Isn't it ironic that the First Lady will focus on cyberbullying? This place pretty much won Trump the election and we're pretty rough on people.
Isn't it ironic that the First Lady will focus on cyberbullying...
if she is anything like Obama's wife she will just make it worse like US school lucnhes
She's just going to focus on cyberbullying against children. Normies love right wing memes too much to want any bans on adult material.
The First Lady's approach to combating cyberbullying: It isn't real, turn your screen off nigga
>Sign of the times man
>when sjws troll/nudes leak your life is fucked.
i don't care if she runs an euro hooker shop out of the east wing we fucking won baby
We were less like bullies and more like cheerleaders.
>focus on cyberbullying
Good, those internet SJWs ruined too many lives.
>Sup Forums thinks they wont be targetrd
kek this place will be near the top of the list with the reputation we have.
Maybe they meant promoting it?
can you imagine the destructive memes we'll make about her if she comes after us?
the nude pictures was only the beginning. We'll find out everything about her escort days in the past, and even popularize some of the worst catchphrases about her. And of course, the left will lap up any hateful shit we make about her.
Sup Forums doesn't cyber bully. We're completely anonymous. How do you bully some one you do not know?
They mean bullies on facebook and twitter mostly
The board is called 'politically incorrect.'
You'd have to have some serious mental issues to take anything here seriously.
When will the Jews stop!?!?
By the moment he strikes the media or famous websites and is labeled an opponent to freedom of speech hes fucked lol.
Melania is so fucking hot
Imagine her calling Don 'Mr. President' in her broken English as she gets fucked
why do you think he looked so tired when he met Obama the other day. He was up all night doing kinky Mr. President shit with her.
She will eradicate cyberbullying by leftists, faggots, traps/mentally ill people, niggers and cucks who pick apart normal statements and label them as offensive.
>Someone said something bad about me on Twitter!
Oh lord.
Who did we bully? We're nice boys.
I hope she bans those fags that kept calling me racist and deplorable.
The media calls us and Trump bullies when we are the ones that are being bullied.
Liberals are the ones who are bullying everyone who disagrees with them.
Even now I bet they're working on boning down hard in each of the White House's 132 rooms
she's talking about normies bullying normies
has nothing to do with us
trump= time traveler who harnessed the f.o.urchong meme magic
aftrer elected- the first lady will close the portal
seriously, first ladies should not do a fucking thing
It's not bullying if you don't even know who your talking to. That's why any insult of Sup Forums, while hilarious, is almost devoid of any real malice or impact. No one here knows anyone else. What good is insulting someone when they're just words on a screen?
Dammit, ya beat me to it..
Sup Forums didn't win trump the election
>This place pretty much won Trump the election and we're pretty rough on people.
robots arent people
This. They're addicted now, they won't let anyone fuck with their pushers.
Wtf we have to troll God Emperors wife now :-(
and people wonder why Hillary lost. She has been the worst 1st lady I can think off.
It will be like Eleanor Roosevelt advocating for the "rights" of Asian-Americans while FDR interned the Japanese.
>basically won trump the election
Now that's some next level fucking delusion right there
social media is a tool of the jew.
let it burn.
I was hoping she'd focus on sex trafficking. Would've looked really good for Donald.
She explicitly said that she wants to combat cyberbullying against Children while saying that adults can handle the bantz.
And we only fuck with mental children.
>This place pretty much won Trump the election
nope, son
So, in other words, she will encourage our shitposting?