drumpfkins on suicide watch
Sup Forums BTFO!!!!
drumpfkins on suicide watch
Sup Forums BTFO!!!!
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Sup Forums isn't the ones rioting idiot
Personally, I'd love more videos of libtards getting gassed and shot with beanbag guns
You dumbass, this allows him to continue to be president past him term date!!
Fuck Drumpfo
1) A fucking leaf
2) No source
Two criteria for identifying 0/10 posts on Sup Forums.
How fucking long you think martial law lasts? 3 months? Nah son.
CTR detected
He won't. It's done.
Obama is a good man.
>martial law
>for months
>because of asshurt college kids
one day of martial law would be enough to scare them back to their blogs and patreons crying about how they saw a gun while they were breaking shit
Why do ya think the Clinton Foundation has been buying up arms and ammo?
The media is saying this to incite riots. I guarantee Obama never said or even hinted at martial law.
Allow me to rectify his lack of proof.
yeah that will work.
Don't even have to look so know this is biased unproven shit.
I bet you're a 14 year old edgy spurgelord. Do you even know what CTR posts? ANTI-trump posts, not anti-liberal posts you moron
Our endgame is an American civil war anyway
Smells like bullshit, servers down,
During his second term, he gave himself the executive power to unilaterally declare nationwide martial law.
hello CTR
you just linked the same article as OP? That's not proof you dumbshit, martial law hasn't been put in place since Lincolns presidency if you think gunless, libtards, spray painting cop cars and setting trash cans on fire is enough to inact martial law it just shows how fucking stupid you are.
I see your martial law, and raise you a counter attack by the "drumps"
you think those pissed of art students are dangerous? think about how the high testosterone gun loving/carrying trump suppoters fight back
sure, bring it on boys, civil war with liberals dying over being butthurt, i'd pay tosee that shit
Is this Obamaleaf? If so, you promised me you'd leave the board forever if "Drumpf" won the election, chump.
Anyways, how long do you think Obama would even declare martial law for because of butthurt college kids and blacks rioting? Do you think he'd somehow keep Trump from taking office?
True. It smells like bullshit
How did you post twice so fast?
The riots were worse when those blacks got killed by police.
It's just liberals not understanding that they had their 8 years and got nothing done with it.
Cocaine can do that for you, lad.
Also captch not appearing
Seriously tho, an user once said this is exactly why #blackcrimesmatter was doing this in the first place.
Can't surprise Sup Forums we already know about it.
>mass riots
>few guys burning bins
enjoy 2018
I'm just posting the article. I'm not claiming whether or not it's certifiable or not, just making it easier to find.
It's most likely clickbait, but I don't see what you mean by the servers are down, it works on my machine.
And here it comes
>few guys burning bins
few nignogs burning bins
Your day is coming you fucking leaf.
> Months of martial law
God damnit leaf, every god damn time
Once you read "Martial Law" (or the misspelled variant) in a post/article, just stop reading. It's moron conspiracy people's favorite word. They love to drop that buzzword in EVERYTHING. It never comes true, even after all these years.
leafs were always meant to burn
The republicans would flip and then (((they))) would have a real problem to worry about.
Go home CTR
Maybe he should call for peace first instead of inciting violence.
Martial Law was last implemented during WW2, but I agree with you. The source is shoddy at best and I doubt he would actually want to spark a full scale rebellion over shit that the national guard can handle. Also Martial Law has to be passed through congress when used in a domestic situation.
You have college kids smashing windows. You try this martial law shit and I guarantee you'll fucking see the second amendment in action. It's one thing to posture and be a dickhead as a black president and make empty threats. But you seriously try this martial law shit? I promise you politicians will start dying quick. It won't be a race war. It'll be a "race execution."
>I'd love to see marshal law so the establishment can cuck Trump out of his rightful spot in the oval office.
nice try CTR
So this was your elaborate plan? To force Obama into declaring martial law so he can (maybe) stay a bit longer in power?
Where I get hazy is... how does that B Sup Forums TFO? There's no logical connection whatsoever.
On the contrary, Sup Forums was, AS ALWAYS, right to say that you're just a bunch of pathetic parasites of society.
I don't understand, you talk as if this would affect law abiding citizens.
Martial law in case of rebellion would suspend rights of people from being unreasonably imprisoned.
This would affect trump protestors and rioters.
This is what I would cream my jeans to watch at these peaceful protests.
With the weapons coming from Albania that Hillary bought. Boys we might have a ruse on our hands.
Even that delusional, demented "muh silent coup" YouTube grandpa pienczik is a more reliable source
how is it goin adolf?
its fun to pretend though
American race war
bbut.. that's genocide
more than 6 gorillion leafs are going to be burned to ashes
You are not nice, alberto barbosa
Can we please go back to calling them JIDF now that the election is over?
It's more of a class/ideological war, really.
Trump appealed to the average, middle class person.
Clintons had the global elite (See D.C. 93%), the entitled, spoiled brats and the underdog illegal subhumans.
true. I've always been a cunt
what can I say: you are what you eat
I should start eating more Mongolians but they're hard to find.
>leaf humor
This reminds me of the image that was thrown around a while back, where this was planned to happen if Trump got elected, that BLM would riot and Obama would enact martial law, and he would stay use it to stay in power for a few more years. I thought I saved it, but I can't find it.
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Wasn't Detroit under martial law for years? Realistically the entirety of America wouldn't be under martial law it would be certain areas like Cali or whatever. The rest of America wouldn't need to care.
Sounds to me that it's the leftist crybabbies that are the ones about to get BTFO by government-sanctioned RWDSs
Dumb cunt. Obamas ready to move on and make himself a multi millionaire if not a billionaire. He's always hated the Clintons. If Hillary had won and fucked up shit everyone would blame Obama. Now if anything gets fucked up they will blame Trump
Oh my dear leaf: your American ilk lost. You lost the presidency, you lost congress, you lost the Supreme Court.
Your media sycophants are humiliated and your revolting cultural degeneracy is about to be undone. You didn't lose to a republican, you lost to an entire movement.
You lost because you are weak, sniveling little cry-bullies and we have had enough of your bullshit. We expect you to abide by the same rules you demanded us to observe (of which we have always done in the past). Now sit down and shut the fuck up before you end up dealing with the business end of our AR-15s.