This isn't fucking funny anymore, he will face consequences.
He's a conscientious objector just like his father, he refuses to respect our military and consistently shits on our armed forces.
Enough is enough.
This isn't fucking funny anymore, he will face consequences.
He's a conscientious objector just like his father, he refuses to respect our military and consistently shits on our armed forces.
Enough is enough.
He probably just forgot, the stupid fuck.
Idiot he's not a servicemember. He's only supposed to salute when boarding aircraft and ships because they are technically owned by her majesty and all must salute. Our military swears an oath to the Queen and not this cuckbasket, our parliament is completely removed from the military legally and for good reason.
forgetting to salute at a remembrance day ceremony?
Military is an institution of the crown, you won't find any Canadian PM saluting on remembrance day unless they are boarding a royal airforce or royal navy craft.
he reflects the average cucknadian perfectly though
>“We must remember that, during the First and Second World Wars, Canada and Newfoundland fought side by side. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Beaumont-Hamel, when a generation of Newfoundlanders laid down their lives in defence of the freedom, democracy, and diversity that we enjoy today.
Just disgusting.
This. Justin just smoked too much chronic this morning.
i don't know about the salute protocol for maples.
i'd be more concerned with the cuck poster. looks like he's waiting on tendies
Diversity is in our founding documents from 1867. Our country was founded the very principle of diversity (French & English) so in that context (Newfoundlound joined us in 1949) it makes much more sense. Newfieland is still some 98% british and iirc the ethnically purest colony in the world.
List of P.M's who have saluted troops on Remembrance day:
I could go on forever
List of P.M's who didn't
>Trudeau Sr
>Trudeau Jr
>All the P.M's who were around before remembrance day was a thing
Btw it was faggot Trudeau's older father that redefined diversity to include every fucking third worlder, tranny, etc. It originally meant French + English completely equal under the law and living in separate provinces under a united federal government.
I guarantee you will never find one prime minister that saluted anything or anyone besides her majesty and the royal airforce/navy craft when boarding (required by all citizens).
>Implying that island niggers are not half french.
Trudeau is a fucking career politician who's daddy was PM? Is he like the Canadian Bush family?
I used to laugh at leafs because of this guy now I just want to help them get this piece of shit out of office
he's basically a liberal bush, yes.
Harper didn't salute them you retarded faggot.
You're only supposed to salute someone when you're in the army yourself.
Our army is technically controlled by the Crown.
Yes. His father was the guy who brought us multiculturalism and was one of our longest serving PM's. Trudeau was born in our version of whitehouse the very house he lives in today. I believe it's a first for commonwealth countries and sets a fucking retarded precedent. Also Trudeau inherited a fucking car worth more a million dollars. He was a drama teacher for four years and a snowboard instructor.
Yeah it's really this bad.
Okay, I don't like Trudeau either.
But don't spread misinfo you fucker.
Canadian Military here and conservative. That said, Civilians shouldn't salute. Unlike in America, the Commander in Chief for us is not the Prime Minister. We salute royalty.
Non issue. Lets focus on all the other dumb things he does guys.
The Trudeau family has been a rather wealthy and connected French-Quebec family since the 1700's. Total fucking scumbags and Trudeau Sr. came within a few bad months of bankrupting us and added more debt than everyone before him combined and multiplied by two.
That mean whites of differant cultures. Canada was founded by a white supremist, we were never supposed to have any shitskins at all. And Chinese were never supposed to have citizenship.
You guys have a queen? What kind of ass-backwards shit is that? Get that shit off of our continent!!!
I hate that fucking cocksucking hippy.
BUT, why would he salute? He's not a soldier, perhaps he was actually showing respect saying that he doesn't deserve to act as military as he never was. Because he still went to the ceremony and wore a poppy on his chest.
It would be disrespectful for him to salute. He's never been in the army.
Maybe he's just a retard and was thinking about a large black man fucking his wife.
Western Europeans not even whites. We relented about 20 years after the Americans did and let in Ukrainians & Italians which was beyond disastrous even though 90% were good people, they lobbied to bring in Greeks, Jews, etc. and well the rest is history.
People forget we aren't Burgerland, technically the Queen is the head of government for symbolic shit like saluting
We don't have a Queen she has us. Personally I love the system and I believe it's much better than the American one 9/10 elections. I could never fight for a king nigger, etc.
Just did two minutes of research and i can say that i am 70% sure this post is correct
and his real dad is JFK
Personally I'm just glad that I never have to salute the empty headed buffoon.
This could be true. Few others too as his mom was a total fucking whore and openly admitted it.
>We don't have a Queen she has us.
As someone who loathes Cuckdeau, I will say that he didn't do anything wrong. He isn't a service member, and the queen wasn't present.
Indeed which is why majority of our regiments are named after royalty, and why you see the Governor General of Canada saluting at Rememberence day ceremonies
It's Justin Trudeau. I wouldn't be surprised.
I used to have an image of a boat with a broken tank mount on it, called the canadian navy.
Legally speaking, we don't elect her and she technically has complete control over the country although there are agreements and understandings written and unwritten with the UK parliament which were transferred to our parliament in 1982 when we became independent of the British Empire.
correct minus the career politician part... more like professional slacker he's never done anything worth mentioning... and yet even liberals up here trash trump as inexperienced
What is the legal way to replace the PM in Canada?
>when everyone is white we can still have diversity
It's rough. Used to have one of the most powerful navies on earth. Now...can't even field one supply ship. FFS
Oh shit this is it
Isnt he the head of your military? Theyre supposed to salute him.
1 loonie ($0.25 US) has been deposited to your account
sounds like you leafs need to rise up and make canada great again
The Queen is, and her viceroy the Governor General of Canada.
For everyone confused here's a history lesson: Newfoundland was a semi-independent nation during ww1/2
He can be replaced by the party, or the Queen (governor general 99.99% of the time) can dissolve parliament whenever he wants and wishes. Obviously he has almost always listened to the PM but there are times he did not, there are also times the governor general prevents a coalition to form to give the old PM enough time to command confidence of the house.
tldr: Queens job to keep confidence of the house, if he loses confidence he is almost always removed from power by her representative.
Interesting case:
No he's not and for good reason. The military belongs wholly to her majesty, all officers swear an oath to her and her heirs and not to Canada. Royal commission.
Botched the last reply. The PM can be replaced by the party or the Queen (governor general 99.99% of the time) can dissolve parliament whenever she wishes. Obviously she has almost always listened to the PM but there are times she did not, there are also times she prevents a coalition to form to give the old PM enough time to command confidence of the house.
tldr: Queens job to keep confidence of the house, if PM loses confidence she is almost always removed from power by her representative and an election is called. We've had six general elections in one decade before.
Interesting case:
If Canada is like the USA,then you shouldn't salute unless you yourself was a soldier.
People here should know our customs.
We had ten years of basically Mike Pence leading the country. Everyone was tired of it and it was either the labour union cook party or the big business liberals. 90% of the garbage this faggot says was not in his election platform which was really just dudeweed, free money, and major debt.
What accomplishments do canadian veterans obtain anyway?
I dont recall them every going out and getting their legs blown off in any engagements.
No. That is the queen. Remember that one time where your countrys existstense came as a result of an revolt against it?
>Having the head of Government AND the head of State invested in the same person
>99% white
>Fighting for diversity
My great grandfathers were fighting for the crown Trudeau. Don't shove your ideology into the past to try and edit history.
Pic related. My town's Remembrance Day ceremony in Newfoundland this morning. Notice anything?
Worse than that, he is a silver spoon trust fund baby because his Grandfather was rich.
Remember, leftists project. He actually grew up with privilege and attributes it to his race. This guy is a fucking retard and should be shot.
Literally the only reason i don't want him shot is those fucking leftists do not need a fucking martyr.
We mobilized more than 1,000,000 troops during both world wars from a population of just over 10,000,000. We fought for the British Empire and didn't join wars at the very end rather the same day or a few days after every single time. Also many of us served with your piss poor morale 30% nigger 80 IQ army burgboy.
Ottawa fucked it up for some reason
Did you know BC tried 20 times to pass a whites only policy and Ottawa fucking denied us every time? Now look at us.
Fuck Ottawa
No. Sikh and destroy is the head of our military and the only one in Trudeaus cabinet actually qualified to be in the position they are in
weedman smoked his stash empty
>and should be shot.
Hey now he won the vote fair and square. Democracy sucks some times but like Harper said the people are always right, we learn from our bad choices and it's the only way we move forward to something great like Trump.
Are you actually trolling? I know some marines that I served with in Afghanistan that would disagree with you.
Sikhs have killed more Canadians in terrorist attacks than all other groups combined. Also i'm not sure if i'm allowed to say his rank but let's just say he was a low field rank desk jockey in the logistics department. Fired his gun once a year for qualification and never came anywhere near combat just like 90% of the other officers.
People make it seem like he was a forester or light infantry. Not even remotely close, a bureaucrat with a uniform.
He must stay true to his principle
"If you kill them, they win"
Nazis won
Fake quote. Tons of worse quotes out there though.
Im not trolling, almost no one here in the US hears about any engagements of the Canadian Army in any part of the world.
But yea, once china gets involved in the ISIS problem, everyone hears about it.
>never served
Way to make others cringe.
It's because we haven't fought in your unwinnable modern wars. We said no to Iraq for obvious reasons. We said no to Vietnam for obvious reasons. We said yes to Afghanistan only because neo-cohen Bush was a little rat and forced us in by using Article V of NATO which was not designed remotely for 9/11 type situations.
Only 30% voted for him
Our puppet system is fucked
We need to have a revolution drag fuckers like Trudeau into the square in front of the angry people and execute them by firing squad
We should deal with the Trudeau family the same way the Bolsheviks dealt with the Tsar
This is Trudeau.
He remembers to attend Mosques, though
Enjoy the ban and don't come back when it expires. Calls to violence serve nobody shillboy.
We have served literally everywhere America has. We ponied up 30,000 for the civil war, and 13,000 for Vietnam. Not to mention we held the line in WW1, and WW2, and gained presidential citations for Kapyong Hill and Op Kbar more recently.
I haven't deployed many places where I wasn't around Americans to be sure.
They have some badass snipers, tbf.
We cross train with your guys ALL the time. Just last year we taught some National Guard guys how to dig a trench properly lol it was hilarious. Also basic skills to us like cam and movement are often rusty.
>the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division had succeeded in pushing farther inland than any other landing force on D-Day.
Prob why you don't hear about it in Burgerland
How is it different from having a God Emperor?
Many of the royal family are pretty based. The Queen is awesome, and Harry slayed bodies in an Apache.
Sounds pretty fucking low.
If the PM can order them off to die for some overseas kike adventure the least he could do is salute them.
It's our queen you dumb burger. I bet she's glad you bellends aren't a colony anymore with your niggers controlling cities roaming around in packs like feral animals.
How the fuck do you not know that?
That's true, but we have pretty much shit all for everything else.
Not exactly. Our army is small but reasonably well equipped. Biggest lack in general is the absence of air defence. Navy and Air force are increasingly haggard.
>he refuses to respect our military and consistently shits on our armed forces.
Yeah but then again
>Canadian military
>calls to violence serve nobody
Did George Washington say shit like that in 1776? "Lol guys our vote can help us let's just wait and let them screw us over"? No he said said "let's overthrow these fuckers and give control back to the people by force"
Fast forward to CURRENT YEAR. Which country had the faggot cuck for a leader and which one just elected trump?
That's right you pacifist backbone lacking faggot
Also, to be fair even we don't know about half the engagements since our cucked government consistently tries to hide the fact we have/are at war.
The best was when the US army offered the Bronze Star to a sniper team here for Afghanistan and our government furiously tried to delay/cover it up
Pic related
If you salute your flag, your enemies win.
>canadians have to salute the queen
The empire was all the diversity we needed.
Canadian military was highly regarded in WWI and for Juno beach in WWII