Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
>my ass you will
Those niggers can leave but they're not taking Nevada with them.
If California wants to leave (not the others), by all means do.
Two less Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and 55 fewer guaranteed electoral votes for Democratic presidential candidates.
Top tier cringe
Why would we not take Nevada?
Tell that to
Eastern Washington//Southern Washington//Eastern Oregon//Southern Oregon//Northern California.
Also I'm pretty sure the 20 people living in rural Nevada wouldn't like it either.
>implying he would burn up poor innocent people of color
lol big man would only do that to helpless whites
pretty funny seeing liberals turn into the politics of backwater hillbillies
>we gon' suh seed yall
>wurrr jus likkkeeee gona liiikkkeee leave the country its just liiiiiiikkkeee america is to racisssssstttt
we're not in your shit, you fucking faggots
you transfer fucks won't do shit but move to my state and fuck it all up just like you did yours
signed, Washingtonians
Yeah and the California counties that voted red all hold the state's agriculture and the state does not have sufficient water supply to last a few years.
>Inb4 we build offshore desalination water plants
The states will be broke just building them.
You can have cali and nevada but you aren't getting oregan and washington. That's asking the united states to give up it's west coast. It would devastate trade and weaken defenses.
If it wasnt for the fact the field workers bleed into Las Vegas for elections, we would literally be one of the reddest states.We have nothing in common.
fuck off california WE'RE FULL! No more southern immigrants! MEDFORD, BUILD THE WALL
Nevadanon here, you will never ever secede and if hell froze over and you did you would not take us with you. We both produce nuclear weapons and have them ready to use on site, which only one other state does, but our dam powers you losers along with parts of utah new mexico and arizona. So you secede, we cut the power. Or charge an assload for it. Not to mention you delusional whiners are in the middle of a record drought AND on the wrong end of the Colorado
>Californian Empire
>no Baja California
Isn't that map pretty much the actual lands occupied by the NCR in Fallout?
No to mention the fact once you leave the only three cities we have, it literally look like fallout irl. Look up Goldfield. Shits intense out there in the desert.
Hey I live in Oregon, if this somehow happen-Well, I mean it won't happen, but if you wish upon a star for this to happen, don't kill me in the next civil war, please. :)
Why the fuck do all the places I like to live have to be infested with liberals and progressives?
>commiefornia BTFO
this is a pretty standard delusion for libtards. they overvalue their own, non-productive, service sector economic contribution and either fail to recognize or outright malign actual strategic and economic necessities such as resource extraction, manufacturing, and energy production.
Fellow Nevadon here with a status update. North LasVegas has just overan the strip with dindunuffins. We need Drone strike coverage immediately!
California's Number one export
California's Number one import
Useless Libtards
>implying Washington and Oregon belong with anyone but eachother
>implying Eastern Washington belongs with anyone but Potataho
Fuckers just want our water.
good, ship them off so those faggots can't vote anymore
California alone has a GDP similar to China. They also make a large amount of the produce that feeds the entire US. It'd be pretty much a disaster if they seceded. They also have like 20% of the population of the entire country.
>California's Number one export
Useless Libtards
Fixed that for you.
Because your ancestors were gay
Because they cannot deal with hardship, and the places you like to live are amazing climate wise. Move to Alaska.
california leads dairy
also leads in tech companies and entertainment
And nothing of value was lost
in the future it will be known as the worlds biggest pane of glass.
stop bullying CA pls
we're not all faggets here
Just have sex with Eastern Oregon already and make Jefferson real.
really makes me wish all the illegals and depraveds all move to that special spot of theres, then for that california fault line to split open and swallow all that shit up.
millions of years latter, they will be another oil deposit.
it's called cascadia you faggot.
Go ahead and try to secede, Democrats. Just remember what happened last time you seceded over a lost election.
Cascadia doesn't contain California. Just pure north west, no filthy south. Jefferson can join.
One commie ruins the whole crop.
On the one hand, Lincoln established protocols for what is done with secessionist states.
On the other hand you'd get a permanent (R) majority in the rest of the US.
Only Texas has the right of secession, it was agreed to when they became a state. So in order to have a successful Liberal Secessionist movement, they would need to all move to Texas first.
It's always hilarious that you sad faggots think everyone in California is either a coastal glutenfag liberal or a mexican. There are shitloads of conservatives in CA, there's just shitloads more of libs in SF/LA.
California's #1 export: People who complain about Washington drivers and Washington weather.
Seriously just crawl back to the shithole you came from if you hate it up here so much.
Losers in Redding are hilarious
t. Fresno
this is very true. I'm a conservative in CA, and there are a lot more uncucked people than you might expect.
Oh fuck off, you California jackasses always drag other states into your bullshit without even asking their opinion on it
Nevada is American forever. Nice try, kid.
>Only Texas has the right of secession
Montana as well, but only if the federal government tries to take their guns.
If we're going with liberal paradise, I like New Detroit.
Give it to the Mexicans
If they are claiming a new country, I am sure that they wouldn't take Area 51 with them.
>he think the USA will let state leave the union,especially the states that has area 51,and the mainland pacific forwarding base.
>Le cucked union generals meme
Sherman specifically hated the blacks that tried following his army around after he freed them. He only did what he did to cripple the south and end the war and like Grant actively sought the softest peace terms possible to simply bring the war to an end. Besides Atlanta was evacuated well before it was put to the torch you illiterate retard.
more like democratic peoples republic of progressivia
thank you. These CA hate threads trigger me so much I might need blue highlights
rural oregon will never be a part of it. fuck californians
Time to move there.
put Baja California too as well fuck this country
Also agreed. I live up on the peninsula in a city with one black family. We voted Trump. Fuck California.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
You can have those. We keep the military installations, of course.
Fuck you. This is mother Russia clay. Remember Fort Ross, lads.
>implying oregon wants to join
Для мaтepи пocaдить мoeгo бpaтa
If they actually did secede would Russia try to take them over? I mean, as a sovereign nation California would only have as much protection as they could themselves afford, since the U.S. probably wouldn't provide them with all the military power America possesses.
So Cal doesn't want to live with Northern California and visa versa
Washington and Oregan are more likely to join Canada than California.
More like Washington and Portland.
Wisconson is also known for its dairy.
Texas is also known for its tech companies.
Fuck Hollywood. All of LA deserves to burn in nuclear fire.
Which is why that part should join Canada. It makes a lot of sense and the problems with America can't be resolved.
You can have manufacturing, mining, free markets and nationalism. We'll take tech, finance, heatlh care and multiculturalism.
We can split a few provinces and states in half where there's conflict. Just do it peacefully and be done with it, so we can get on with our lives and stop bickering over gay people and muslims etc. We are never going to agree,
>New York
No, fuck you. Only states that Bernie won in the primary are welcome. Ameritards can deal with Wall Street and Hollywood themselves.
That's a right wing strong hold now.
>Interior BC
>Make insanely high export tax on drinking water.
>Californians die of thirst or move across border.
>great empire guys
>implying america would give us their most populated areas
>implying america would let that many liberals have their way on the continent as them
>implying they wouldn't just slap commiefornia and tell them how its gonna be
>implying that already didn't just happen
fuck off buddy, vote leitch in and lets make this whole continent great