>Downing Street staffers used their Twitter accounts to denigrate Donald Trump and promote Hillary Clinton during the race for the White House, with a key aide using the platform to say he didn’t want anyone “reaching out” to Trump, Breitbart London can reveal.
She really still hasn't worked out she isn't head of an independent nation yet has she? She got snubbed by the Irish PM recently too.
Isaac Davis
nth for reconquista
Ayden Russell
Hudson Cruz
I've held his sword, its in Chatham for anyone that wants to see it.
Luke White
cheers f.am so whats going on with the popeyes? are they all getting a fine?
Luke Watson
I tell you what, them cheeky cunts've got it coming
Ryder Cook
Trump really ought to do a reenactment with the pre-printed new-statesman Clinton issue.
Ayden Gonzalez
Charles Price
did you dispatch any savages with it
Carter Rivera
So what's the deal with this guy? Is he a Blairite?
Jonathan Green
who /wanted to fug beaker/ back in the day?
Jordan Mitchell
He's an RT shill iirc.
Parker Nguyen
He's fucking nobody, the video is fucking nothing, and you iditots need to stop spreading it like it means anything
Jackson Martin
Nah just a shitty kikebook 'satire' bloke who usually panders to Corbyn fans
Colton White
Alexander Scott
Bog off tbqh.
Tyler Brooks
>Citizen Khan
Levi Anderson
nah, just held it for a second and then passed it to the lad next to me.
Parker Miller
Could we retake Canada? I think Trump would allow it.
Evan Myers
cheers barry
Adrian Collins
Calm down user, I was just curious.
Gotcha. Have some bunda
Benjamin Carter
Hitler's missing testicle
Nazi experiments
70 years growth stage
Lucas Gray
the queen still owns them tho
Mason Johnson
You should see her now m8, face like a dropped pie
Alexander Young
By 2020 the UK would could actually have a realistic chance of taking Canada if we needed to.
Elijah Brown
>Lib Dems won't vote for Brexit
What is the Lib Dems end game? First they lost a shit load of support and voters but going into a coalition with the Tories when that was the last thing their voters wanted, then allowed the Tories to put up tuition fees, which opposing was one of the policies they ran on, now they are threatening to thwart the democratic vote?
What dimension of chess are they playing? Or are they just retarded?
Only way this good be a good move tactically is if they are thinking they can use it to champagne socialist south west and London votes from Labour by the logic that
>Lots of Labour supporters are extreme leftists >if Labour vote Brexit in Commons their extreme leftists supporters will be mad at them >at the next election Lib Dems can swoop in and say 'Labour vote for Brexit, we didn't, so vote for us' >hoover up Labour support in the south west and London >UKIP take the rest of Labour support in the north >hope to take second place in parliament
Is that their plan?
Matthew Butler
>le shouty sweary man who gets angry and tells the ''''''''''''''''''real''''''''''''''''''' news
Liam Taylor
Chuckel Führers are the best meme tbqh.
Jace Fisher
>French opposition MPs launch request to 'impeach' President Hollande. JUST
Jose Smith
she was never stunning, just get the feel she'd fug you dry.
Justin Martin
but in this case it was pretty spot on
Isaiah Bell
Robert Parker
Aren't they having elections in a few months?
Jayden Mitchell
Lads google 'Angeles Cid' she's this hot as fuck model Wew
Anthony Flores
arch kike btfo
Charles Wilson
Juncker can actually fuck off. he is no joke a sorry excuse of a human being.
Alexander Phillips
They should get Kissinger to read the classified football results
Andrew Miller
Yeah I've seen the video, but he's normally just "FUCKING TORIES INNIT"
noecon tories are pretty shit not that i want to particularly defend this faggot
Alexander Phillips
>Lib Dems confirming they're going to vote against A50 >More and more Labour MPs confirming that they're going to be going against A50 even if their constituency narrowly voted to Leave >Some deeply Blairite Tories are even confirming that they'll vote against leaving the EU unless we get a second referendum
Parliament plays you cucks once again. Really made me think...
Luke Stewart
Doesn't look too alive to me
Adrian Johnson
Too evil to die
Jordan Hall
Did someone hear something? Must've been the wind.
Joseph Johnson
will post again when youre wrong in march
Luke Robinson
Like a distirrbence in the force
Cooper Cooper
Actually I think he could be right. I don't like to admit it often but I am very pessimistic about the chances of Brexit at this exact moment in time.
Isaac Hernandez
>verdict of the people >we must respect it
So what about the fact that Jock Independence lost 55/45 and remaining in the EU lost 52/48, you utter crank
Jonathan Morales
Is Dick & Dom user from last night on? I want more greentext Dick & Dom stormfront stories.
Kayden Sullivan
The Unstumpable and the Unbarragable, working together. Their destinies were intertwined. Their common enemy: Globalism.
Jacob Harris
>Brexit is voted down in parliament >General Election is called >Nige returns to the helm of UKIP >UKIP sweeps parliament >Nige PM >Trump & Nige crash Globalism with no survivors
Kek wills it
Alexander Roberts
Have you been imbibing those wicked poisons again?
Gavin Morris
Fucking hell user
Jaxon Flores
It's the sound of a dying culture and country
Mason Peterson
>Or are they just retarded?
Isaiah Lewis
Like most pre-teen CBBC characters, I doubt she'd be great in bed
Jordan Robinson
Easton Walker
>Implying Farage will ever step foot on UK soil ever again now that he can stand in Trump's spotlight forever
Julian Parker
Do you ever stop talking about yourself?
Isaac Bennett
the fact that thing exists is proof america is dead
Cooper Foster
Witnessed!!!! Praise Kek
Aiden Powell
>Britain could join USA, Canada and Mexico in new free trade area after Brexit That would be very nice. I love pic related but its far more expensive here.
Dylan Flores
They still don't get it? They still literally do not understand after Brexit and Trump the left still doesn't fucking get it.
I hope they NEVER learn because if they can't adapt then we can rule unopposed for the next 10 years. They wont get their shit together for the next general election and trump will get another term.
Jayden White
>implying tripfags won't be lynched on DOTR
Parker Cook
>be croydonanon >get trammed tfw when u will never live live in bromley
Juan Turner
>Britain could join USA, Canada and Mexico in new free trade area after Brexit This better fucking never include Free movement
Owen Cox
Ian Hughes
You can stop watching now, you have pretty much seen the entire episode.
Grayson Hall
Fuck, wasnt meant to reply to anyone
Luis Brown
John Stewart
Doubt it will friend. Even our politicians aren't stupid enough to open our borders to countries with populations 10x the size of ours in the current political climate.
Jose Morris
Do you want free trade with fucking mexico anyway? There is a reason the Rustbelt went red.
Lincoln Taylor
Delete this thread. 2-0 edition please.
Evan Myers
Parker Harris
>redpilling the next generation already
Landon Miller
The original one never did. We require a visa to visit burgerland. Until a few months ago, we also required visa for mapleland.
Grayson Jenkins
>croydon >48% white british >the deceased victims of the crash were all white and good looking
Why does this always happen?
Joseph Anderson
I've I have learned anything, the scots will go up 3-2, lose a goal to a bad call in the last minute then we both miss all of our penalties.
Dominic Price
Stop trying to promote your degeneracy
Chase Gray
ay karumba it's like another brexit polish shoah
Charles Turner
>translation: we need more Marxist brainwashing in schools. Let's make sure the next generation is solid blue.