Daily reminder: You are a selfish asshole if you have ever racemixed. You've given us the worst of both races, from a biological perspective, you've also refused to preserve your bloodline, so it will go down as an inferior one, your children will never know what it's like to look in the history books and say: That's what my people did!
Daily reminder: You are a selfish asshole if you have ever racemixed. You've given us the worst of both races...
>anyone on Sup Forums ever having children or a relationship
Kek confirms.
i will invade your country and fill your boipussy, you fucking lair.
Mixed race children are less likely to inbreed.
My great great grandfather was black, what does that make me? All ancestors since have been white
You can look back and say your people did two things.
We're more susceptible to disease, our IQ lowers if it is inbreeding between one superior race, and one inferior race. We will hate our existence, because we have no heritage to take pride in.
>what it's like to look in the history books and say: That's what my people did!
Do people seriously, unironically do this?
what muh heritage site is this?
And get laughed at?
White pride's a thing, Asian pride, kike pride, even nigger pride.
>wanna take a blood test but scared that you could have euro jew or nigger dna
>And get laughed at
For what? Youre already American youre likely not a pure white mixture anyway, most people aren't. I'm Indian, anglo, German, Irish whatever the fuck etc.
Dumb frog poster
cool, thinking about getting one myself, even though im basically 99% sure all of my heritage comes from great britain and ireland, but it could be interesting. would you say its worth it? i guess its different for amerimutts.
Only true if with a nigger or below average from other race.
Sure, I'm "American."
This is my case, I ended up being a quarter-breed while "superior" hapas end up being autistic sperglords like Elliot.
Pride in ones race is pride for a person with no accomplishments of their own. It's for people who feel inferior to others deep down. They probably had their self esteem trampled on as kids/teenagers.
When did this board end up becoming /r9k/ and Reddit?
When Trump won the election and people who had been shitting up the board for months decided to stay around a bit longer out of spite.
This site became reddit on 2009 or so long before you were here stormieboy
Purest motherfucker on this board right now
fight me
absolutely disgusting
>Arthur Schopenhauer
“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”
Replace national pride with racial pride.
if you don't race mix how can you activate all 12 strands of hidden dna?
it's 2016 ffs don't listen to these racist bigots
>replace national pride with racial pride
Hey guys I'm not a race-mixed abomination with no identity, I'm a race-mixed abomination with a shit ton of identities!
great strawman, you can have pride in both yourself and your people at the same time, they aren't mutual exclusive
some of the greatest men who ever lived were also proud members of some folks/tribe
meanwhile, the so called "enlightened" individuals who don't take pride in their people, who are insignificant and irrelevant individuals with no accomplishments themselves, like the people they criticize, adapt as a last resource of pride their smugly reassured sense of intellectual superiority
>great strawman
I don't know man I think yours put mine to shame.
my point is that we can all be guilty of the same hypocrisy, individuals with no real pride in themselves alone can attach themselves to other things, be it their people or their favorite version of virtue signalling
the Aussie implied that pride in your own race can only come from people with no real accomplishment of their own, that's the strawman, I just followed the quotes
>you've also refused to preserve your bloodline
Your genes are still being preserved through your racemixed children desu
t. Trump Supporter
> posts 99.5% European
> Ashkenazi
> Trump's family married into Jews
You know the Jews have taken over Sup Forums, the right, and politics for another 20 years.
Man you guys need to stay off this website for sometime, refresh your brain, take a breather. Cool down folks, I worryy about you guys
The memes are too much to resist. Oh, and I've got no one, so this is usually what I do with my spare time. Good thing I don't shitpost though.
How can a poo be so qt?
Photoshop, lighting, camera clarity adjusments, and make-up.
> tfw women are too ugly to appear naturally in public