Maryland puts legislation to give its 10 EC votes to the popular winner instead. Fuck

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what a bunch of retards, they voted for clinton anyway

Holy fucking shit it's nothing.


OP is a faggot.

Isn't that how it already works...? Unless they are talking about breaking up their 10 ec proportionally.

This is good news for rural Maryland whites whose votes were eclipsed by Baltimore niggers.

That's how it works....ALL EV goes to the states popular winner

Whoops, that's not legal

yes that is how it already works. this must be satire.

basically this. so it means nothing.


I think they mean give their 10 votes to the national popular vote leader, not just their state's popular vote.

Didn't read the article but I presume that the state would wait until the popular vote amongst all 50 states was counted and then attribute their 10 electoral votes to the candidate who won the popular votes.

But they gave their electoral votes to Clinton. Shit like this will bite them in the ass, it always does. "but we wanted Chelsea for POTUS not Barron Trump!!!" To fucking bad Barron won the national popular vote.

This will be great when Trump wins the popular vote in 2020.

The article says it will go the national popular winner not the state winner

oh noooo, that sucks they're already blue

Arnt the popular votes still being counted?

This little scheme has been going on forever.

They can't change the U.S. Constitution, they could never get two-thirds of the House, Senate and states to approve an amendment to dump the electoral college, so they've been trying this end-run to make a pact among enough states with a combined 270 electoral votes that they'll give them to the winner of the popular vote.

1. It's been confined to only deep blue states, no red or even purple states have gone along with it.

2. The second a Democrats wins the electoral college, but loses the popular vote, these deep blue states will immediately backtrack.

3. If someone won the electoral college but lost over this pact, they'd sue and win in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Another worthless liberal pipe dream. Also, OP's story is ancient.

>The article says it will go the national popular winner not the state winner


Hillary won MD anyways. What difference at this point does it make?

Maryland has the biggest welfare sink
I fail to see it going R anytime ever
While national popular vote can go R

A lot of this.
Make sure you cede ALL of your state's power to the federal ZOG, you GOYS!!

>hillary won Maryland anyways
>to be assblasted and appeal to the retards rioting out on the street they say they're doing it because of the National popular vote
wow really made my almonds shake

Kinda pointless because red states will never do this.

But that's exactly how it works. Whoever wins the popular vote in that state gets the states electoral votes.

why do they give all of the votes to the winner?
why not give them proportionally according to the votes?

Retard in Maryland we have always done this

This whole election, talk about irony and hipocrisy.

>Shit like this will bite them in the ass,
They know. Gotta respect them acting on principle.

>The most Democrat state in the nation changed the way it keeps its voters on the plantation

We need to see who the winner is first so we know whom to vote for!

Kind of like when we needed to pass Obamacare so we could see what was in the bill we just passed!

>last time libs were this butthurt
>didnt pass then either


Maryland went blue and was for Hillary.

>MFW Trump overtakes Hillary in the popular vote and the blue state would turn red.

>2007 >Only if majority of states pass similar measures


Well, that's filled with niggers, isn't it? They'll always go Dem so who cares

>Live in MD
>Only reason I didn't vote was I knew it was to going to HRC anyways

is MD even a swing state?

Doesn't this just disempower their own voters?

Now their influence on their own 10 EC votes is no more then any other state.

>mfw electoral college has historically been a pro democrat system
>Liberals just fucked themselves yet one more time in this great year of 2016

I'm really stuggling to understand what they even want.

So hypothetically if trump won the populor vote nation wide but clinton won in maryland then they would support trump instead?

I voted stein, go green

thank you

> 2020
> Trump has made America better but not great yet
> Has 260 votes in the electoral college
> Maryland goes blue
> Trump wins popular vote
> mfw

Well Maryland already voted Hillary so her score doesn't change

Maui land is small isn't it? The electoral college is there to benefit small states. I don't think they understand how this system works.

Just cuck my state up senpai

Don't the EV's go to the states winner anyway?
I'm confused.

This should happen honestly, liberals think its for them but this would just get more people out to vote and get rid of the "my vote doesn't matter in my state" mentality.

EC could elect whoever they want but this article is shit anyways since Maryland voted Clinton it means nothing

You want Philadelphia? We'll give it to you for free!

Maryland fag here, its a shame only 4 counties voted for hillary. We could have been red.

Too many blacks and people on welfare here to do that.

That story is from April 11, 2007.


>The plan would only take effect if states representing a majority of the nation's 538 electoral votes decided to make the same change.

>3. If someone won the electoral college but lost over this pact, they'd sue and win in the U.S. Supreme Court.

States can choose electors however they wish. There's no constitutionality issue with this.

It's actually counterproductive for leftists to do this in states that vote Democrat.

What they're doing is introducing a high probability that the state will give its electors to a Republican when before there was almost no chance of it.

I hate my state.

Where is the best place for a white man to live in the US? I need to move out of Maryland

>liberal states giving up thier winner-take-all system
Good libim, put those guaranteed democratic EVs in play

She won Maryland anyway. Regardless of this bill she has the 10 electoral votes. No change in Donald's numbers.


But this is how it already works. The popular vote in a state is what is the criteria to win the electoral votes. This shit just screams "caving in for the retard sjws who have no idea how shit works". The electoral collage is also part of our constitution. You need a fucking amendment to change that and would never effect this election.

well if thats the case then people in Maryland have zero reason to vote at all. The 49 other states will be the ones determine where their electoral points go.

Just go up to PA or down to WV, you wont find a huge sprawling city or rich government funded area like the inner harbor though.

what they're saying is that they'll wait until the election is over, then give their ec votes to the nationwide popular vote winner, thus depriving their own citizens of their ability to choose.

lel, they're fucking their own citizens, all because hill didn't win. why don't they just come out and say they will award their ec votes to the democratic candidate from now on.