Pol Its happening
This needs to go Viral immediately
This nigger monster has kicked out her child for supporting Donald Trump
This is the most fucking awful thing I have seen in months
Pol Its happening
This needs to go Viral immediately
This nigger monster has kicked out her child for supporting Donald Trump
This is the most fucking awful thing I have seen in months
Other urls found in this thread:
Not OP but I found the video because this fag can't link shit mobile.twitter.com
Niggers are bad to their children, more news at 11.
anybody have FB to look here?:
fuckbuk 953082768069724
Can't believe this is sliding after putting nigger in the subject line
nigger self hate them selfs more news about trump at 12
tchenavia stallworth from houston tx
Hasn't this bitch already been reported to CPS?
The most awful thing you've seen in months on /pol?
How do you know that is the possible name
I close my lap top at 8pm and eat my tendies
has nobody started to spam email and tweet this to the MSM? Wtf /pol?
Reminds me of this joke.
A black boy is playing in the kitchen and he covers himself in flour. He goes up to his mother and says “Mummy, look at me ! I’m not a little black boy anymore I’m a little white boy!”
WHACK ! His mum slaps him around the head, “Go and tell your Father what you just said !”
So the little black boy, complete with sore cheek walks into the living room and says to his Father “Daddy look at me ! I’m not a little black boy any more I’m a little white boy!”
WHACK ! His father kicks him in the balls, “Go and tell your Gran what you just said !”
So the little black boy hobbles into the garden and says to his Gran “Granny look at me ! I’m not a little black boy any more I’m a little white boy!”
WHACK ! His gran punches him in the nose and asks him what he has to say for himself.
Standing there with blood pouring down his face, clutching his balls he says “I’ve only been a white boy for 5 minutes and already I hate niggers!”
Holy Shit hahahahaa it begins
post this shit on Sup Forums too
an oldy but a goody!
>so' jucci
Look, maybe the discipline that the mother gave was a bit overboard, but today's society we should not tolerate racism, even if it means punishing at young. By showing the kid supporting trump means that the education has failed them, and it shows that he will end up becomign a racist and undermining the very movement black people fight for today.
will get you places too
This is potential guys. Lets do something with it.
She probably let him back in after 5 minutes.
Why is Sup Forums so retarded at times?
Thank you for new bread.
Information found from other people online just trying to keep it organized.
The mother's name is Tchenavia So’Juicii Stallworth. This child's name is Cameron Stallworth, Jr. His little brother in the diaper witnessing this is Ca'Marion
Address: Orchard Run Way Fresno TX 77545-880
Please contact CPS and inform them of this video and abuse.
Why are these people allowed to reproduce? Take away her kids.
Kill yourself you fucking leaf
look another right wing supporter of trump condoning violence and hate against people who appose his view.. why am i not surprise?
unlike romania, the US has child abuse laws
Lets do it guys. Lets fuck this fat black nigger over.
Everybody under the sun is on it:
Send to world star please.
Im a mexican american you faggot. I live on the border of texas. Kill yourself leaf and enjoy the syrians and shit celebrities
Yesterday I was leaving Walmart and a fat black woman was screaming at her ~4-5 yo kid at the top of her lungs.
Telling him he "better SHUT yo punk-ass mouth" and that he was a "bad baby".
These black women are the ones that create criminals with their shitty parenting.
Look another delusion lefty faggot
she's just training the kid into being the next cassius clay
> single
wew lad
damn, poor kid
We've been blessed by kek
>tweeting to (((DANA LOESCH)))
Should have tweeted at PJW.
Welcome to the DFPS internet reporting website.
When should I call the abuse hotline rather than use this web site?
Reports made through this web site take up to 24 hours to process. Call the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-eighthundred-252-5400 if
You believe your situation requires action in less than 24 hours.
You prefer to remain anonymous.
You have insufficient data to complete the required information on the report.
You do not want an e-mail to confirm your report.
lemme guess, she's a single mom(nig on the back is just her bf) and the kids are from different fathers?
Shoulda voted Hilldawg.
He IS black, right?
Doesn't he know Drumpf is racist? That little shit deserves to live on the streets. Dats how he daddy died
>muh child abuse
this is just niggers being niggers
>that pic about muh keeeedz
'bit of a stretch, not like she cut his dick off or something of the sort.
More like, a nigger niggers a niggrito
With these digits i declare war against this ignorant ape. We will make an example of her, we will crucify her in front of her senpai, and by god that adolescent ape of hers will be grinning from ear to ear with joy
>this is just niggers being niggers
This is an opportunity to embarrass liberals and ruin a bitche's life, and rightfully so.
seriously, no amount of "funny looks" from white people can equal the amount of damage done by this ape parenting style.
Fuck off Rocky Marciano knocked that bitch out
Suck my Balls
I genuinely think niggers disprove the existence of God. No God would create people like this. Holy fuck.
No that would be Rocky Marciano faggot
If this doesn't end in her screaming about her keeeeds, in court, I will have lose all faith in Sup Forums.
Keep this shit bumped while the real niggas work.
WTF I am atheist now :(
>trenea blackshear
do they just make these up or do they consult some D&D books first?
What the fuck is wrong with Americans
LETS GO FOR THE NIGGRESS! proile.php?id=100007433568754&ref=ts&fref =ts
Wreck her shit, please.
>tanned Americans
One live chicken, one dead chicken(separated), rum, sugar, and a children's alphabet book.
our balls are bigger than yours
Poor Sue. Fake ass bitch.
I grew up in working class neighborhoods on the south side of chicago and I will tell you that black women are the most abusive verbally and physically to not only their children but other children as well.
trash women, trash mothers, trash citizens
is she trying to give that thing a fucking concussion what the fuck
You mean apes you red nipped whale eating, world war two loser faggots.
Have fun getting fucked by china
what the fuck is this?
I'm not even meme'ing but this looks EXACTLY like what a fucking gorilla/monkey does when they are punishing their kids for misbehaving or being annoying.
I just saw this video and came here to post it, to make sure that pol did something about it.
From a somewhat liberal person who fights for stricter child abuse laws, I want this bitch tried in court and her kids taken away.
I am a victim of physical and emotional child abuse, and you can laugh all you want but this video fucking #TRIGGERED me.
THANK YOU for your work to get justice done!
Check'd n Kek'd
Niggers where put on earth to entertain humans.
Sue and Bridgette ain't real niggas
BOOM! Satan and now this?!
So why did you have an ape as president for 8 years straight?
We should make this go viral so this fine young man can meet his hero Donald Trump. Let's do it Sup Forums.
this tbqh. it's part of their culture. leave them alone
Kek. Fuck sake :')
Niggers are the work of Melkor.
Pretty cool guy who isn't afraid of anything. He put his life back on track.
I especially like his weather forecasts.
Tbh senpai you probably needed that abuse. Your mom saw how much of a pussy-faggot you were going to be. She souldve got Mike "electroshock your cock" Pence
Bridgette's mom's be an ironic bitch.
This is why Texas needs to purge houston
this made me fucking sick. i was a liberal for the longest time but the refusal to talk about some of the issues that many communities face, by RACE, without hiding behind being PC is disgusting. fuck islam, fuck niggers
literally looks like how the baboons in my local zoo deal with their young. Not even joking, it's a %100 math
Houstonian here.
should I go rescue him?
ARCHIVE IT. screen shots can be photoshopped.
Sent it to Drudge and Breitbart.