Is Germany the only first world country in Europe?

Is Germany the only first world country in Europe?

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*oilniggers need not apply
*finance jews need not apply
*Swiss need not apply, as they're both

If by "first world" you mean "first to get nuked".

really makes you think.

No, most of them are first world. Ironically, Germany won't be one for long as more and more European countries elect a right wing government and you will be stuck with the millions of mudslimes you invited.

wtf Holland?

I always thought they were Germany tier.

meh kraut. Enjoy getting enriched by shitskins.

>having any purchasing power

>No, most of them are first world.

Hungarians work for wages some Chinese would decline.

yes we are superior, we rule the EU and have the most money.

Merkel belongs in prison

No we're very poor, pls send euros

Arbeit macht frei.

Germans were always a hardworking people.

>Germans were always a hardworking people.
Germans will have to work even harder to support their unemployable Muslim immigrant population.

>Ireland's little third word hat

Its funny how this correlates with the distribution of Germanic DNA.

pay your debts or do we need to come over?

Come and get them Hitler

It's the WW2 Allies'(aka your) fault. They were scared of being treated like Nazis if they refused immigrants. Also they needed a young workforce after you assholes cleaned their young male population.


Ha ha. Hahaha .. heh ... ha ha ha ... grunt haa haaaa haaaa.... HAH

Map is bullshit, our GDP PPP per capita is higher then yours

At that rate not for really long.

Is Germany the first Arabic country in Europe?
Yes it is.

God damn Norway


t. industry nigger

>my country is heading towards ethnic suicide but at least we can pay for it

Why are the Swiss so rich? Do they not have working classes?

What about us then?

Literally Nazi gold.
They still have the Dutch gold stolen by Nazis in WWII and refuse to return it to this day.

becouse they are a very small country with very much jews

He said no niggers like 3 times, so Sweden is covered

penknives obviously

you do understand that this map changes every 20-30 years?

>purchasing power

good goy power

t. poor fagget

They're a german/jew hybrid, kinda like anglos

Only with the swiss their moneygrubbing side is the dominant one

i'm not poor at all, i just have everything you have 10 times cheaper

your country is poor as fuck its one of the biggest shithole in eu, my neighbors are from bosnia so i know what is going on in your shit country

>10 years without salary growth
>50% of people don't own their homes
>labor unit cost lower than most of the Eurozone

What is the reason for having a high GDP when your population doesn't participate in that wealth?

>muh money

Quit being such a jew, you damn ignorant Kraut.

>shithole in eu
it's not in eu

>my neighbors are from bosnia so i know what is going on in your shit country

story by every single poor soul that went to germoney for free stuff, say hello to them

but we do thats why you shitcunts cross our border to steal our cars and wealth

How are anglos german/jew hybrids? Are you legally retarded?

i not mean EU thats why i said eu

Any garbage worker in Switzerland makes more money than an engineer in your fucking third world shithole. You obviously have never been outside of Cuckmany Ahmed.

t. goldenberg

why do you guys like Audi so much?

Germans don't participate in the wealth they create. That was the part of the whole unions-company management deal during Schroeder

I'm sure german CEOs enjoy their dividends though. They have almost free labour for that

better map

I love how EVERY county in Norway is dark red. Even the counties that are pure cancer.


Not any more

also, this guys are great lol

>Norway below Romania

Yeah, they've surely chosen a good criterion.

Anglos have been their greatest goys for centuries, there must be some reason that unlike literally every single other white nation you never even tried to shake them off but instead grew stronger with them

it says purchasing power DENSITY, not per capita

norway is big and their population is small

And wages in Germany are still higher than 90% of Europe. That's how high they've been to begin with.

Great fact, enjoy your cultural enrichment.


>Implying Hitler was a bad guy

*ahem* ;^)

>And wages in Germany are still higher than 90% of Europe
This is the median wage according to a wiki page. This would make sense because the german pay hasn't been rising for around 10 years

russia is europe too

Well he's not wrong, your wages are real fucking shit

damn i didn't know that portugal was that fucking poor

> turkey > in yrop

Oil works wonders,

You would literally be the third world country of Scandinavia without it. I still like you though

You dipshits do know that first, second, and third world have actual definitions, right?

All of Western Europe is first world by definition, that is NATO countries, or USA allies.

If you're just talking about strongest economy, then sure, I guess. But there are many 'wealthy' countries in Europe. I mean you showed that yourself with the OP map.

>not europe


Are you retarded?

Germany is shit, nice censorship you cucks

where is russia, dumb cocksucker?

wrong pics

Is this supposed to be an insult?
There are literally 2,378,000 millionaires in China.
Most of them would decline the wage you're making.

Gdp per capita PPP Hungary:26 275 USD, Germany:46 974 China:14 340

Off yourself

dude, seriously dont belive it! Norway is great if you're rich. good bread is like 40-60 NOK cheese is like 70-80. electronics are bullshit tier expensive! gas at the gas station is like 15NOK per liter... the average annual income isn't that high. i honestly believe the whole "Norway's the best country to live in the world" is just a narrative presented to us to keep us from rioting

>talking with gril
>talking about ancestry
>she has German and Viking blood in the family
>she makes offhand remark about having fantasies of being a Viking Nazi
>mention how it would be a glorious combination of valor and honor and prideful and efficient
>she asks how so
>tell her how great the German people actually were
>German confederation/empire ftw
>apparently she fell for me at that point
>tfw knowledge of historic Germany got me a gf

Can't you save up a lot of money in Norway though?

tfw, you only live in a semi red area. Inland Finland though.

If you do not like socialism, it fucking look at Russia, This is not a country that shit

Its impregnation time. Resettle your Lebensraum

Hard-working no, but they are very prideful and efficient.

Give them something to prove and they will bust their asses for it, and do it with less than anyone else.

No, but its still one of the greatest. Hurry up and supply our rebels with arms already Klaas, we need to kick out these 'mericans and their supporters.

These are after-tax wages. And they're indeed still higherr than in most of Europe.

I heard that a chocolate bar costs 49 NOK in Norway. That's fucking insane. How the fuck did you even end up like this?

Eurasia by technicality. Regardless, help us kick out the Americans.


But it's kept afloat by all that oil money.

Just Americans are stupid dictators

They don't differ from the spanish very much which is bad because Germany has a GDP advantage which leads to the conclusion that Germans are underpaid. And have less wealth than a Spaniard or an Italian

In Russia shitty salary of 250 euros is considered a great majority of the population, with the exception of Moscow - a city which has a rich power of the average salary in the country of $ 150 per month

yeah.. depends on the chocolate bars but usually range from 49 all the way to 70 NOK.

i dont know, man.. i honestly have no fucking idea how, or what we can do to get our country back.
Im thinking about going in to politics soon. something has to be done!

Eam ellas meligalas

High buying power != civilised.

We have low buying oiwer because of hightaxes, but our facilities are top notch.

It's important to note that Germans have one of the shortest annual working hours in the world. Because unlike much of the world, Germans save a lot of their money, and thus always have a lot of wealth on hand. The poorest Germans are much richer than the poorest Americans, despite Americans having much higher disposable income.

Germans are efficient with their spending and saving, most people simply don't see a need to actually work, and why bother working when you have enough wealth saved to allow you to take month long vacations?

Germans live in luxury despite their low median wages, it speaks miles for their discipline in saving.

I'm seriously troubled to explain these numbers, but I doubt the numbers for Spain a lot. Their millennials are called "generation 1000 euro".

They own more real estate, that's it. It's common knowledge that the average Spaniard or Italian has it much worse now than a German.

It's not as much about saving - Germans are actually mediocre at investing. It's just that many high expenses an American has are covered with tax money here.

But Germans have less wealth than the Spanish or Italians