Chris Wallace just said in FOX that the deportation and building wall claims trump promised "will be put on the back...

Chris Wallace just said in FOX that the deportation and building wall claims trump promised "will be put on the back burner" which means probably never going happen

Instead of can't stump the trump, trump stumped us

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I don't care if he builds a wall. As long as he pushes back against the illegals in some way, he's done what he promised imo.

wtf why? that was a yuge part of his campaign. its how i convinced ppl to vote for him

>Chris Wallace
But anyway, if all he did was tell ICE to go back to doing their jobs like they were doing before Obama, that'd be a Yuuuge step in the right direction.

"Funds are already being set aside for the boder wall" - Breitbart
Sage and hide CTR threads.

>Still believing in the media lies....

You'll hear nothing but 'oh, i-it's not really going to happen, not yet right?'.


That's just because Task #1 is curb stomping the elite in Washington. After that's done he'll get to curb-stomping Bad Hombres.

How am I a CTR, retard? I'm just quoting what Chris said on FOX. Stop being a fucking idiot. Dumber than a fucking nigger or sjw, you just regurgitate shit you hear all the time. Fucking nigger parrot Polly want a cracker having ass nigger. Kill your self in a bathtub, faggot.

>(((sources say)))

FOX wouldn't lie. They support trump and are very conservative

fucking newfag

Redpill me then you're so fucking woke.

Fuckin' A, is this fresh? It feels fresh.

I don't believe any of this shit. It's just people making up sources... We have hardly heard from Trump since he won the election. They are trying to ruin his presidency before he even takes office. The media has been so ridiculous lately that only a completely retarded liberal would fall for these 3rd grade level attacks.

Build the Force-Field.
>B-but they'll just wormhole through!
If they could afford Cooper-folders, they wouldn't be Illegal Aliens in the first place.

there's still a chance he can pressure mexico to the point to get their shit together so there will be no need for a wall.

I don't know exactly how much power he will have, but from what I learned, the presidents power is really limited in the US.
So if the congress says "lol no", he can't do anything, right?
Honest question, swissfag here

haha I wish I made this. it's still hilarious


Why are you so dumb?

Just go back to where he's talking to Chris Wallace

The wall is a special case because there's already authorization for a "border fence". It's not much of a stretch of presidential power to put the fence on top of a wall.
Although if he really wanted, he could probably get a new bill passed for it.

Stfu ctr

Can't stump.

Yeah it's kind of on congress but good news is it's currently primarily republican

>This is worth a read to get a better understanding

>What's executive order

Alright thanks

The source is Mitch McCuckhold who told everybody that would be 'less important' in the senate.

The GOP have no idea they are dealing with Trump and not a typical candidate who just does whatever congress wants.

Fox News has bashed Trump almost as much as CNN and MSNBC, Megyn Kelly among others made it her personal mission to stump Trump, and even after Trump won, a lot of the anchors on their election coverage were visibly upset. Also, they've historically been neocons which are the opposite of true conservatives.

Thanks m8


This means he has HUGE impact on trade deals and since the wall talk was just an extension of his PROTECTIONIST policies which really garnered him support with blue collar rust belters, he actually has quite a bit of influence.

More importantly, there could be three death in the Supreme Court if he stays on for two terms and chance occurs, which means he could potentially trigger THREE LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS to the fucking US supreme court. This is insanely huge.

Beyond that, talk like mass deportations or financial impact are limited. He does have some leeway on the ACA although I'm not sure he'll spend his political capital on that immediately, and naturally he'll have a huge influence on foreign policy.

My main concern with Trump has been his retarded tax and budget plans. I don't get how he could claim to achieve budget surpluses while simultaneously cutting trade deals, building a huge wall, and enacting across the board tax cuts for upper and lower income brackets

That and the NATO shit.

Honestly, thats not why I voted for him.

>chris wallace

He won't win a single state in the primary.

He won't be the nominee.

He won't beat Clinton.

He won't build a wall.

Fuck off, lying OP




Sweet tears of denial. What was the next stage?

he will do these things later in the presidency. first he will work with congress to get done the stuff he knows republicans are united on. he doesnt know how long he will have a republican congress. then once he does as much as he can with their support, he will turn around and start working on less popular things.

who are you quoting?

You actually thought that you were going to get a wall? lol

The rest of us who have a brain realized that he was just playing 4D chess.

>First 4 years of presidency focused on jobs, economy, trade, and healthcare
>During re-election time he says, "DON'T WORRY GUYS I'LL BUILD THE WALL DURING THE NEXT TERM"
>People fall for it again and he never builds the wall

Same. I viciously opposed Trump. But if he reasonably limit immigration, and secures the border without deporting millions of people and wasting money on a wall; that's fine.

Crossing the border kills people.

Most illegals don't come through the border regardless.

There are people/children who came to the US who are stupidly westernized and productive. Let them stay and be productive.

All this from one guy
He's just trying to manipulate yall

Not fighting expensive wars, not paying for illegals to live here, closing corporate tax loopholes, not subsidizing ACA, not paying everyone's share for NATO. Plenty of ways to create a surplus

You didn't actually think building a wall was actually going to happen did you?

>>First 4 years of presidency focused on jobs, economy, trade, and healthcare

desu if he actually delivers on those things IDGAF about the wall

Unless Trump himself says he's not going to do it. It's still happening

Getting those passed is easy. Remind the Republican majority that he runs the party now, and they won't be getting reelected if they go against him, like the traitors who already lost on Tuesday. He's a deal maker, he'll make them agree.

like any news anchor or pundit has been right about anything the last 2 years.

Slit your fucking wrists you waste of skin.

Illegals and muslims are literally deporting themselves, dude.

At this rate you guys won't be needing more than a wooden fence.

Trump is the kind of guy who makes things happen regardless of opposition. Don't count it dead unless it comes from the man himself

didnt his plan go something like:

>secure the boarder
>send all the illegals back
>build wall to keep them out.


>Trump won't run
>Trump won't win the republican nomination
>Trump won't win presidency
>Trump won't build wall

Securing the border is a good idea, the only problem with building a wall is how jaw-droppingly enormous the area is. We will have to redirect massive energy to this. It would take hundreds of years, I just don't see it happening unless we develop robotic construction.

>Chris Wallace just said in FOX that the deportation and building wall claims trump promised "will be put on the back burner"

Wallace is a faggot democrat who argues that if you want to close the borders, you must think only white people should be allowed to be US citizens. He actually argued that.

It will be put on the back burner, just like weed for the weedman, the wall for the wall man will come probably year 2, after he fixes the rest of the economy. You negotiate from a position of power, and the US is anything but powerful thanks to leftists.

It would be pretty stupid to start making enemies right away, and throw a wrench in the already fucked up economy by playing trade games with Mexico, if they tried to play hard ball. Everyone will be sucking Trumps nuts by year 2, and they will probably tell Mexico to pay for the wall too.


It's only been a few days since he won the election, why the fuck would you believe what Fox News tells you so early. Wait until Trump says it himself CTR retard.

I believe the media and unnamed sources now that the election is over.

So much CTR I refuse to believe that Sup Forumsacks are so hard up for troll material that this is the best we got and its EVERYWHERE.

You're better off arguing cut vs uncut over this underdeveloped faggotry

>It would take hundreds of years
You are PROFOUNDLY retarded and have no idea what's actually being built.

>President Trump is never going to build a wall said increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year.

You people really believed that he will build a wall? All you can hope for is that he keeps his promise and limits the immigration to your country. The wall is out of the question.

>still BELIEVING the lies
>not being a cuck

trump said immigration is his first priority

its part of the "art of the deal"..... he tried to tell you all the secret with his book

Megyn's opinions differ greatly from the rest of the anchors on Fox, do you even watch Fox? They literally talk more shit about the protestors and dems crying than Sup Forums, especially o'reilly

>Either we have a country or we don't.