It was all fun while it lasted

Trump winning this election has been a great moment for me. I had felt less depressed this past week than I had in years. Something that I wanted went well for me for maybe the first time in my life.

Now that this is all over, and I'm going to be settling back in to business as usual, I'm feeling those feelings that I repressed come back in force.

I have to face that this was not MY victory. I'm still a worthless failure, physically, mentally, socially, and genetically.

I guess I should just listen to the advice of you Sup Forumsacks and just "kill [myself], faggot."

If I do decide to kill myself, I hope you all manage to defeat the Jews and restore white supremacy to the world. (You'll need all the luck that you can get; we traded a victory over liberals for a president with heavy Jewish ties.)

Thanks for reading, I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't kill yourself, faggot.
Make yourself great again - and if you never were great, let it be the first time then.

At least tell us how you're such a failure before you do anything stupid.

i didn't even get a "kill yourself you disgusting waste of space"

i'm mixed race; my dad is someone who fled a truly shit-tier country to America (legally, he's a naturalized citizen who has lived here for 33 years) and i hate that even though my skin is white as snow, i know i'm technically lying when i say i'm white.

i'm uneducated. i'm physically weak (and can't fix that because of joint issues and breathing problems). i have shit genetics (good height but terrible eyesight, terrible respiratory system)

i hate women, i hate other races, i have no purpose

Are your joint issues and breathing problems of autoimmune character? You know, inflammatory conditions like asthma and arthritis?

That's bullshit, this was your victory. You helped put America on the right track. Maybe in real life, you may not have much going for you right now. But none of that matters here. However small it may have been, you had an influence, you made a difference.

Be that Sperm that you used to be!

Idiot, Trump winning US election was just a battle victory, we haven't won the whole war yet
Your country is still cucked and Europe needs some love now. I mean whole western civilization originated from here.

NO We will still need you by changing our european goverments / overthrowing them

anything i can do is well past. even the minor influence of my vote wasn't significant; i live in one of the reddest states in the country. i didn't matter in this election beyond just shitposting

but i do seriously hope you boys in europe manage to fix your shit, merkel is an idiot and idk what finland is about but it probably sucks too.

if anything go kill some rioting lib fags before you go

You need more salt. OPTIMISM IS COWARDICE. Let the saltiness of your enemies provide sustenance for now.

Never forget - we made this happen. We must never stop. The memes must flow. There are many things that need to be erased.

Let's make it happen, user. Let's cut off the brakes of the Happening train once and for all. Can't you feel it?

i'm in the most red city in one of the most red states in the country, streets are happy and quiet here
i've been binging on election salt, and i don't get any highs from it anymore, man. and me posting in this echo chamber doesn't affect anything, and i have no social capital to be influential anywhere else

Answer my question, dammit

lol true that

>race is more important than culture
My man, race is a meme compared to culture. Plenty of white men are trash and plenty of other races gave had great men, look at sleepy Carson. The secret isn't to do with race but the culture that's is often associated with it.
Most of Sup Forums would prefer to hang around a sleepy Carson than a peice of white trash. Don't try to be a great mix race man, if you do that you start off in the wrong place, be a great Westerner.

I want r9k to leave

Holy shit shut up. You pathetic pussy just fucking kill yourself. Coward, you make me sick.

oh, i don't think so! orthopedic surgeon told me my elbow and knee are just genetically fucked, and my nose is structurally flawed as well
idk if i truly buy into that, i am a bit of an unironic racist
i'm not a virgin though and i don't hate normies

>i've been binging on election salt, and i don't get any highs from it anymore, man
We need better salt... purer salt.
>me posting in this echo chamber doesn't affect anything
We literally made a man of our choosing POTUS
>i have no social capital to be influential anywhere else
This is where the magic happens, user. I'm telling you it won't stop here. Nothing is impossible anymore.

This is not the time to get tired of winning

>and my nose is structurally flawed
So you're literally a mouthbreather?

Anyway, I was going to point you in a direction of how you could possibly fix your health issues, but if it's structural then I can't help.
I personally fixed my pizza-face, eczema, asthma, and allergies through natural means (diet mainly).

>We literally made a man of our choosing POTUS
i mean, that's a bit of an overstatement. we mostly just added padding to his core audience: rednecks, southern gentleman, and apparently the rust belt
>This is where the magic happens, user.
maybe, man. maybe

yep, i'm a mouthbreather.

i know that feel, i have to watch my diet too because i have recurring intestinal issues (yeast) so i can't eat as much junk food, which has done wonders for my skin but it's hard to avoid when i get depressed and shit.

If you have yeast issues consider a ketogenic diet
Or at least go low-carb-high-fat, I bet it'd fix you up even further.
>yep, i'm a mouthbreather.
You can fix that quite easily these days, just gotta pay for the operation (if it's a deciated septum).
Let me ask about your depression - do you get depressed for a reason or does it just come along by itself? (I have experience with fixing chemical depression).

My friend, there are so many more battlefronts out there you can go to. Find what you're passionate as fuck about, if you don't know read and listen to dangerous minds to get ideas from. Here's one to start with: Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed. He's the one who made the first 3-D printed gun, and the ghost gunner:

He talks about his philosophy a lot in videos and articles. Search his name, he's all over.

Fight your own unique war like that, and you'll have the strength of 250,000 shitposters.

All you had to do was believe.

All you need to do now is believe.

PS- Your health is largely irrelevant, if you have a sharp mind.

Get out there and MAGA until you're no longer a failure.

i've not heard of a ketogenic diet before, but i have been avoiding carbs when possible.
>fixing nose
yeah but i risk empty nose syndrome, which completely ruins quality of life with no way of going back.
i get depressed mostly for no reason. i've struggled with it my whole life, and years of therapy and months in mental hospitals have done nothing for it

It was an honor to serve with you in the First Great Meme War, OP.

This is not the end of war. War is eternal. When I reach out to you for your help in the next great war will your hand be there to reach back?

Stay with us, OP.

Don't rush kiddo you will grow up and make your life great again

i have saved this video for later. the problem is that my passion is fleeting and weak, and i have no abilities, no intelligence, no charisma, to actually do anything but be an observer. i am a cog in whoever's scheme this world is under.
>sharp mind
yeah, no. kek

My brother is no longer with is. Please don't go. Maga instead

>i'm uneducated

You live in the golden age to fix problems like this, you don't really need a whole lot of money to fix this problem. Clearly you have an internet connection, go out and do some research into things you're interested in. You'll be impressed by how much you learn by proxy. Learning how to read good literature will awaken your mind in ways that don't even rely on the content of what you're reading: You'll learn new words, see how great minds build arguments and find elegant solutions to difficult problems.

The problem isn't external, the problem is your own damn perception. Henry Ford said it best when he said whether you think you can or you cannot, you're right. Saying you're not smart or this or that only makes you believe it. In some part deep in your mind, I know you don't want to think you're stupid.

What you need to do is get fucking passionate. Find reasons to get passionate. Maybe you have ideals you want to see propagate in the world, maybe you just want to see it all burn. It doesn't matter, everyone has a unique role with unique ideals in this revolution.

Find something you care about, and change the world. If that's too much to ask of you, close this tab, buy yourself an XBox and never come back to this board ever again. You'll be happier by not thinking about this if you believe you can't do anything about it.

You're the captain of your ship. Make a decision and commit to it.

>i get depressed mostly for no reason.
Been there. If I had to put my money on it I'd bet you have a chemical imbalance. Now, there's a root cause for this imbalance, but it will be hard to identify. Major factors are chronic inflammation, excitotoxicity(glutamate abundance), and micronutrient deficiencies.
Your condition may very well be fixable.
/Our guy/ Mike Cernovich had mental health issues his whole life until he boosted his glutathione levels which adjusted his chemistry.

I'm off soon, so ask if you want a few directions.

thanks everyone, i feel bad for taking up everyone's time so i'm gonna stop posting now and go back to lurking the main threads.

just wanted to post this so you guys might see that i am not just ignoring your posts, and i really appreciate them.

thanks again

>race is a meme compared to culture
No faggot. Culture is just memes and race is a biological fact.