Could this happen?
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Self bump. I'm scared
It says millions
the only thing that matters, is if it did happen, the inevitable reaction.
War, all out, Civil War.
the liberals would lose, this unprecendented betrayal would cost them more than just 4-8 years, it would cost them everything.
they have no idea what they ask, so I say let it happen, they haven't seen a true Rout defeat, it'll make Trump's victory look like a fucking game of checkers.
I'm still wondering
It's over.
"Millions" of people voted for Donald Trump
I would hope the electors of this country wouldn't consider a fucking petition over the results of the general election.
I'm getting more ammo.
Just in case
It's a petition. Even if all of America signed it the government is not required to do what it says because petitions hold no legal power. At best they'll look at it, but more than likely they'll just ignore it.
God I hope so. Immediate civil war and lefties quickly squashed. Best case scenario
No, congress has to certify the electoral votes. Trump owns that now.
you complete retard, a petition has literally never accomplished anything. an online petition is even more worthless than a real one.
Also, the article says 2.4 million. Trump had 60 million votes lol and most (if not all) of those people on the petition voted for Hillary, which would just be them saying "LOOK! WE VOTED FOR HER!! ITS HER TURN, CNN TOLD ME SO!!"
Also you don't even have to be a legal voter to sign a petition, and using fake names to sign petitions over and over has been a thing for years.
The petition for second brexit referendum actually caught considerable support and it was still completely useless. It'd be unheard of and, like everyone says, it would NOT just end it "ok Trump's out, Hillary's in". Dems were going crazy at that one elector who went "never Hillary". Imagine what would happen if all the electors needed for this actually decided to flip.
this, lord please
60 milllion people already signed 50 separate petitions to have the Electoral College select Donald Trump.
They would never have the balls. It would end in complete disaster over something completely stupid. He won fair and square.
Why isn't Obama coming out and telling them to shut the fuck up?
>less people than voted republican in CA's election votes want to elect hillary
>Alabama (Code of Ala. §17-19-2) - 9
>Alaska (Alaska Stat. §15.30.090) - 3
>Florida (Fla. Stat. §103.021(1)) - 29
>Maine (21-A MRS §805) - 1
>Michigan (MCL §168.47) - 16
>Mississippi (Miss Code Ann §23-15-785) - 6
>Montana (MCA §13-25-104) - 3
>Nebraska (§32-714) - 5
>North Carolina (NC Gen Stat §163-212) - 15
>Ohio (ORC Ann §3505.40) - 18
>Oklahoma (26 Okl St §10-102) - 7
>South Carolina (SC Code Ann §7-19-80) - 9
>Tennessee (Tenn Code Ann §2-15-104(c)) - 11
>Utah (Utah Code Ann §20A-13-304) - 6
>Wisconsin (Wis Stat §7.75) - 10
>Wyoming (Wyo Stat §22-19-108) - 3
151 legally guaranteed electoral votes
>Alabama - 9
>Arkansas - 6
>Georgia - 16
>Idaho - 4
>Indiana - 11
>Kansas - 6
>Kentucky - 8
>Louisiana - 8
>Missouri - 10
>North Dakota - 3
>South Dakota - 3
>Texas - 38
>West Virginia - 5
127 overwhelming victories (by 10s of points) - no way in hell these would change
Trump has a minimum of 278 electoral votes
I mean, realistically, no electoral votes are going to change no matter how many "internet signatures" they get, but even in their wildest fantasies liberals couldn't hope to get these changed
Oh yea totally
The electoral college is going to listen to some butthurt losers and override a democratic election.
>could it happen?
Unfortunately no, there's 0% chance. We will never get to storm the Bastille after they try this and guillotine the traitors
37+ unfaithful electors is not going to happen
So "millions" of people have signed a petition saying they voted for Hillary and they're mad that their chosen candidate didn't win.
Who/what/how the fuck is anyone supposed to care? You voted and lost. Shut up.
I fucking wish they would. Imagine the actual race war.
Welp guys. Who's got the script to crash this vote with no survivors?
They aren't legally guaranteed, it's criminal in those states to vote against the result but it's still valid to do so.
A plurality of voters across all fifty states chose Trump. Just because there were a shit ton more people in California voting, because there exists no actual republican party there, doesn't make her more popular. The idea of sending delegates to choose the president is stupid, but the framework where people campaign to achieve the highest plurality of state votes in proportion to population of those states is a smart system that is more representative.
I would march on Washington myself gun in hand.
God these fucking lefties are at it once again.
Weren't they supposed to leave if Trump won? Well he did.
Now they're riotin, burning american flags and assaulting anyone who doesn't agree with them all while saying "OMG I LITERALLY CANT THIS RACIST TRUMP IS GOING TO DESTROY AMERICA!" And say they're defenders of democracy but then things don't go their way they do all that shit and demand thing go their way. What a bunch of hypocritical double thinking self projecting assholes, i hope they all die tonight.
Too bad that many tens of millions more signed a petition to cause the electors to elect Donald Trump. I remember doing so on the 8th in a little booth.
But 60.5 million people already signed a petition not to select Trump
God these fucking lefties are at it once again.
Weren't they supposed to leave if Trump won? Well he did. Why are they still there?
Now they're riotin, burning american flags and assaulting anyone who doesn't agree with them all while saying "OMG I LITERALLY CANT THIS RACIST TRUMP IS GOING TO DESTROY AMERICA!" And say they're defenders of democracy but then things don't go their way they do all that shit and demand it goes their way. What a bunch of hypocritical double thinking self projecting assholes, i hope they all die tonight.
I wouldn't be surprised if a handful of electoral votes floated away to Hillary in December. However, Trump won so soundly that I doubt enough people would give up everything to go against the people.
They could never swing the choice back to Clinton.
No. The vote would be void and the elector would be replaced before being fined and/or charged (depending on the state). The replacement elector would then submit the proper vote or face the same punishment.
lol, no
they'll move on from the bargaining stage eventually
No because the government took down the petition for violating rules.
Technically yes.
Realistically no.
Hillary would need 38 electoral voters to turncoat for this to work. That's a hell of a lot. She could possibly swing 1 or 2 but not 38.
Even if she got MI and PA to swing back she'd still lose.
See also, very interesting explanation of why the electoral college is good:
And the majority of those people are accepting their defeat.
Even Hillary has accepted it
"Millions" on a petition that people in Saudi Arabia can sign, user.
Canadians, Mexicans and French people can sign this. It's literally nothing
>Could this happen?
If, by some miracle (aliens, sorcery, whatever), it happens. There will 100% be a civil war.
>It says millions
L I T E R A L L Y ... TWO. KEK
Trump's lead was too much.
You'd need the electoral college to basically sign it's own death warrant to actually have this happen.
I want whoever wrote this to die
This honestly just galvanizes the people who supported Trump, or were on the fence about supporting Trump and voted 3rd party.
It just shows that the Cultural Marxists have no respect for the system.
>lose election
>think petition changes that
Well, considering the Electors have party affiliation, no.
Enough Republican electors wont vote for Clinton.
Hell, there are at least 2 Democratic electors who came out saying they wouldn't even vote Clinton if she won
No, the electoral college would like to hit these idiots for disrespecting them & the democratic process this much.
It took them like 3 days to even get the required amount of signatures. Harambe petitions take off faster than that.
>Its not democratic if my candidate doesnt win WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Are they trying to start a civil war? Im down.
They are arguing against democracy. The only thing this will accomplish is they will lose support from the moderate leftists.
The left is imploding
>if it gets enough signatures, the whitehouse will respond
>it gets enough signatures
>Trump takes office
>Simply replies "No"
Only fucking liberals would try to undermine the general election by petitioning electorals to not vote for what the people want.
These idiots keep throwing around but muh popular vote bullshit and it's comical. Apparently they fail to see that the electors are pur their to represent THEIR states, not the whole country.
>I'm going to petition the government to subvert the government
And this is why no one takes liberal protestors seriously.
All they are is dust in the wind..
she conceded, aka dropped out of the race. so no they have nobody to pick besides trump
No, the Electoral College doesn't work like that.
Where was this kind of shit with Gore lost?
If the electors go against the votes, there WILL be civil war.
I wonder if they would start using weapons after the breakout of a civil war.
Democrats and Far Leftists want eternal leverage over the Electoral College
If America gives in, these faggots will be rioting every time a Republican gets the projected 270 votes
>60million have already signed petition urging electoral college to vote for trump
Hey, it worked for gay marriage.
They're used to seeing the majority vote overturned by activists that want to be feelings heroes.
The petition is just 2 days old retard. It will probably have about 30 million signatures by December 19 if not more
I am not a Trump supporter, and I gotta agree that this is just retarded how the left are reacting.
I'm hoping this is just them moving through the stages of grief.
>Denial - the election night shit where they kept going "B-but the populous area votes are gonna come in!"
>Anger - the riots
>Bargaining - OP's stuff with them trying to get the electoral college to deny it or threatening to leave
>Depression - Coming up next maybe? Also, obviously those weak faggots that killed themselves
Seriously, maybe I'm autistic, but I took the loss and went right to acceptance and thinking of the future.
The DNC needs to sit it's ass down and look at why they lost, realize that the demonization and disregard for those rural and white communities was a major fuckup, and try to make changes for 2018/2020.
Literally cause a civil war.
The same thing happened with Brexit. Media even shilled so hard and wrote articles about it being """officially""" considered.
The 0.0000000001% chance that the electoral college does not elect Trump is the only hope these cucks have of not getting deported, so they're gonna cling to it.
No. Stop concern trolling. There is absolutely no chance of this happening.
If the government doesn't look at this petition (considering the fact that it holds NO legal power) then we're gonna have a civil war.
If we do have a civil war, then we need to stop getting scared and make this entire thing backfire on the lefties.
If the Democrats don't start getting in touch with issues that actually matter then they can look forward to the entire rust belt becoming a Republican stronghold
They would declare war and threaten us, but it'll probably just backfire on them.
A petition? They have already lost, fair and square, this just shows their underlying cheating desires and hopes of manifesting something into this country that is unheard of in the midst of democracy.
I'm willing to concede in my mind that not even Hillary herself would commit such an act for she knows the system all too well enough to go around making people sign some kind of petition.
If they did they'd sick the left and the right against each other, because then everyone has gotten fucked over. It would be catastrophic.
Besides, they're not going to change the historical electorate system just because of a bunch of cry baby liberals.
Because he's a stupid nigger.
look at all that prey
>there will be a civil war
>with the entire military controlled by liberals
>with almost all military members being liberal
>with liberals being more scientifically advanced, both technology and weaponry
ya, good luck with that republicans
>2.4 million signatures
>most are non Americans
>urging electoral college that represents 350 million people to elect the lost
WEW lad
The EC already chose.
They cast their votes in Dec. But hundreds of faithless electors would guarantee civil war.
Even if they did change it. I bet you can't have obama snap his fingers and change it? It has to go through undoubtedly a very long process.
''will be a hard pill to swallow''
Kek this going to be great.
Raise the voting age to twenty five. 18 is not what it used to be when people died at 23. People are children for longer now and most don't even leave home until 25
technology means nothing
>technology means nothing
have fun getting nuked
have fun getting lasered
damn i actually feel stupider reading that
If it does then we'll kill them.
If it happens, it's civil war. Simple as that.
So it's not going to happen.
Same happened with Brexit, no
You know 59 million people signed a petition to make Trump president just a few days ago.
>with the entire military controlled by liberals
>with almost all military members being liberal
>with liberals being more scientifically advanced, both technology and weaponry
Is this advanced autism?
just by you saying what you said proves how easy this will be if it happens
No. Anyone can sign this petition underage voters, people from foreign countries. This petition will do nothing
Lol you scared faggots. Petitions are worth as much as schrutte bucks.
No, our petition was November 8th. The people and the states made their decision. This is just some cry babies that didn't get their way.
>petition open to anyone in the world
>thinking a few million signatures will change the results of a 120 million vote election
We call this the first stage of grief: Denial.
Petition doesn't mean shit until it gets at least 60,467,601 signatures
Go ahead, I'm ready for a civil war. And I'm ready to use my guns to defend American liberties. Can the lefties say the same?
>War, all out, Civil War.
When will this meme die? If the EC elects Clinton, half the country will be pissed, half will be overjoyed. But it will be LEGAL for them to do so. Civil war you say? Enjoy getting gunned down by the police and military and branded a terrorist later.
Here is what would happen: Hillary's presidency would be incredibly challenged and she would have trouble governing the USA and would not be taken seriously by many foreign leaders. And thats it. If she does things terribly there will be another president in 4 years, if not, she will win the re-election.
Will it happen? No it will not. Because SURPRISE: Trump will turn out to be somewhat reasonable and the electoral college will see that.
Honestly, I'm hoping this can be a kick in the pants to get people to recognize how flawed the extreme SJW ideology was to the idea of actual progress.
The moment they started excluding people by slapping a big, broad, "-ism" on their head was the moment they lost track on what progress is actually about: unifying all despite our differences.
Also, weighing privilidge was a major fuckup on that end too. Sure, Tyrone in the ghetto has shit harder than Jimmy in the farmland on some aspects.
But Jimmy still has to struggle and toil to make sure he can barely get by along with his family. He shouldn't be fucking ignored just cause he doesn't ALSO have the weight of gang violence and shit on him.