Anyone want to join me in watching niggers nig out over Trump winning the election?
Anti-TRUMP PROTESTS Across America
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i'm in!
Really makes me think.
>singing negro spirituals
They're getting closer.
Growing smarter...
My fucking face
>throwing bottles and rocks
This meme has to die. The moment you start acting like a nigger, you forfeit all protection under the law and should be shot like the degenerate you are.
Minneapolis bro here
these protests are less than a mile from me
goddamn little mogadishu
>high school walkout
Kids will do literally anything to get the day off from school, no matter the reality.
They're gonna steal the election with this electoral college bullshit,aren't they?
SDfag here. What are guns like in Little Somalia?
>niggers nigging
Too bad I wasn't watching the local news yesterday because apparently they started protesting in Denver as well. They were blocking the highways, if I had known I would have gone for a drive so I could play real life Mario cart
Damn, that's hardcore.
>schools open on veteran's day
da fuck?
sioux falls is little somalia
I wonder who is paying for the buses and the signs?
If anything, it's Little Little Somalia, my cucked MN friend. Enjoy your 3 day waiting period on pistol purchases. I was just wondering what gun laws were like in the actual cities.
John Wesley
“October 6, 1774
I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them
1. To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy
2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against, and
3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.”
well i would think that many of the people in little somalia have guns, just not legally
i myself am a law biding citizen who owns firearms responsibly
I wonder if the faculty of these schools encouraged this bullshit. I'm sure they did.
>complain about vote representation
>announce they wanna secede
It's like Brexit all over again.
Should i go to one of these protests and try to incite them more to make them look even worse? I know they're making themselves look bad enough as it is but still. Also i don't know much about that livestreaming stuff but I could maybe record it too
How can these people afford to keep missing work and/or school to protest?
oh wait
you're talking about doing the same exact thing hillary's campaign did during trump rallies. don't stoop to their level ffs
Did that retard just get pepper spray all over the bald police officer?
There must be dozens of people there.
Is that a Hillary rally?
God bless America
No. Would literally cause millions of liberal deaths
why?I want to further agitate and simeltaniously make them look even worse
I live in California and I voted for Trump. What are the chances of my ballot being leaked?
If this sort of thing became public record, my two liberal friends would likely disown me, and I don't think it'd be unreasonable for me to fear getting attacked or fired from my job.
This is how you deal with them. Brother Dean doing God's work.
I bet that cop was having a great time. He looks like he's having a great time.
I hope these people burn all of their own neighborhoods down.
(and you know they will be burning them some)
I love cops, man.
>all over
>literally all democrats in their blue states burning down their own blue cities
good stuff
oh that was one of my favorites from this summer
>tfw california
>work in small business
>boss just rolls his eyes when I yell "GAS THE KIKES" out of no where
Get a better group of friends and job.
American Truck Simulator when
that didn't answer my question, but I'm glad to know you're there's places here where people aren't crazy. My previous job was better than my current, but that's the past.
So is this going on nationwide? Are people really this rump rustled over the democratic process?
its veterans day
and they're burning and ripping flags
the rain and snow can't come quick enough..
>mfw im a vet and this shit is close to where i live
thank you for your service
I want a protest stick.
Where can I buy a big yellow protest stick?
Why aren't more cops armed with quarter-staffs
Where's the A-10 when you need it?
Is this it, that little crowd in the field?
I'm not a fan of calling them Anti-Trump protestors.
They tried to take Donald Trump down with labels so it's time to label them. I think they're group should be called "Terrorists"
thank you for helping make america great
No, because all the electors from the states that went to Trump will be people specifically chosen by the Republicans in those state legislatures. All those electors will be Republican, so there's zero chance they will vote for Hillary.
You may see one or two electors from red states vote for someone other than Trump, but that isn't nearly enough for him to drop below 270.
I'll be in Orlando, look for the skinny manlet passing out liberal tears
>be mad about election results
>trample around your own tolerant, liberal city fucking everything up
>break small business owners' windows even though they most likely voted for hillary
hahaha that'll show him
Holy shit that was satisfying
take one for the team.
kek commands it.
>highschool kids skip school
why is this news
>why is this news
Because Soros demands it.
did she get a trigger warning?
That guy in the truck is my fucking hero.
>saturday morning
>sit down with a coffee and breakfast
>riot streams starting up
comfy m8s
feels good m8
woke up to piss and remembered Trump won the presidency
You were so close, senpai.
I was sitting behind my screen violently waving my fist saying "THAT'S RIGHT HIT HER HIIIT HEEEER!"
I think I am going insane pls help
The Black Panther Party organized the protests. This guy talking right now has a Black Panther shirt on.
>Blasts them with pepper spray
>Suddenly from the crowd a cop shoves her to the ground and brandishes his protester stick
google wearing a black panthers party shirt at news conference portland is so cucked
Have this patriotic snek for your service.
At least he's not inciting violence
home depot.
Pussy/Pass status : REVOKED
a bit of pepper goes a long way with all that salt
Wow, that looks like JUST enough people to fit on a bus and drive around the country for photo ops, doesn't it?
Soros needs to get a life.
Why do people think this video is okay? Bunch of fucking bootlickers ITT.
Shut up Thio.
They are doing fine on their own. Let the kids wear themselves out and theyll go to bed.
Fuck yeah.
Half Life 2 is already here.
Nothing to worry about
time to stand up for yourselves Sup Forums tards
Thanks bro
no, all the normies i talk to think the protesters are human garbage. this isn't going to go well for them.
if soros is trying to switch to the crisis stage of subversion then he's overplayed his hand. he needs another generation of destabilizing.
Portland Police and Mayor are KEKED AF. omg.
They don't even realize that Soros is bankrolling these riots. ffs somebody needs to read the fucking news in that city hall.
>this is what average Sup Forums poster believes
should have just ran one of them through.
>They don't even realize that Soros is bankrolling these riots
white guilt is a powerful thing
*c u c k e d
wth is there a fucking sensor modding the board?
This. We let them get into their own messes than distribute the redpills to normies, we don't Gulf of Tonkin shit like low energy lefties.
Jesus christ, I got pepper sprayed for my job and it gets fucking every where in the area. How are ones with out mask not affected when they spray it like air freshener?
Burn a flag on veterans day u commies. I DAre ya.
Police in this town are severely understaffed, underfunded, and hamstrung by the mayor's office. You literally cannot get a traffic ticket here unless you try incredibly hard. The mayor is a weak pile of shit, but that's all we ever elect because nobody in this asshole city likes strong leadership.
lmao I thought weed was supposed to make people passive and peaceful. why is it that the most violence is going on in places where it's legal?
BASED NM cops.
This is the saddest protest I've seen in a long time. Come on, get violent! Shoot people, burn shit down! Kill other americans so the police can get violent too! I didn't back Trump so I could not get NO happening now.