All Fake "It Has Begun" Images

So with the onslaught of supposed Trump ignited hate crimes that have been rocking the nation the past couple days, I think it would be smart to start seperating the fake ones from the real ones. If there are any real ones.

Can you we compile all of our images of SJWs trying to claim violence and then also, proof that its bullshit or having to tell the cops they made it up

Other urls found in this thread: store near Simi Valley, CA/@34.2777496,-118.7810255,12.63z

that's a joke one, right?
it looks like pepe


Oh yeah. thats from a while ago. My friend and I did this for fun. It hurt.

This needs to happen
The same thing happened during brexit and there were fakers there too

Look at what milo posted today about cnn interviewing a "protester" who Don lemon accidentally referred to as their old camera guy.
They're literally staging interviews.

But we absolutely NEED to show that the people committing these hate crimes are fakers and are just setting them up to victimize themselves. I don't know any trump supporters in real life that would do that kind of shit.



Just turn this image into a fake to discredit the rest.

After it's made it's circulations link it back to here and pepe

nigga.. thats like a prophecy or something

Well can we start compiling please? I saw some good ones earlier but fuck me, I cant find them now. Shoulda saved.

its specifically for this girl on facebook who is a close friend of mine all about this "Its already begun...look at shaun knights twitter page, user, this is what our country is coming to" and im trying to convince her its all fake bullshit but shes a dummy so i need more proof





yesss now we are talking

This one is debunked because there is no 7 eleven near a liquor store in Simi Valley. 100 percent impossible. She wasen't sure what store she was in because it's fake.

>kek stigmata
Bless my baby plz

we will have to photo shop that so it includes your post

Fucking finally. People have been passing around this story and even trying to point out the immaculate white watch or the fact the guy makes horror movies wasn't even enough to disprove it. store near Simi Valley, CA/@34.2777496,-118.7810255,12.63z

>Can you we compile all of our images of SJWs trying to claim violence and then also, proof that its bullshit or having to tell the cops they made it up
won't do anything, leftists will eat it up regardless

the only thing we could do that might actually help convince democrats that these stories are fake is make it a meme and run with it, make it as absurd as possible, sell it as something serious and spread it everywhere

once people pick it up as a meme, we won't have to do much anymore, people will start to ridicule any of these outrageous thought-up stories that lefties are trying to use in order to rile people up against Trump and his supporters

I know you know this is the way, we can fight fire with fire

It must have been so much fun!

>Sup Forums

Would have done so but pic related

Pity too

is that the mark of the chosen one

Are you fucking retarded? They clearly state the top in from CA and the bottom was in Louisiana. Fuck off of Sup Forums you illiterate fucks.

Here's the magnum opus

everything on this website

Aint no fake violence anywhre, yo. Nigga be keepin it real.

It seriously isn't even hard. For once it literally actually is the current year. Every interaction people have is documented and captured by people with phones. Every time leftists cry wolf nobody captured it conveniently. When they beat trump supporters there's usually an accompanying video because they are real. Pics or it didn't fucking happen

This circulated with it,

y-you too

why are there never videos?

Fuck off you racist bigot
Why would they lie

God I can't believe some of you white males
Check your goddamn privilige shitlords

Look at the motherfuckers watch compared to his hand soaked in blood.

Who the fuck say's to themselves "Hang on a second I need to put my watch on before you take a picture of me after I got fucked up"

This bitch is majorly popular atm. Rolling stone even mentioned her.

I proved it fake by matching her handwriting to a pep rally sign she made last year but I got totally ignored

Yes this.

And we need to run down every proof, absolutely hammer the point home for every fake.

A normie is primed to believe the sky is about to fall down. We're battling against years of their parents, teachers, lecturers, freinds, film, television and newspapers.

It's not enough for us to say 'of course it's fake, he's smiling and his watch is clean, you can just see'. It goes nowhere near breaking their conditioning.

tfw he is a high school student

The proof is critical thinking, so just give up now. In the age of the camera phone in every pocket, all these people have are text stories on twitter and facebook. Meanwhile, you can find hours of video footage of Trump supporters being attacked. If its so easy to get footage of violence vs Trump supporters, whys it so hard for them to get any? Checkmate atheists.

For context this girl supposedly came back to her room and found a "wall" of personal belongings dividing the dorm room in half.

The best part is, she admits it was her FRIEND who did it and that it was a joke but she's just triggered. Last time I checked the story had 40k retweets

Lol well done dude save that image, this thread will 404 but your findings must remain. Any generous anons wanna save all this?

>(((critical thinking)))

Haha oh wow
Shittiest photoshop I've seen in a while

Lol I knew that that blood looked way too fake.


Why the fuck are they claiming that the attackers were wearing MAGA hats?
Why the fuck would people put on maga hats, jump in to their pickup trucks en masse and rob muslims of their wallet and hijabs?
Yet there is no evidence in any of the cases.

At the same time videos pop up on the internet of blacks attacking people and stealing their car and shit.
Not to mention the damn riots.

Anyone have that "hire me" one

It was a joke but it was funny

Funny how all news reports of attacks by TRUMP supporters are being found false, yet attacks on TRUMP supporters are documented and real
