
>Trump overturning abortion
>Trump overturning marriage equality

Why do evangelicucks keep pushing these memes? Trump has been silent on these issues and has no intention of changing them. So stop forcing these cuck memes and making Trump look bad.

Atheism and human progress is the future, get with it already.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Faggot atheists butthurt that they can't marry each other anymore

>Still believing in bronze age kike fairytales


Mike Pence

Trump, at the end of the day, is a populist meme with no actual opinions

Literally everyone he's surrounded and is surrounding himself with are hard-right evangelical reactionaries, your days of being a baby-killing fag enabler are coming to an end


Why are atheists so degenerate?

Trump appointed an anti-fag, anti-abortion activist as the head of his domestic policy team.

You faggots got TRUMP'D.

No absolute source of morality

I am honestly shocked to death that superstitious nonsense is as prevalent as it is now. Even here when you see the kek fag newfaggots post their garbage.

And even many practices retained from religions still in use today.

It's pretty sad.

>christian morality
>may as well idolize a pig than jesus

>(((Secular Humanism)))

Good goy!

>No infallible source of morality that is above popular opinion and what the state encourages people to believe
>Wondering why secularism is cultural suicide and why so many atheists are left-wing
>Calling religious people the cucks


double good goy!
christian morality is not the only source of religious morality you blind cuck faggot

>christian morality is not the only source of religious morality
No but it is the one that our country and to a lesser extent the Ameriacns' laws, customs and traditions were built on
It's universal. It appears in pretty much every culture. Meaning it benefits humanity. We also have consciences to guide us. Most of us anyway. It's evolution's way of telling us we're better when we work together. When we fight it brings us all down. Nature does not war.

>marriage equality

Say good bye to your fag weddings. Back to the closet you all go..

Remember, when put to a vote fag marriage was shot down... even in ...... wait for it.....


That comment just when over your head, huh?

>Nature does not war.

fucking ants have literal wars against eachother

Ad hominem will you do no good here my friend. I have seen and hear it all. And if you claim to believe Christian morality is the source of religious belief, actually crack a bible. Read the words of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Christianity is a pacifist religion.

and that makes it correct?

And we're not ants. And our wars can destroy the planet. Our wars can kill you, me, and everybody you and I have every met or cared about. our wars can decimate the planet.

you all live pathetic hateful lives whipped to pussy you'll never get and i dream of everyone around you dying and you being left alone in life posting on Sup Forums with the rest of your fellow bigots

This isn't helping. Hating them will only bring more hate. People hate because they fear or because they're in pain or for all sorts of reasons. Reciprocity is universal.

Liberal faggots circle jerking

life long students, upper middle class. apologist.

Basic, weak. We know your type. You think your saying something new...

Do you know how many of you have said the same shit over the years.

Lurk more faggots/

The Golden Rule without a higher source of morality is just "Appear to do unto others as you'd want them to do to you". It just encourages people to be two-faced and clearly doesn't work as the rise of crime and degeneracy in almost every single secular country in the world has shown

Without an absolute morality binding you to it it's just touchy-feely rubbish with no actual structure to it

>absolute morality
how is that your "absolute morality" is different to mine?

i don't give a fuck they will never not hate me and i could not give any less of a fuck if every single person on this fucking hellhole put a gun to their head and pulled the trigger. i hope your fucking god would save you then because at least you wouldn't be my problem anymore

Mine has the benefit of being the foundation of my country's culture to begin with and so is on the side of tradition

You're not going to bait me into going full libertarian wacko "HAHAHA FUCKING SHITSKIN RELIGION POO WORSHIPPER LMAO"

but according to my morality i have an absolute right to kill you and it would not be sinful
demonstrate to me that the holocaust is justified within christian morality

already answered you kike-worshipping faggot cuk spastic

>Falling for utopian idealism while simultaneously claiming to be religious

Why do so many pagan NatSocs in denial claim to do this? Nothing is perfect, it's just demonstrable that this one works better than the other thing which has been rotting our societies since the late sixties

But crime has gone down over the years in the USA. Yes, really. And what you call "degeneracy" is entirely subjective. You are enforcing your will on everybody else.

What does "absolute" mean anyway. The Golden rule is absolute. It exists today because it did work. You can argue it has made people hypocrites, but hypocrites will always exist everywhere. Egotism will always exist everywhere. Seeing your neighbor as the same as yourself is how society has survived. It *works*, it's tested, we know this. And the one time your idea was tested we wound up with death camps.

i want something different to your jewish christian bullshit that is anti-Nazi
the entire "west" is rotten and christianity is the rot
can you justify the holocaust within christian morality or not?

If you white people like and promote gay marriage, abortion and cuckoldry so much, then I don't want to hear you complaining about white genocide or how latinos/muslims are outbreeding you ever again.

>But crime has gone down over the years in the USA. Yes, really.
Crime statistics, yes, as well as every other politically important statistic

>And what you call "degeneracy" is entirely subjective.
Thank you for helping demonstrate the problem. Morality? Subjective. Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Genders? Fuck it, there's no right answer, let's have fifty different kinds of otherkin because there's no such thing as absolute truth, and so on and so forth
That's how order dies

I'm not a Christian. I'm an atheist and secular humanist. I just think people's minds can change. Yeah. I know it's like pissing in a pool of piss, but w/e.

No. I'm saying morality is absolute. Do what you want as long as you don't harm anybody. Treat others as you wish to be treated. I'm saying labeling something "degenerate" and going after it is not the way you would want to be treated. I mean do you like how society shuns white nationalism? How does it feel? Maybe if Hitler hadn't done what he did people would feel differently, but they don't, because they see your ideas lead to death to us all while the Golden Rule is something that every single society on earth has, including Islam. And that's because it works.

But Trump has said he will overturn Roe v Wade


>The birthplace of Galton and the whole eugenic movement complains about the holocaust
Maybe you shouldn't have given the germans ideas


we need another holocaust for all branches of jewish thought from judaism to christianity to islam
not to mention the atheists

>fedoras and kikes voted Hillary
Talk about being blue pilled lol

Atheists butthurt because they lost the election.

Jews are promoting (((atheism)))
And its the default position of bluepilled liberals, sjw's and other degenerates

Even atheist sites admit most atheist are liberals and attack anyone that doesn't share their blue pilled ideas and opinions

These degenerates hate Christanity

Pagans are a joke

I cannot fucking wait. I will literally volunteer for whatever division in my police department that is given the task of investigating and arresting abortionists.

i'm Aryan you demented kike

I can think of no nobler goal than fucking up baby killers

In my country the state actively works to stop parents finding out that their children are even having underage sex or are pregnant to begin with, thank God that you were saved from this fate

What you're calling Christianity isn't. Read a bible unless you're afraid to. There is nothing in secular humanism that conflicts with Christianity. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Pick up a bible and listen to what Jesus said.

>There is nothing in secular humanism that conflicts with Christianity.
Except, you know, God

You people are a joke lmao

You're right my cummies should come first instead of religion or politics.

>I can think of no nobler goal than fucking up baby killers

Also Trump has said we need ground troops in Syria, there's serious possibilities for military deployment against ISIS. All sorts of opportunities for a red blooded American to fuck up some degenerate trash over the next 8 years.

>In my country the state actively works to stop parents finding out that their children are even having underage sex or are pregnant to begin with, thank God that you were saved from this fate

It's up to the true Britons like you, user, only you can stop the degeneracy. American traditionalists had to fight for every inch for decades and never gave up.

>I have no argument
So I noticed

my argument is here and has not been disproved

Why dont you take your own advice?

Elaborate how a question begging epithet is a argument

it's true because i am Aryan and Aryans are the only people worthy of living otherwise you are a dirty Jew

>it's true because i am Aryan and Aryans are the only people worthy of living otherwise you are a dirty Jew
Is that why Islam is displacing you and making "Aryans" bend to their will?
By the way you didn't answer my question and ad hominem isn't a argument either.

I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household. I know the bible. Jesus told his followers to turn the other cheek, even if attacked (pacifism). He told his followers to treat others as they would wish to be treated. You agree or not?

what are you talking about
nobody is displacing me
you don't even know what an Aryan nor ad hominem is

He also told his followers he's the only way and you must accept him to be accepted by the heavenly Father.

This user summed it up.

>what are you talking about
>nobody is displacing me
>you don't even know what an Aryan nor ad hominem is
You are attempting question deflection and avoiding.

Why is this?

Yes. But he never, ever, told his followers to force the religion on anybody. He told people what he felt was right and if they didn't agree, they could and did walk away. There is also this:

because you are unable to read
christians are so stupid and ignorant
it's like their eyes are covered with jesus' asscheeks if you are not Aryan you are not worthy of living

Look. My point is, if you claim to be Christian, this is what it teaches. It teaches pacifism, not war. It teaches love for one's enemy. You are trying to create a cultural "Christianity" where the actual ideology is replaced with something else.

>It's up to the true Britons like you, user, only you can stop the degeneracy. American traditionalists had to fight for every inch for decades and never gave up.
No, we're already fucked

You won't hear this in Brit/pol/ but we're not even actually leaving the EU

Abortion is a case-closed non-issue in the UK, the public even found out that aborted babies were being used as fuel for hospital furnaces and nobody cared

No I'm not joking google it

Elaborate how being secular doesn't conflict with Christanity. God is everything in Christanity

Luke 9:5
King James Version
And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.

They are condemned to hell

>because you are unable to read
>christians are so stupid and ignorant
Another emotional ad hominem response?

Still not seeing a argument only your question begging epithet

Did I strike a nerve?

even if trump is ok with abortion and fag marriage, he's going to appoint at least one SCOTUS judge who is not

you're just doing the usual christian trick - make shit up
lie through your teeth
pretend it never happened
and call the other person a sinner
the fact remains non-Aryans are not worthy of living because they are not Aryans they are Jews this is god's law

>All these fedoras telling Christians what they believe in

Those who are not with christ, yes. But as we've already explained, even as an Atheist, not believing in god. I'm still covered if i'm wrong. Again. The parable of the good Samaritan and tons of other examples (read the gospels, actually read them). It's good works that matter, not lip service. If you live a Christian life, even if you're no a Christian, you are still saved. That's actually the Catholic Church's official position.

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Yo, I'm not even a catholic but please stop pushing that shit here. Francis will die soon and other pope be choosen. Just move on you lost, don't need to try hard this divide et impera tactics on us here creating a lot of threads about christianity and catholicism.


>you're just doing the usual christian trick - make shit up
>lie through your teeth
>pretend it never happened
>and call the other person a sinner
>the fact remains non-Aryans are not worthy of living because they are not Aryans they are Jews
Me asking you to explain how your question begging epithet is a argument is a trick?

You're getting emotional
Why would this be?

the next pope is probably going to be a nigger or at least a brown mexican

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say your childhood was very unhappy.

because i hate christians! k
all of you sinners who follow the lying jew jesus are not Aryan and must be killed

Why do you hate Christians? I mean I have more reason to you than most. My mother was a fundamentalist Christian who molested me, but I don't judge all Christians by her. I was angry for a long time, but it's not the fault of every member in a group just because there are some bad apples. There are some bad apples in every group.

And why must everybody die but you? Seems kind of stupid to hate the whole world when you can be a part of it.

You can't be saved if you disbelieve God

John 14-16 (ESV)

I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life
14 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God;[a] believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?[b] 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 4 And you know the way to where I am going.”[c] 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also.[d] From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.

12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me[e] anything in my name, I will do it.

Come home white man

>must be killed
Muslim Detected Bebobop

>Why do you hate Christians?
because they are not Aryan! Aryan you sick perverted christian fucker

>because i hate christians!
So it is nothing more than a question begging epithet coupled with impotent rage


>you sick perverted christian fucker
Kys mudslime

then why are you getting so emotional about it?
because you are a dirty jew-loving christkike
and as is clearly stated
you are not Aryan so you must be a jew

>Still thinks I'm a christcuck

it doesn't matter
so long as you are not Aryan (You)
you are a Jew
this is a fact that cannot be denied

>then why are you getting so emotional about it?
>because you are a dirty jew-loving christkike
>and as is clearly stated
Just laughing that I outed you and how emotional you are at being wrong

This post just confirmed it lol
Must have really struck a nerve if you copy me lol

>you are a Jew
>this is a fact that cannot be denied
You mean nigger, fucking kike

i just want you all dead all you do is ruin the word of god and destroy the world whilst deludedly believing you are doing good
it's terrible

Why are you playing a game that promotes degeneracy

nice meme

>i just want you all dead
Post it again, this time with more salt.

Look, if you want the whol detailed argument, ask a catholic priest. I'm an Atheist and it's been a while since catechism. They've hashed it out the best, but lots of other Christians believe it.

In any case, we're not talking about whether people are saved or not. We're talking about the actual morality the book teaches. Christianity teaches to forgive one's enemy, even at the cost of your own life.

Jesus himself went to the cross. He even healed the ear of a roman soldier who was wounded by one of his followers, who he corrected for having done so. He went to his death and forgived those who killed him as his last action. Not exactly pol's hero.

why are you people so stupid?
if you are not an Aryan you are by definition a Jew
it's not hard to understand
>christkike morality


>by definition a Jew
You can only be a jew follow their believes. Your making more of a "Muh Feels" mortality.

>Trump has been silent on these issues and has no intention of changing them.

If he gets two SC appointments (he might not), they're toast.

You can't marry Julian, Raoul. You have to go back.