Holy shit, these are going to be a delicious 4 years.
Holy shit, these are going to be a delicious 4 years
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Our guy Bill Shatner getting attacked by SJWs on twitter earlier
Guaranteed he cried all night
You do realize the next four years will only make libcucks stronger, while Trump will destroy the Republican party from the inside out. Just look what Obama did for Sup Forumslacks these last 8 years. When the libs retaliate, it'll be a blood bath.
wtf I hate Trump now
Im a #HillaryMissile from now on
>Folks, this is the worst moment in American history. Donald Trump becoming President is without a doubt the most horrific tragedy we as a nation have ever experienced. Because unlike 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, we did not lose individual lives. We lost our soul, the soul of America, of justice for everyone and the promise of freedom for every man, woman and child, regardless of their race or sexuality. In this way, the death toll is beyond measure, for it is the American people who have died. America has died tonight, and all that is left is to mourn and prepare for the nightmare that is a Trump presidency.
>liberals still don't know why the lost
>blaming anyone who didn't vote for Hillary an -ist even if you aren't white cis male
>thinking any sane person will let these children rise to power again
They are turning on the electoral college!!!!
Soon they will demand a mob-ocracy.
In a mob rule society, racial lines are always drawn and whites always turn against the jews.
post YFW leftists push for another shoah.
Jesus Christ is this really what normies consider "entertainment"?
Watched the whole thing and literally didn't even smirk once.
Not to mention that in a mob rule they'd eat each other faster than they are now, which is saying something
LOL The GOP just became the party of the working man. There are a lot more of them than inner-city libcucks.
Fucking Obongo with his 'mic drop' last week. TOP FUCKING KEK.
Also, great, these hacks are going to give us 4 more years of:
fucking shitty comedy.
They're literally pulling their SJW bullshit on the first white man to kiss a black woman on TV, ever.
they are PANICKING
>implying they want anything less than the first white man to prep the first black man to fuck the first white woman on t.v.
>mfw people wanted him to run for president 4 years ago
why do you asshole support legacy media? seriously this shit needs to fail hard and the only way that will happen is if people cancel their cable service
Or turn into full blown boogey men.
>Do you even lift
>"I lifted the ban on cuban cigars"
The jew who wrote that is going to gitmo isn't he?
More like 8
that wasn't very funny
tell me america, will trump be dealing with "comedian" hacks like this?
If trump fucks up,it will be 4.
In the sense that everything he does will result in liberal "comedian" aneurysms, yes.
except the Democratic party is shattered. Even losing to Obama twice didn't cause this much damage to the Republicans, cause at least they usually win on mid-terms and more at the local level. Democrats have been sucking shit for 30 years, Obama's victory as an exception, not the rule.
All the libruls that aren't full retard and understand why Hillary lost are already out for blood against the Clinton establishment. Everybody who criticized Hillary and gave her warnings about Trump were vindicated, and now that the Clinton Legacy ends in failure and humiliation, there is nothing stopping the DNC from ripping itself to shreds.
The establishment cucks who want to cling to their power and honestly don't care if the Democrats ever win another presidential election will dig in their heels and try and deflect and outlast the more labor and policy focused Democrats who were ignored this entire cycle but then vindicated. The left could end up losing what White support they DO have, and ending up with a fraction of the youth vote they had.
Democrats aren't going to have it together for mid-terms, expect lots of ruthless primaries that fuck up their chances to make any real gains. They might not even have it together in 2020.
Expect them to run a gimmick candidate like Elizabeth Warren who has absolutely no chance of winning, instead of running somebody like Kaine himself, who could swing working whites back to their corner.
This is why he is more respectable than George Tegai.
the only way the democrats have a chance is if someone like jim webb, another populist thats more left centrist is nominated and beneficially exploited like the media did with hillary. But i think we've seen the end of the far left and neoliberalism.
>LOL The GOP just became the party of the working man.
The working man is fickle and has short term memory.
The moment Trump fucks up, they'll whore themselves to the democrats.
and neoconservatism. Honestly, if things go well with trump, we could see the rise of true libertarianism too. Its not too farfetched if you think about it. Assuming trump and his policies become/are more socially liberal and fiscally conservative
His policy against 'the war on drugs' will be telling of all of this
No liberal progressives in the white house. That's all i ask
His ratings are only going to sink further. This faggot isn't gonna last 1 more year much less 4.
>trump stands up to globalists that have destroyed blue collar working class America, a traditional democratic voting block
>call it racism and put forward the most pro-Wallstreet candidate we've ever seen
>even after seeing the results still blame racism
The left is driving the "if you're not with us you're a racist scum bag" so hard they're going to kill their party
You're right, Mr. Truedeu, wtf I'm with her now.
They hung onto the Democrats until the Democrats told them they didn't want them because they're white. Republicans wont do that.
>Republicans wont do that.
You dont represent the soul of America. Bye.
>caring about the first amendment
>but doesnt care about the 2nd one
I always felt a comedian should be the speaker of the truth. Unbiased and giving us a painting of reality with some laughs. You should be able to make fun of yourself as much as anyone else. And if you cannot do that, you are not a comedian. You're an asshole.
Its been going back and forth forever and always will. Its a never ending cycle
12:00 .. do you think he pretends to be a sexy cat when tyrone fucks his wife?
good lets watch it burn like a cancerous cell
actually im already tired of the leftist overreaction
mass suicide or stfu
hahahah I'm a smug liberal!! I'm so much better than you!! hahahahah I'm so funny hahahahahaa
welp, at least i get to laugh my ass off for the next four years. should be a quick four years ... or less.
Shill harder.
Colbert is secretly thinking "Thank you God for the Trump victory. I have my career back in the spotlight now."
these cartoons are so low brow
no wonder the west doesn't take animation seriously
>sure they've got FREE health care up there
God there is nothing that makes my blood boil faster than when people say that shit.
YUGE and BIGLY is fun, silly Fallon-tier stuff. I'd much rather that than the race war against whites that Colbert/Meyers/Bee/Oliver are pushing as """"""""""comedy"""""""""""
that suit is ugly as shit
Liberals are mentally unsound.
I thought this was an entertainment show not Colberts personal therapy session.
this wasnt even a good monologue.... guy fell off.
Do Democrats honestly think they'll ever be in power again? It just takes one 9/11 attack to cement the Trump Empire and everybody knows this.
Goats being the donkeys of sheep was good, but that wasn't even political, goats just look retarded
>this is what progressives actual believe
gov was corrupt. needed any outsider. trump is just a big lug that loves him some america.
Has John Oliver done a show since the election?
That's all I've been wanting to see was his concentrated butthurt and whining.
Colbert's election night concession speech was honestly very good. I think he really understood that his side utterly lost, and he tried to convey that to his viewers.
please liberals try and make a bloodbath
pretty please
He is keeping his shame away from the public right now. Everyone knows he fucked up.
The libs are tearing themselves apart and the rioting will only scare off anyone who has an ounce of open mindedness from their ranks right into the open arms of the people trying to make peace, which is why you should expect to see a more sedate and bridge building Trump in the weeks before he takes office. The democratic party itself will lose what little credibility they had when Clinton is thrown in jail and all her croneys with her, even if she gets a pardon from Obongo, that just confirms her guilt and all their names are dirt forever. The last nail in the coffin is once the illegals board the Deportation Trebuchet back to tacoville, the Democrat voter base goes with it.
Barring a catastrophy on a magnitude similar to the Trump miracle, the Deocrats will be on life support for decades, or dead and replaced. And its all their fault.
He's right.
The Dems did not represent us. They fucked our candidate out of the nomination. And now that the entire world has seen what a colossal corrupt failure they are.
Look at Trump vs Sanders. Trump would have gotten blown the fuck out because the majority of the country actually agree with Progressives and believe Progressive candidates over any shit the Republicans peddle.
You will see. When Trump fills his entire administration with corporatists (which he appears to be already doing) and betrays the working class he promised to help, the party will finish imploding. We already saw the savagery and instability during the primaries. All it will take is an actual Progressive candidate running again to siphon working class votes once more as Bernie would have done.
I agree, this is fucking boring
Did he write him the check?
And better yet has he an hero'd yet?
Sorry man, you couldn't be more wrong. One of the main reasons the dems lost was because of progressive policies. People don't like being called racist sexist transphobic bigots because they said bruce instead of caitlyn.
Your side will not learn from this. Your sjw issue will just get worse and worse until you have a black panther running as your party's nominee.
he's been keeping busy prepping bulls to keep his mind off the election turnout
Authoritarian left =/= Progressive.
If you can't see that the authoritarian left IS what is defined as progressive now, you are blind and will never, ever, ever learn.
>the country does not want you to be president, but we do want you to run
oh SHIT, the country has SPOKEN my friend, how does it feeeeel
Do you really think that Bernie supporters were mainly SJW's?
Then who was peddling the Bernie bros and sexist narrative that the Dem establishment was fabricating?
I wouldn't expect you to understand the makeup of the left as you probably have enough shit on the right to worry about. But at least dont act like you know what youre talking about.
>fearmongers to his own children
>lies about the president
>father of the year
These people are so deluded, I swear.
This true. Bernie himself only stood a chance because their was no POC candidate. That was no accident. Hillary made sure that would happen, hell it was probably agreed to back in 2008. There will never be a white Democratic candidate again. Nonwhite millenials have been pushed into easy track into top positions and they will be in their 40s by the next election. They don't have to take shit from some babyboomber dominated elite. They are mad and angry and looking for people to blame.
From here on out: the democrats are the party of nonwhites and gibs. All other issues will be completely ignored and simply determined by the special interests that donate to these nonwhite politicians the most. You will never see a Bernie sanders again.
ur a fag
>Do you really think that Bernie supporters were mainly SJW's?
many were, yes.
>I wouldn't expect you to understand the makeup of the left
I was a far left liberal until 2 years ago, then the left said that I needed to apologize for being a white male and I need to pay reparations and feel constant shame.
Because of that, I switched sides and many others like me will as well. Face it, your "trump hates minorities" rhetoric didn't even work with hispanics and black males. Both groups had higher numbers vote for him than Romney and Mcain.
Do you understand how fucked you are?
People think he's Kirk but he's really DENNY CRANE
wow this guy literally 14 years ago wasnt so bad, now he is another generic shill...
Do you think he'll be funny again?
I listened to his "poison" speech, based Mandela's rationalization.
What I found interesting is, is that he doesn't realize men like him sell the poison. He only gave a damn about the consequences of his actions when he faced a humiliating political defeat. He's obsessed with the unfortunate aspects of reality, instead of changing reality. HE IS THE PROBLEM. Mocking good people much of the time for their opinions, just for a cheap laugh between his corporate whore commercial breaks. He doesn't call them out on their bullshit like other comedians (Colin Quinn is a great example of a legitimately intelligent comedian who is anti-bullshit). But this fucking cuckold just sells his own version of bullshit. He is a snake oil salesman, a fucking charlatan.
When I was 13 he was funny and clever to me, because, I didn't know anything about political realism, or much of anything, and I was scared by the world. But now that I'm a man, I can say with a certainty that this small balled gimp and all the """intellectuals""" like him ARE the poison.
turn your American proxy off, Justin.
Something has got to be done about the media. This shit is just going to allow people to be the same sheep 4 years in the future as they are now.
So much this
>You do realize the next four years will only make libcucks stronger
Liberals are literally purging women and Mexicans from their ranks as we speak because they voted for Trump and didn't support Hillary enough.
Trump proved the Republican party was redeemable. But the DNC is a lost cause, Bernie was a plant from the start, it needs to be broken up and give Americans a 3rd party.
>knowing how to do anything but lose and cry
these people are the reason the word 'pussy' is used in a derogatory way
The real issue is the corruption. Rpubs turning thei backs on outsider nominee Trump. Makes me think too many repubs in high places also corrupt.