Trump supporters are idiots

Your right wing fantasies will never be a reality. You do realize that Trump isn't going to build a wall and that only the rich will be getting tax breaks, right?

He was just deceiving your stupid minds when he said he will bring back manufacturing jobs. He himself outsourced to China.

And deporting undocumented workers will implode the economy and raise the costs of goods and services. Have fun with your one term presidency, you fucking shitheads.

Other urls found in this thread:


poopeh babbeh nu steaw miwkies frum bestes babbeh

he won, youre pissed off about it.
cry more about it faggot is my suggestion.

Trump is lowering taxes for everyone. You're very stupid and uninformed. Go back to school.

>all this impotent rage

Ahh I've been deceived! And my mind is stupid! This is all clear to me now whatever will i doooooo???!! :( ;( ;,,(

Pay attention to your teacher, little boy, adults are talking here.

Hey can somebody find out what the back of the paper says?

/pol under obvious coordinated attack once again

If he ends NATO I will already be happy with him

You have baby fingers, tiny fingernails and no hair!

>T-T-Trump isn't going to do exactly what he says he'll do

The term is illegal alien, not "undocumented" "immigrant"

Why are you mad OP? Now you get to watch him fail for the next 4 years instead of her. It's a blessing in disguise.

oh no! I'm #cruzmissle now.

drumpf wont run!

drumpf wont win any states!

drumpf wont win the nomination!

drumpf wont win the election!

drumpf wont build a wall!



>it's another "brown retarded subhuman throws a childish tantrum over Trump" thread
At least wait until my popcorn is done popping, for fuck's sake.

stay mad senpai :D

>Your right wing fantasies will never be a reality

They literally are though

Better than dying in Hillary's nuclear war.

Trump won and your shitposting means nothing nigger

The rule is easy see guide.

Or you can stick that feminine finger up your arse.

You have hairless child hands.
You are like a baby.
This board is 18+.
Pls go.

I literally don't give a fuck about any of the details, I wanted liberal butt hurt and I'm getting it

You're a fucking fag, OP.

>fat finger


*Every last American citizen and business gets tax break, those in poverty don't even pay taxes now*


Does anyone else get an oddly satisfying feeling seeing such a small human thrown around and gripping at the air?
I'm not being an edgelord, I love animals and I'm a totally normal guy but something about its little brown fists thrashing around as it's tossed like a rag-doll is nice to watch. Then again, I'm not sure if I'd feel the same way about a white kid.

Is it true what they say about small fingers op?

nice crooked finger you fucking retard

I'm still a yebhead

bretty good job senpai

Here we have an example of the same asshole telling us Trump would never make the oval office.

never this, never that, never never never blah blah

Why dont you fuck off bud, we dont like you, you arent with us, you're a newfag and a leech of the state.

What is wrong with your hand, is the rest of you deformed?

can't read it :\

People like you who are saying he won't get a second term were the same people saying he wouldn't win. Face it, cuck, Americans are tired of you shaming us with your shitty buzzwords. We now have a Republican House, Senate, and President; and it doesn't look like the Democrats have anymore support except from brainwashed faggots like yourself.

What happened to your hand user?

Nice writing btw. Reminds me of my kid sister

The only thing I care about is Hillary not being President, sucks for you, because she's not going to be. Dumb nigger


That's not white you inbred moron


>deporting illegals will implode the economy
>implying we get rid of all of them at once


wtf is this

10/10 illegible scrawl

>infer: inotran exceptial to general. otion
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>inforce os grounds for infering onu
>lis od similar inferers_________connection
>bg conise: speaker infers direct befud
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this guy's handwriting is beyond shit

Not a surprise, leftists think in extremes

what the fuck is wrong with your dick

>He himself outsourced to China.
He did that because it's cheaper. No business man in his right mind would ever ignore lines of profit if it's available. What Trump can hope to do in office is replace free trade which causes unfair trade balances due to China's currency manipulation and basically slave labor, and put in place fairer trade agreements which would disincentivize shipping jobs overseas.


someone with no job complaining about Trump. thats really unique.

reminder that this fool is the "educated hillary voter"

Leftists think what they are told to think

No point in being a sore loser, buddy :^)

Go back to india

that's a low energy photo, lad.
at least have the agency to write it on a placard and pose in front of it.

>You do realize X,Y,Z can't/won't happen etc.
>It happens

This truly is the phenomenon that keeps on giving. If we thought Trump winning was going to BTFO all these people (and it certainly did) how great will it be when he makes America great again that they have to eat it for the rest of their lives.

>implying we want manufacturing jobs
>implying we are so poor as to care about the price of fruits

So long, Paco.

>Right White House
>Right majority Senate
>Right majority Congress
>Soon to be Right majority Supreme Court
>Establishment GOP lining up to kiss the ring after realizing they can't stump the Trump

You will never get hate speech laws passed.
You will never get gun control passed.
You will never get SJW pandering passed.
You will never get partial birth abortions passed.

We will get the wall.
We will get Obamacare completely dismantled.
We will get Voter ID laws passed.
We will get a Constitutional amendment declaring the vote to be a right only of citizens.
We will defund sanctuary cities and punish those who support illegal immigrants.
We will deport illegals.
We will have America first nationalism that unifies white America as a single voting block.

Shitlibs have never been blown out this hard in American history since Kent State.
You want a race war? Bring it. We could use the help getting America back to being 90% white.

LOL I get it XD

>hotdog finger

LOL spoopy

There are no Right Wing fantasies, only Death Squads.

I'd be happy to go to war with you and protect my flag and this country against anarcho-liberal-pinko-commie-faggots like you. I hope you do something stupid and get locked up for a couple of years.

Liberals are traitors, degenerates, sick-minded, inhuman garbage.

Kek i get what you're referencing

>squeaky clean cuticles
>actually manicured man-nails?
>no sun spotting or scars
clearly an 18 yo kid who doesnt play out doors, never has, not used to actually using a pen, but i suspect that little shadow at left of fingernail is poo

jesus, fuck these people

>I wanted liberal butt hurt and I'm getting it
And so far, it's been amazing.

>teh ramblings of a deranged mind.

You looked so happy in your Make Donald Drumpf Again hat.

we're getting a wall and tax breaks. get over it.

To make the victory sweeter let's get anti-establishment public servants into Trump's cabinet

Nov 7th 2016

>Trump will never be president

Nov 9th 2016

>Trump will be a one term president

Nov 4th 2020

>Trump won't survive his second term


More salt please you impotent motherfuckers!

>Your right wing fantasies will never be a reality

Last I checked Trump being president was one of our fantasies and you see how well that worked out. LooooooooooL

How does that bluepill taste drumpftard?

>You do realize that Trump isn't going to build a wall?

Are you calling him a liar?

>And deporting undocumented workers will implode the economy and raise the costs of goods and services.

No, that will create jobs for real Americans.

>Ron Paul treasurer

>Fed audit
>Ft Knox audit
>Renegotiation with teh financial overlords
>Greatest ally becomes reluctant acquaintance

here's a thought

when I become rich I don't want to tax the rich

when you leftists always talk about taxing the rich and making the rich pay or whatever do you never have aspirations to be rich?

sounds like a shitty plan if you ask me.

You assume that I give a single Fuck about politics, I just want to watch the world burn. If a few million nogs did in the process it's cool

So what? Gay? Trans? Female? religion? Adopted by illegals somehow? Which one is it for your useless uncalled for rage? We(They) won fair and square against a system that was clearly rigged against as. you all cry now that it's rigged and that she should be in office. Grow the fuck up and stop being a child. Get on with your life. i bet in a few weeks you will all forget about this and go back to protesting how lil black timmy was shot by big white man Ooooh!

Go do your homework.

>be a salt company in the United States
>be a largely successful business
>the american election happens
>salt markets drop by 100%

>Wahhhhhh Waaaahhhhhhh people are choosing the Jews over us pedophile worshiping inbred faggots waaaaahhhhhhh

Stop fucking your cousins.

Your finger is almost as crooked as the candidate you supported.

18+ board. Reported.

Nice fingers, faggot.

And I thought my nails were bad

See it works like this, there are TWO electorates of which one will be chosen to be POTUS

Your electorate lost, because (((her))) views were not popular enough with the American people, just crazy sexuality-obsessed perverts.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

Trump lied... "We" won't build the wall, we'll simply use a handful of these machines:

go back to your boy lovers you fucking turk

That it has.
Also has revealed all the friends of mine who are libtards so now I know who to stay away from.

Literally had to explain to a bitch why it's NOT crazy that my uni campus isn't protesting. Fucking spic chick goes to a liberal arts college and wore black to "mourn the death of her country". Her professors cancelled classes and 2 broke down in tears while teaching.

Jfc people are pussies

>can't even do a middle finger right

You libs are pathetic

Plz cry more

What exactly did you see in Hillary Clinton. Do you actually think for a second that she gives a fuck about Blacks, Mexicans or especially faggot LGBT pot smoking hippies?

no I'm mentally stable

Trump won and suvacks are butthurt
Trump won and suvacks are butthurt
Trump won and suvacks are butthurt

And I like it
And I like it
And I like it

Oh you're finished?!?!?

Well allow me to retort.....

what the fuck!? Anyone know the background story?

((( )))
((( )))

It's the dancing israelis all over again. You're very happy that drumpf got elected aren't you?

>He himself outsourced to China.
Didn't listen to a single rally or anything did ya mate?

You're literally a degenerate. Kill yourself.