African Immigrants hate Niggers Too

I'm an African immigrant to America who doesn't understand the black community, specifically BLM. Do they not realize anyone in Africa would trade places with them in a split second..

My main issue is why they block traffic.
I ended up googling "why do rioters block traffic?" and the article I ended up reading infuriated me.

"Whites use highways to pass over black communities" "highways were not made for blacks"

Fuck, even something as useful as a highway is anti black? Something to get us to work faster, to visit family? Are cars racist too? Its so sickening reading this liberal nonsense.. Are the highways in Africa racist too? Where is the logic?

I have an answer though, If everything is so bad why don't the poor American blacks move to Africa?

The only people talking sense are the republicans, and the few conservative blacks like Carson.

Also does anyone else think the relationship between Liberal whites and Liberal blacks seems like Pet/Master relationship. The Whites keep the blacks self worth down with this thinking, that they are helpless. They try to tend to their every need and never criticize them for having kids out of wedlock, they never tell them to find jobs or stop doing drugs, no they try to legalize all these vices.

TLDR African Immigrant who agrees most American blacks specially the ones who descended from slavery are worthless niggers.
At least Obama did something and amounted to something and I truly believe the reason why is because he does not have descend for the Niggers who were enslaved and has recent African blood in his mix.

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We don't want you here either.

>African telling blacks to move back to Africa

I like you OP. I'm happy to call you my fellow American.

Most African, African Americans I run into are brotier, much better than homegrown blacks.

Nothing really else much to say, you nailed it all. They are like crabs trying to get out of a bucket.

Right? They literally live like kangs here.

You're absolutely right, Mtembe. Except for one thing. Obama encourages BLM protests. He went to a funeral for dead cops and called them all racists for profiling black people more than whites. He is a very big reason BLM has gained so much traction, he encourages it and even called Trayvon a possible son.

Democrats in America are called the victim party, because they think they're the underdogs against the tyranny of the old guard of Republicans and they represent all minorities. Actually you'll find Democrats are some of the most racist people alive. They get their paychecks off disenfranchising blacks. It's been their plan since day one, they want to keep communities poor and cities full of poverty so that they can be seen as the caregivers.


I became friends with someone from Africa, at my college. Really good guy. Its a shame black people who behave like niggers, and make you guys look bad.

Those idiots must have their heads shoved up their asses pretty far to forget ambulances, fire trucks, etc. might be on their way to help people.

welcome to america, this is the reason we hate most inner city blacks.

may you never become like them.


fuck off wigger

If this is a legit black african immigrant then what you are witnessing is the result of years cultural marxism blighting this country from the inside out over the course of several years.

If you want to BLOW Sup Forums'S MIND then point out that Nigerian immigrants are the most highly educated group in America

He won't. African immigrants outperform native blacks in everything.

One day, if you decide to have children there, they will grow up to be exactly like these BLM protesters.

i know what you mean but i've met some fucking red pilled africans in my day, alot of africans are more intelligent than most euro trash

Most highly educated?


Where raping babies is a commonly believed cure for AIDS.
No thanks Africa you niggers need to stay where you are.

What's your ethnic group, my good man?

I read this in an African accent

>t. white cuck pretending to be black

No black guy would say this, there not a cuckold race like whites are.

Anyone else read this? Interesting read on how liberals have ruined the black community/family in US.

Yes. A third of the blacks in top universities are actually immigrants too, even though homegrown nigs outnumber them like 100000:1.

They also have very high (Jew tier) incomes.


The thing is, the majority of blacks are not "liberal". The majority hold rather conservative views when it comes to homosexuals and religions role in society.

In that sense, your master/slave analogy is very accurate.

I would say if Trump does a good job he can get 30% of the black vote next time easily.

Imagine that...

They weren't trying to block it, American Niggers just love playing in traffic for some odd reason.

people see offensive things where they want them to see it, be it racist, sexist, fascist.

How does America even function anymore?

My good friend from Tanzania and his Rwandan wife. Both professional and educated . They too tell me if the US black and their disdain for those with work ethics and values.
It's quite comical because these folks know true despair and hope yet people here spit on the face of what the US provides at the most basic level.


Pretty sensible, proud to have you in the country.