This what a cluster fuck of cucks looks like Sup Forums
25 People Arrested in Thursday Night Riot in Portland
They look alot better then this
faggot leaf, do you not have some trees to be draining?
I'd love to know what percentage are from out of town.
Is that a matter of public record?
That Mexican has a sweet ass mullet. Mirin hard
They all have muttface and the women look English.
no offence bongs..
surprisingly females are quite fucable
Mexican Billy Ray Cyrus got arrested.
Bet you look like one of those betas
>dat skin lightening
A clustercuck if you will
I love how 50% of them have puffy eyes from the pepper spray. Plus that one dumbass who got knocked upside the head.
The 1st guy in the 3rd row
>"His names Shif. Paranoid schizophrenic from Arkham. The kind of mind the Joker attracts!"
god they all look so inbred and mongrelized.
please tell me this isn't the state of average US citizens?
Looks awfully lot like those NatGeo pictures of the people of the future
mexicans, trans "people", bruce lee and a nigger
Leaf, please read what's on all of those hats and then kill yourself in shame.
Never forget Niggericus. He got away.
it's Portlanders, the Canadians of the US.
does someone want to call and find out how many were locals?
not quite as bad as the pic makes it seem but its getting pretty bad
>white cucks, a token asian cuck and black people so mixed they have the same skin tone as white cucks
What did they mean by this?
There is a difference between a protest and a riot.
I don't recall them smashing windows and burning cars or attacking people though.
the difference being Mcccain supporters didn't go around attacking Obama supporters
Even the Eleven Realm is against Trump
Portland is a strange place.
these mongrels r considered white in america lmoa
you're right 2bh, especially the purple-haired chick.
pic related is a qt though
Haha. Stupid phone poster.
I swear I've seen that puprle-haired chick's mugshot somewhere else.
u missed him point in your ctr paranoia. hes saying that the grp of faggots got arrested look alot better than that grp of faggots he linked
Would liberate.
1 row 2nd guy
Did #4 get punched in the mouth or is he wearing lipstick?
It's the average Trump-hater, people too dumb to realize how Trump's policies will be in everyone's best interests.
> Protest cucks look a lot better "then" cucks who watch NotJohnStewart
A Random sample of liberals just barely beats out your cherrypicked group of trump supporters
Took CIA acid.
>CTR paranoia
it's a disorder
I definitively want to bang this one.
Sold CIA acid
Being a white male who looks relatively well-groomed, you would not believe the amount of bitchiness that i get on a regular basis from lesbians and poc. Portland sucks my dude
The two in the second row are trannies. You can see their beard shadow. Also, those bangs are textbook tranny bangs.
>4th person on the first row
Tranny elven princess
>1st guy on the second row
Silent Bob?
The guy, 2nd row 2nd column trims and plucks his eyebrows but has a shitty, unkempt beard
>first time I looked at the image I had no idea any of them were women
what's her name Sup Forums?
Inbred? The poor things look they need help.
Named names without needing coersion.
There's only one solution, Sup Forums, but i'm afraid the other faction leaders aren't ever going to look at us the same again after this
The hats say "drumf" dummy. Those are leftys, you dumshit.
Only in Portland, possibly the worst city in Oregon and the USA.
>Tea Party rallies
not the same thing
>a cluster fuck of cucks
a cluster cuck?
It's a tranny.
i live in portland. picture doesnt capture how bad a third of the residents smell
kek for the guy trying to do a Trump impression.
Will suck dick in jail
This was after he was in office.
Why so sad libtards?
At least your prisons are becoming more diverse.
ignore him. she's not
>CTR Paranoia
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It's in Portland
Do you need anymore proof?
What did Pablo mean by this?
None taken.
Why are they all so ugly?
Wait why they fuck are so many of their ears pointy. Are elves real? I've never seen anyone like that in my life much less three at once.
1st row 4th column
2nd row 5th column
3rd row 3rd column
fucking drones
I am a tranny. You can just tell after seeing so many. Trust me on this. Plus, "she" has the textbook tranny bangs, which are always way too short and look good on nobody, to cover up her slightly receding hairline. You can see the beard shadow on her upper lip under her makeup too.
why do they almost all look tweaked out in their eyes?
He looks like the annoying fan in Oblivion.
not really studied tranny culture, wtf are tranny bangs?
>sandra bernout
Hope Pence serves you faggot right
Class C felony. They'll never vote again.
>Share with anyone and everyone who considers EQ their safe haven. (Please, though, when you share, note the source.) Your comments have honored us, and we are committed to keeping the World of Two Moons as we have all come to know and love it.
This is their safe space. ElfQuest. We should make ElfQuest great again.
>I am a tranny
>no cute girlfriend to red pill and riot with
Holy fuck.
Fucking this. The amount of unwashed deadbeats that turn to anarchy in this town is ridiculous
Jaden Smith?
Two wrongs...
>trump supporters
>wearing drumpf hats
by azura, you're right
first and last in top row are mossad
trust me goy
read their hats. those aren't trump supporters.