vote.

But I'm not a liberal cuck living in Commiefornia.

Let me show you how to deal with these cowardly shitheads if they're bigger than you:

>they buy it
I agree with you, but that is just some spoiled skank whose daddy lets her play redneck with his lawyer salary.

T. Southerner

This caused me more rage than anything else in the video. I expect niggers to act like niggers but seeing that cuck sit their and do nothing to protect a female of his own race disgusts me. We need white solidarity now more than ever.

You must have missed the part where you would be the defenseless girl.

That's what she was, and is. A defenseless girl.

It's all fine and good to say you would defend yourself when you have always possessed that capability. Do you understand? You don't need to be TOO concerned with your well being because you are, for the most part, ALREADY prepared for their retaliation.

My point is that if you've got any sort of brain rattling around in your skull, you would not willingly start a fight with a bunch of violent sorts of people unless you had some means to defend yourself; or you had something worth the trouble to gain from the beating.

Apparently you're incapable of viewing the circumstance in another person's shoes even though I explicitly asked you to.

She got her ass kicked
So does that mean she won?

I am and , I agree with you.

I was a Senior in HS in 08, and didn't make my political views particularly known, at least not wide spread. But I knew I would be skipping school the next day if McCain somehow would have won because the niggers would chimp out exactly like this.

>or you had something worth the trouble to gain from the beating.

Maybe you'll figure the rest out yourself and stop fucking humping my leg for validation.

Forgive me God , but i want to see all : libs,cucks,nowhite,mudslims,fags/ligtb-something fucking purged

Liberals are as fags as trumpers

>he says as he posts on Sup Forums
Yep, I'm sure you're a real tough guy :^)

>I'm not going to explain myself or my point of view at all
>you should just change the way you think about this without my intervention
>na na na boo boo

>black people without shirts in public



the blacks all rush in for cheap shots too when he takes the ape down

Can't argue with a smug anime face, guess both you faggots win. Go be weak somewhere else.

Leftist monkeys

Come here to hate racemixers with me.

>acts like starting fights you can't win somehow makes you a total stone cold bad ass

>what chu doin Urkel?
>go and get dat nigga bruh.

toppest of keks.

its probably a bad idea to give children guns user

Hey, when they kill you you win.

Lol i went to that school, class of 2010 here. It was 50-60% "hispanics." 10-15 blacks and 10-15% white when i was there so, she was asking for it. Should have stayed the silent majority. Well at least that nig will be suspended. MAGA.

When they kill you for being retarded I win.

Just remember this the next time leftists chimp out about "what was she wearing when she got raped."

>Lol i went to that school, class of 2010
rival cross town school here class of 2013, sorry about your school reputation is about to into the garbage.

I'm a strong believer of common sense and personal responsibility. I will condemn people who break laws, as well as people who willingly make foolish decisions based on erroneous beliefs such as "I am a woman; therefore I am safe" or "I am in America; everyone will respect my rights". I am a realist, and I reserve no sympathy for people who indulge in fantasy.

Hasn't happened yet, and considering I was the only white kid in most my classes growing up they've had plenty of time and opportunity.

Maybe you'll get lucky and my mouth will end with me on the floor next time and you'll somehow hear about it, then you can feel all grand for being the pussy you are.

I'm pretty annoyed it took another brown girl to get involved for the beating to stop.

These cuck males should get the lethal injection for being so weak.

>Should she have expected retaliation for voicing her opinion? You betcha

This said from the comfy couch in your mom's basement. Your argument makes you sound like a timid mouse.

In effect, you are saying that the young woman poked a sleeping bear with her words. Or maybe I should say, dangled a banana in front of a rabid baboon.
You are right that we don't live inside an invincible bubble. However, the assault should never have taken place and the blame is fully on the girl who attacked, not on the victim.

Stay mad, Trumpfags.

niggers are so confused when a fight doesn't go the way they planned

>aw sheeit why duz muh face hurt ;_;

The reputation has always been shit, and i dont really care about the school anyway. Made it easier for me to climbed to the top 4% and got into a decent uni despite immigrating there in 2006 (asian here, literally the minority i school, around 3-5%). What do you expect from a school with that kind of demographic.

>Woodside High School

I wonder who could be behind this.

That scene from a movie sure showed me.

I don't know who you think you're impressing with your e-bravado.

>However, the assault should never have taken place
Obviously. I said that.
>the blame is fully on the girl who attacked, not on the victim
The blame of the crime is on the perpetrator. The responsibility of the white girl's health and well being lies solely on her; not on anyone else. Not her classmates, not the faculty, not society at large.

She did not take responsibility for her own well being, which is why she was so cavalier about her opinion when she should have known full well what expressing that opinion could incite sub humans to do.

Understand this sentiment is not victim blaming; it is a call for people to use their brains and understand that if they don't exercise a modicum of forethought they're going to end up in harmful situations beyond their control.

this is fantasy, great whites don't lose fights.

>I don't know who you think you're impressing with your e-bravado.

You obviously, you seem so fascinated with me after all. Now come give daddy a kiss.

>she is to blame for voicing her opinions
>it's her fault she got raped, she shouldn't have dressed like a slut

OH wait, somehow the latter is different for some magical reason. HMMMM.

white people are just very durable

a lot of blacks literally die by accident. You choke them for a second and their heart stops.

Looking at the other students, is this normal nowadays?

Everyone looking at their phones, no one except one girl tried to separate the fight.

10/10 kek

lets stalk that nigger bitch som1 told is "Maliyah"??? last name?

Dont really care for mine either, but with is area especially as it is half spics, half white gated communities with el camino and the railroad tracks only separating them, she should of gone to private schools like Sacred Heart in Atherton. They could of afford it and she could of avoided this shit in the first palce.

a spic and nigger colony in the peninsula not yet gentrified.

>shocking them in the gooch

Your trips are compelling. Kiss me you hunk.

You're unable to see the distinction. Ignorantly antagonizing people when you should know better is a personal failure. The onus is not on society to protect you from ALL of your shitty decisions.

To be fair, they were NEVER supposed to be given full rights. Even after the Civil War. People like to forget that. Even Honest Abe knew they were 2/3rds human at best. Hell, he literally wanted to send 'em back to Africa.

Blacks were respectable at one point because they lived in fear. Fear makes people decent.

>A nigger
This isn't even shocking.

nothing as pathetic as a city faggot that thinks hes a redneck
t. southerner

you actually know the skank?