Drain the Swamp?

More like drain the swamp, saving the water, make it look like a swimming pool and pumping the swamp back in with the exact same water.

Other urls found in this thread:


i don't know, i like what I am seeing tbqh

But this isn't draining the swamp of insiders.


Better Article on the same thing. You got cheated Sup Forums

Welp, I guess there's no doubt that the game is rigged

Enjoy your revolutionary war 2020, burgerbros


These sources are very reputable. There is no reason to think they're spinning this or misleading us at all.

Well then you could research and see if it was actually true if you don't believe it?

more like
>Make a beautiful swamp, the biggest swamp you've ever seen a fantastic swamp
Cause y'all ain't getting no wall, y'all getting a second fence

Or he could just wait and hear it from Trump himself.

The proposed list of transitional positions. Though they are still not finalized, these are the first picks and it does have a number of lobbyists.


Well this too heh


While i'm far from a meme-trump supporter, any political realist will realize this is a necessary part of now being president and getting the Republican Party, who has been trying to kill Trump (politically, only Hillary arranges murders) since before he even won the nom. This is part of playing ball. This is business.

It was always going to be a fence. Two fences, actually. Because thats what the Border Patrol wants and has always asked for - a 6-10 foot tall double fence with a bit of razor wire on top. I knew that was what the Wall was going to be when the Border Patrol union supported Trump and spoke to him in private.

I do look forward to Sup Forums realizing Trump is basically the white republican version of Obama - a lot of big talk that really boils down to centrism that doesn't get a whole lot done even when controlling all three governmental branches (remember Obama's first term when the Dem's were in the same position the Reps are now)

But anyone really salty about this nonsense is just a fool or a memester. What did you expect, a second Great Wall of China? The Great Wall of fucking China didn't even work, it historically failed at it's task quite handily, and the chinks had slave labor to build the thing.

>But anyone really salty about this nonsense is just a fool or a memester. What did you expect, a second Great Wall of China? The Great Wall of fucking China didn't even work, it historically failed at it's task quite handily, and the chinks had slave labor to build the thing.

God damn mongolians! youtube.com/watch?v=afnJbdT4t5g

What else was he going to fill the swamp with?
His employees? He needs warm bodies on the chairs.

most of the draining the swamp stuff didn't have to do with people and more with congressional term limits and lobbyists

Because the Wall and the Draining were his rhetoric. They were his THINGS. What he was known for. There are specialists in all those fields that aren't lobbyists, and he still chose lobbyists.

At this point I'm just wishing I could fast forward and watch what happens when chunks of Sup Forums start turning on him, which will happen regardless of what he does.


I thought this board wouldn't be shilled like this so much after he'd won

what pathetic sacks of shit still spend their time complaining about Trump on Sup Forums of all places


It'll be hilarious seeing liberals screaming about how terrible Trump is because he's not going to build a wall.


you inbred morons heard something about bias in media and assume you're supposed to take everything as outright lie. are you fucking stupid? these are his claims there are several different sources. media bias is not the same as factual fallacies you fucking retards. you're the prime example of fucking idiots reading some article somewhere about what to trust and what not to trust and start assuming you're an investigative expert by dismissing any media that doesn't act like an echo chamber for your inbred underdeveloped little brains

CTR unironcally shitposting salon shitposts.

>Trump will never win the election!
>Trump will never win the primary!
>Trump will never get senate term limits!
>Trump will never build the wall!
>Trump will never get reelected!
>Trump will never become Emperor!

>wallstreet tycoon uses election for his personal wealth

Care to take bets on how long until Sup Forums starts turning on him vs how long they'll be in denial?

I'm an independent, I only wish I got money from places like CTR and whatever the right version of that would be if it existed.

still better than the alternative

Never. Autism doesn't go away.

>same lying scum media
>same bullshit techniques.
Fuck off.

Trump doesn't have to sign a bill that doesn't present a big beautiful wall.

There will be a wall.

Anyone who says there isn't is a plant.

1 year bet T all



i love you. wish you were american. FeelsBadMan

Except maybe we have bothered to read several salon ""articles"" and dissected their bullshit over and over again to the point where anything coming from salon should be outright dismissed by anyone who wishes to preserve their sanity. This is the same as posting TYT and wanting people to take you seriously.


Yeah, fuck off. You're not getting paid to shill for Hillary anymore.

I put it at 6 months into his presidency.

Have you read this piece by the same wonderful publisher?


keep crying bitches.

trump won.
ctr BTFO.

reminder: your bosses hate you and call you nerd-virgins