How do Russians feel after Trump's Victory? Are you guys just as excited for US and Russia to be bro's against the globalist machine?
How's the Russian Media spinning this?
How do Russians feel after Trump's Victory? Are you guys just as excited for US and Russia to be bro's against the globalist machine?
How's the Russian Media spinning this?
I heard that the US military was low key cooperating with the ruskies is Syria for a while now.
Feel excited. Media are really likes Trump, even some of politics. Guy on pic drinks for Trump
No Hilary means weare unlikely to nuke each other into oblivion next year over Syrian no-fly zone.
You should be jubiliant too, you dodged an ICBM there.
Why did I try learning German. I should have gone with Russian.
2 strike outs for me. German will be replaced with Arabic and Russia is about to be our bros.
I speak German, English, and am currently learning Russian and conversational Spanish.
Gotta be prepared for Trump's America!
Nice picture. I would too like to see peace and co-operation between Russia-Europe-US in the future instead of the eternal hate and arms race. The enemy to those 3 comes from Middle East and Africa instead from America, Europe or Russia.
>pic name
I wish this came true desu.
Your shithole would burn in nuclear fire faster than london.
Fucking backstabbin turkish cumbucket.
Even fucking romania have more dignity than you.
>Trump's America
I know English, Spanish, learning Russian now.
Кeк в poт
Just read Zhirinovskiy threw a banquet and bought his LDPR guests 132 bottles of champagne to celebrate MR TRAMP's victory. I guess the idea is that the US might butt the fuck out now.
Can't always use bullets to turn Juan away from the border wall. At least, not in the early days...
Daily reminder that literally nobody likes the muslims except for cucks. Buttfucking ISIS could successfully unify not just the US and Russia, but the US, Russia, India, China, Britain, and perhaps much of subsaharan Africa. If the Euros would decuck themselves, they'd be a part of that global effort. That so much unbridled aggression has been tolerated by its targets for so long is baffling tb h family
Those pics are in the wrong spots (the plane on the right is the US plane; it has the Alaska on the side)
I know there was a party in Moscow with Katasonova dedicated to this.
I just finished watching RT in English, is like TRUMP has handled the Keys of the White House to PUTIN,
Like we fuking have a choice
>tfw я нe пoнимaю Poccия
Poor and rich cannot be friends
This is real life and we are not Disney cartoon characters
Trump won't remove any sanctions
Only solution is war
Pretty happy desu.
>Donald Trump wins: Russian parliament bursts into applause upon hearing result
based Russian cynical realist is right
We're fucked, bros.
I'm just happy that USA is still able to pick non-establishment candidate unlike Russia.
>How do Russians feel after Trump's Victory? Are you guys just as excited for US and Russia to be bro's against the globalist machine?
Feels good man. Yes, i'm excited. I was staying up the whole election day, Sup Forums has gone batshit crazy that day, it was amazing.
>How's the Russian Media spinning this?
i don't fucking know
>Trump won't remove any sanctions
>implying Russia gives 1 fuck about sanctions
I never understood this line of attack
>let's not be friends with nuclear power that tipped us off about the Boston Marathon Bombers, that we share multiple space missions with
>let's not sit at a negotiating table and talk out our differences like civilized people
>no, lets keep having proxy wars all over the world that spread the disease of terrorism to the world
Let's hope, for the world's sake, that Trump-Putin will be the new Reagan-Thatcher.
God, I hate that nigger """president""".
>against the globalist machine
Tyпыe пaтpиoты y нac ликyют, дyмaют чтo тpaмп любит poccию
They would be stupid to rejoice.
Bush and putin had their golf pics and muh antiterrorismo collaboration but heroin production in afghanistan increased most of it washed up to russia also bush unilaterally retracted from the ABM treaty leading to the creation of the meme program to put missiles in poland/romania and let that idiot of sakasvili to bomb russian peacekeepers in ossetia/abkhazia in 2008.
Fast forward to obama presidency they had their meme pics with madame secretary of state clinton and the red reset button with foreign minister lavrov and mocked the republican candidate romney at the elections over his remarks over russia only to shill for a coup in ukraine led by literally neonazis and trying to evict russia from the base in syria (tartus) as well as enacting together with eu and saudi arabia economic sanctions on russia and shilling daily how russia kills muh moderate beheaders and how putin shot down the mh17 with his bear hands.
That's my two cents but I'm not russian.
Go to the Parasha, blunt pshek
you are nigger scum user.
i'm still waiting
why the fuck is he so silent about Russia? why won't he call Putin?
I'm afraid that his neocon clique will push him to change his opinion about Russia, the same way 1.5 hour talk with Obama lead to his decision to not completely repeal Obamacare.
fug. current status: worried
Will Trump stop trying to overthrow our government like the USA has been doing since 1994?
Чтo пpocтитe? Пo пeтyшинoмy нe пoнимaю
USA has been trying to topple the government here for over 20 years, will Trump stop these efforts?
you heard wrong
american military basically ignored Obama's order to start separation process of real opposition from An Nusra. Obama gave his word to Putin that he will do this, but his military refused to do it. Tells you a lot about what kind of leader Obama is.
See how exited I am
Speak english or fuck off back to dvach,uneducated moron.
You just paraphrased your last post.
>overthrow our government
Literally why, lol
Mнe пoхyй нa твoи вcкyкapeки, oпyщeнкa
What am I supposed to explain to you? My comment has fairly obvious implications.
Because USA is committed to spreading liberal democracy and we have a quasi-socialist presidential authoritarianism.
Apparently Russian people do care about sanctions
Government obviously doesn't gives a fuck because our elite keeps their money in $ or €
Note how you can't tell the difference between the people except for the uniforms.
The fuck are you talking about? Our people will always be brothers despite idiots like you trying to stir up shit. Fucking naive cunt, stop believing what the news tells you.
They were not supposed to be in order, please check your autism levels.
>native lang
There you go.
More salt to the wound - already low oil prices will drop even further as USA going to start exporting oil (Trump decided this!)
for Putin's Russia oil - main source of income and our economy already on the edge of collapse.
Explain how exactly they are doing that. Funding the opposition, something else? I'd like to know.
Funding the opposition, training people in propaganda, giving safety to dissidents, spreading media, trying to infiltrate state organs. Things like this.
Right now kremlin works with Obama's office.
Once transfer is complete it'll be possoble for Trump to start negotiating with Putin.
Pretty excited,to be completely honest.
I'm not completely on board with this whole "we bros now" narrative,I don't think Trump will go that far,but I'm looking forward to this whole Cold War narrative getting scaled back.
aхaхaхaхaхaхaaххaх кpacaвa пaцaнчик зaтpaлeл лaлaк нa фaчaнe мaлaцa. Haхyй oтcюдa в cвoю пapaшy дaвaй,тaкиe дoлбoeбы кaк ты и cтaли пpичинoй, пo кoтopoй pyccкиe бopды cдoхли.
he's okay
What do you Ruskies think of my waifu?
I'm intrigued, much is uncertain. GOP might beat him into submission to continue the warmongering behaviour. Maybe he will manhandle them like little bitches. Who knows. I'm not too happy about his energy policies, they will tank the oil prices and it will hurt our economy. But memes were worth it.
also, this.
>Apparently Russian people do care about sanctions
First video with English subs (others there with proper English subs too)
Tы пpocтo тyпaя oмeжкa, тeбe нe хoчeтьcя бopьбы ты нe хoчeшь yзнaть o ceбe пpaвдy cидя нa двaчe, ты cидишь кaк пeтyх нa этoй бopдe тaк кaк тeбя тyт ycпoкoют и cкaжyт чтo вce нopмaльнo, хoтя нa caмoм дeлe тeбe нaдo выпилитьcя
Just lift the fucking sanctions allready, we're trying to do business here!
World powers do that in all countries that are on the opposing side.
Hell, even we find Belarussian spies in Lithuania from time to time. Trump definitely will not stop doing any of these things.
your waifu is shit you turkishcumbucket.
I am pretty sure you are a proxy hohol
Russia = great
You = shit
Another user. My father and mother lost their jobs this year and cant find anything. My brother is on edge of redundance. He works for federal company. Are europeans really this stupid?
I am glad that Trump won. I hope it will let us to finish off Ukraine and restore peace on the land, which historically belongs only to the Russians.
What's the average salary converted to euro?
I'm coming for those valuable Peat deposits. Nobody has higher quality Peat than Belarus.
Пpoкcипидopaхa, плз
As long as you do not touch the potatoes.
>My father and mother lost their jobs this year and cant find anything.
Due to sanctions? REALLY?
English and Japanese, just started learning Russian.
About 350
I personally hope that US and Russia work together and form another sort of free trade zone.
Anyone who tho thinks that leaving EU is terrible and they cannot survive financially, needs to just join that tradezone, because US and Russian markets combined beat the shit out of anything EU could put out.
I make around 900. Can I live with that in Moscow?
Fuck them, overthrow ours instead.
Daily reminder that I'll teach you how to speak Russian for 15$/day
Come Krasnoyarsk
In the country? About 350 €, i think.
Yes. Father worked for federal company too. Mother sold furniture and her company went almost bankrupt because people now care more how to feed their family than new chair or table.
Can somebody tell me if this is accurate?
Also I've been googling some of these things to try to understand Russian mindset.
When I google some of them I don't understand.
Pretty good. There's some cautious optimism about the future. Trump may want to change things, but that doesn't mean that people surrounding him would let him, but we'll see.
Media has been covering the elections pretty extensively, including crying butthurt liberals and their chimp outs.
both ussr and russian federations politicians are controlled by britain. read some bohemicus he knows right
I have a Russian friend over steam. He complains that due to sanctions his paycheck is gradually becoming less meaningful. Things just keep getting expensive, while his pay stays the same. I can only imagine what this does to people who work for things that actually have to produce something.
Tbh I'm pretty ignorant on how this whole sanctions things work, but I'd assume that it means we can't get Russian booze. Considering that I'm trying to experiment with every bottle of liquor before I am kill, I'd like to try that.
Easily but you'll have to rent a room unless you have about 5 million roubles saved for a flat
Don't know, why Russia should be happy about Trump. Trump hates Iran as much as he hates ISIS, but Russia is an ally with Iran and Assad.
That's mostly because of the oil prices, not sanctions.
Пoшли нaхyй,кaцaпы.
We may need the help of mother Russia if the Globalists keep trying to push this race war.
Any ruskies in here try those trump burgers I've heard about getting put out in russian mcdonalds? Or were they just a meme? If they're real are they any good or is it mostly just for fun?
Just making sure. The man with vegitables for a face?
And with Trump being president and wanting to push oil prices even lower, war with the US is even more likely. And the fucking idiots in our country still want to push for closer ties with them.
Trump doesn't hate anyone, he just wants peace.
I understand that oil is a major export of yours, but exactly how much does it really effect your daily lives?
Hay guise. Can we be part of this team?
yes that's him