"other whites"
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>Oy Vey, We Remember
Every time. Without fail.
We remember the 6 trillion, goyim
They actually didn't
Final vote for jewish people was something like 24% according to CNN i think
1/4 jews voted for trump
The only group of whites who didn't vote majority for Trump was the dumbest group of whites - educated women
Jews were always a mistake.
As if it wasn't obvious from OPs picture, you fucking autist.
I always have to laugh when they call themselves white.
>not like other whites
Jews aren't white, though.
Jew for trump here. I hated jewish women before I found Sup Forums and now I hate basically all of my kind. Fucking gas me and give me a rhinoplasty
>we voted like African Americans, latinos, and Muslims... from our ivory towers nowhere near the mud people
Just stop being Jewy and marry a goy so that your Jewishn line will end and your kids can grow up not feeling like victims
(((White Like Me)))
>I'm one of the 18 percent
So now (((they're))) white?
>white when it fits them
>not white when it fits them
>CNN Correspondent
tfw 18%
I just wanted to make things right.
Mind you, this cocksucker was an outspoken supporter for the invasion of Iraq.
like a nigger is actually gonna ask for your religion before deciding to kick your ass
Isn't it funny how jews will say they are and aren't white when its convenient?
Remember how butthurt you were in 2005?
I never believed Holocaust survivor tales, even when I was a kid.