Our last two presidents have been elected after losing the popular vote. My question to you is; how long can we keep getting away with this Sup Forums?
Losing the popular vote
as long as the US stay a republic and is safe from a majority ruling over the minority, i thought the liberals are all for protecting the minorities?
I hear it's some official named Sam Hyde that's rigging the electoral college.
Forever because pure democracies implode in on themselves and to abolish the electoral college means a candidate that panders to the Bible Belt rules the country, so I doubt any liberal with half a brain would willingly make it easier for Republicans to force Californians and New Yorkers to stop being faggots.
Maybe if the next Democratic president gets in and dissolves the concept of the "United States" to the "Unified American Republic" then you'll have a shot.
She still got less than half
How many "muh popular vote" threads are we going to have?
It's meaningless to determining the winner. No commonwealth nation uses direct popular votes to determine their leaders either.
Always. The electoral vote is as American as apple pie and the only rights states really have left.
Wow, why is Hillary so unlucky?
obama lost the popular vote in 2012? wow, didnt know
I'm absolutely fine with the electoral college. I'm just worried if we keep winning like this the liberals are gonna change the system once theyre in power and fuck us for eternity. Is that a possibility?
omg the ultimate cuck
>protecting smaller states from being ignored in federal elections is a bad thing
>he wants mob rule
What the fuck how do you get half of a delegate
Top kek
Ummm... should research some into the last POTUS though..
Obammy carried the popular vote in 2012 and 2008,
Wow what the liberals are going to say after this?
Again, I'm fine with it, and I understand the concept and why it's important. I'm just worried the libs are gonna change the system and fuck us.
Libshits keep bringing up the popular vote as if it matters. But it doesn't matter. It's completely irrelevant. Are you going to bore us with this trivia for years?
thalidomide during pregnancy
Trump lost the popular vote, but then again he was playing on the rules of the electoral college.
You can't have a MMA fight where one guy lands three punches, gets dominated on the ground for 25 minutes like a ragdoll and almost submitted 25 times, then come around and say "well if we just coun the punches he won". Those werent the rules.
Want to have a popular vote contest? Fine, do the whole election over, but on popular vote rules. Trump would have done a lot more visits to California and New York and gotten votes there, but as is there was simply no point in going to those states or say Illinois as they were hopeless.
Who is this cutie?
Aren't the Republicans in charge of everything now? How would libs change anything with the Republicans entrenched in power?
Proof the faggots in new york, Chicago and California don't matter
>tfw Electoral College is how based white people maintain all the power.
Dumfuckistan should be allowed to secede, seriously nothing good has ever come out of these states
Ted Cruz wouldn't let go
at least 4-8 years
We're not gonna stay in power forever. 8 years from now we could have a complete 180 with dems in charge of everything. If that happens, could they get rid of the electoral college?
This is a republic, fuck off
0.3% is NOTHING when you see the last 4 presidential elections saw a difference of millions (10 million in 2008).
In fact, did you ever wonder why Clinton's campaign didn't demand a recount in some of the blue states that went red (PA, WI, FL)? Their loss was well within the margin to request. In face her campaign chairman Pedestal hinted at it the night of the election before Clinton conceded, so why not follow through?
Simple, because they inflated their votes (rigged) in some of the larger cities hence the final tallies taking abnormally long. They simply couldn't rig enough votes to overcome the turnout in the other rural/suburban communities. You see when there is a recount there is extreme scrutiny placed on these locales instead of trusting the local election officials and Hillary's rigging couldn't withstand that. I'd go as far to say if there was a recount Trump would easily have the popular vote too.
Watch this.
Make your friends watch this.
There's a reason why it's called the United STATES you fucking moron.
cry me a river faggot
Harriet, she's famous
Does Harriet have a last name? Or is it just a mononym?
Did you faggots bother to read the OP? I'm a Republican, I'm happy with our win. I'm just worried that the libs will clamor for reform when they're in power and then we're fucked
Remove California and recalculate. Or just wait until mass deportation of Cal voters back to shit tier hellholes begins.
ppl keep forgetting about all the illegals, prisoners and ineligible/dead people who were registered...
Harriet Ambassador Emerita, as a matter of fact
>how long can we keep getting away with this Sup Forums?
The electoral process could use a little work, but this is the best we can do right now. Popular vote is pointless - this is the United States (emphasis on states), not the United Handful of Cities Controlling Everything
This was the moment that my doubts vanished. Based CurryAryans, thank you!
lel i don't think we should pay more attention to popular vote, I just made a vid about it and... presto majico! 15 dislikes off the bat ;))) Some Hilloli supporters got triggered lel
not that I enjoy KEK as president mind you, but still.
Here's the vid in case anyone asks
Was expecting that joke to come from a Brit.
You think anyone could get a constitutional amendment passed in this political climate?
Find something else to worry about bro
I've been trying to explain this to people. Cali alone has hundreds of thousands of illegals that voted. If there was a problem they would have immediately contested the results. The reality is that in the following month it would take to recount the voter fraud would be obvious. Demo would be hated even more and that gives Shillary one less month to pack bags to Quatar.
pay my sides back
No, Obama beat Romney in the popular vote by almost 5 million votes. OP is full of shit.
For fucking ever because if not, Cali, NY, and Texas would be even more disproportionately represented than they already are
>Limbaugh summed this up beautifully
After they have finished counting and the reports are written it will come to light that millions upon millions of illegal immigrants cast their votes and those votes will have to be disqualified
That's a black guy in Ohio, dumbass.
Stfu Hans.
I've been warning you cucks about this. My preferred candidate is Trump, so this time we got away with it, but the real future is direct democracy.
We can't keep getting cucked by the faggots because "muh minority" anymore.
Pick one.
Black people aren't worth a whole delegate.
No, but it's only a matter of time before the cucks use this system against you. This bullshit highly depends on what time and political situation it is.
Next there will be no sandniggers that'll buy Trump the elections. He'll have to use proper arguments. this is when shitty democratic compensations don't work.
Democratic party presendial primary dude
>My question to you is; how long can we keep getting away with this Sup Forums?
Forever. This isnt a fucking democracy.
3/5ths compromise
i laughed hard
The way the scumbag media is acting like they don't know why the electoral college exists, and talking as though it is some remnant of a time that doesn't exist is very concerning. Every single democracy (or republic or whatever) has systems to ensure people outside of cities are represented. Nowhere but America does the political media act as though they are bad.
Your problem is not direct democracy, your problem is federation. Abandon the faggotry.
There are two ways election by popular vote could be instituted. The first way is by actually getting rid of the electoral college all together through a Constitutional amendment. That would likely never happen because of how difficult it is to amend the Constitution and how much opposition an amendment like that would face, especially in a Republican controlled Congress. The second way is much more likely. If a group of states whose combined electoral votes equaled 270 entered into an interstate compact where they pledged to award their electors to the winner of the popular vote that candidate would get the electoral votes they needed regardless of what states they won. The compact already exists, but it doesn't have enough states.
If the goal was to win the popular vote, he would have campaigned completely differently. Both of them would have. There's no way to know how it would have turned out.
>how the system works
People elect a representative that then elects the president
>how retards thing it works
You have brain cancer, your system is indirect, or representative, democracy, being or not a republic is irrelevant.
You mean losing the spic and nigger vote.
First off, (and this is absolutely /thread) Hillary DID NOT win the popular vote. When you election fraud your way down from a 75/25 loss it ceases to count.
When will that delegate learn?
The electoral college is designed specifically to override the popular vote.
It's working exactly as intended.
And here's the compact in question if anyone wants to read more about it. I'm sure it's no surprise that heavily Democratic states are the ones supporting it. I'd expect it to get more attention after this election.
>ever being able to make 1/2
looks like you need some common core :^(
>You have brain cancer
I often wonder about this.
>your system is indirect, or representative, democracy, being or not a republic is irrelevant.
federal republic != democracy
You my friend, are retarded.
Math has no right or wrong answers. The answers are whatever you truly feel deep in your heart. Please stop mathpressing him.
>win the popular vote in more states than your opponent
>population is tied to how many electors you get for winning said popular vote
>people think this is unfair
Yeah it'd be much better if the president could lose in 30+ states
Butthurt suvacks everywhere
Thanks fellow burger. This is what I was looking for. What do you think the chances of either happening in our lifetime are?
>A non-country is speaking
I hate how they act like it was a massive win for Hillary when you look at the popular vote. She only edged out the Don by about 300,000 votes.
What this should tell them is that there's a massive (a little less than half) portion of the population who are sick and tired of the way they're being treated currently. Instead it just feeds into their victim complex and makes them feel like their life is still ultimately controlled by poor hicks in trailer parks who "vote against their best interests" and rich (white and totally not Jewish) businessmen on Wall Street.
And invite tyranny of majority to fuck us over?
No thanks. Worked for 300 years. It'll work 300 more.
Have they finished counting yet? Is there still a chance that uncounted absentee ballots could give Trump the popular vote after all or has that gone out the window?
>federal republic != democracy
lel the shit you read on here
I'm not really sure. I think a Constitutional amendment would be pretty much impossible. It wouldn't surprise me if the compact started gaining traction in other major Democrat states as a result of the election, and California will probably get more electoral votes after the 2020 census putting the compact that much closer to going into effect.
people here were trashing the electoral vote too, i saw it, but you know now that things worked out, well.....
>goes into a thread asking why democracy didn't happen
>reads why democracy didn't happen
>proceeds to shit post because he doesn't understand basic definitions
France is the canada of europe.
It's the tyranny of minority that's been fucking you over for a while now, not tyranny of majority.
Tyranny of majority == democracy.
Tyranny of majority is jewish agenda.
I have to agree though that in America the majority of people lives in the most cucked states possible. why do you keep up with thus federation bullshit, I don't know.
Trump won and suvacks are butthurt
Trump won and suvacks are butthurt
Trump won and suvacks are butthurt
And I like it
And I like it
And I like it
Black guy, retard.
This is the truth of the matter. I think her lead has pulled ahead to 400,000 as the absentee votes get counted, but then again absentee votes are among the easiest to rig. We know the Democrats committed election fraud, we just don't know the extent to which they were successful. The fact that they didn't demand a recount leads me to believe either they have reason to suspect they'd lose enough votes to give Trump the popular vote, or they did something obvious enough to get caught, and have burnt the political capital needed to keep it under wraps once discovered.
I think Trump needs to start deportations Day 1 if he wants a second term. The Democrats are going to pull out all the stops next time. They know it will be their last chance to use amnesty to seize power in America.
As long as democrats keep bussing in illegals to vote in California the more we have to keep getting away with it.
They'd have to amend the constitution, which requires a 3/5ths majority vote of both the senate and house to initiate.
stop it CTR, he won the fucking popular votes because he promised jobs, stop pushing the media ratings schtick trying to scare the retards and piss them off, they should be pissed off about being tricked into voting for the party of the KKK
he won he popular vote, before they count up the fraud votes
you have to be a citizen to vote, you have to be alive to vote
we need to rebuild the voting system so there is accountability
murder and nonstop crime
When every state has strict voter ID laws, only then the popular vote is relevant.
Even then I wouldn't say it's right for the US. Presumptive presidents would campaign on a platform that would only benefit people living in cities, especially those on the coast.