Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals

I was inspired by Stefan Molyneux's video The Truth About Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Now I see it everywhere I look.

So I have started calling it out. This is basically naming the Jew.

I think if we could all start calling it out, like we do with logical fallacies, we could put a huge dent in Merchant propaganda. While redpilling the population on this famous subversion campaign that has gone on way to long in the age of social media where it should have died.

Pardon me for posting a Glenn Beck page, but he had the easiest breakdown on the rules.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Babbys first redpill
Good for you buddy, have a bump I guess

This, merchant speaks the truth. You have merely looked into the rabbit hole, its much worse than Alinsky and its way older than that.

Do you have the name of the jewish architect of the EU who talked about the mullato underclass in his manifesto?
I want to see OP's reaction

Hey, fuck you guys.

I know about all of this shit. I am trying to come up with digestible bites to inoculate normies with.

The kikes have ramped it up to 11.

The last time they did that was in the Wiemar republic and that destroyed Germany forever.

If you have a better idea, spit it out.

Nobody is going to sit down and watch Bezmenov

>Inspired by Stefan Molyneux

What did Milo inspire you to do?


I've been watching all day.

The Merchants are going full bore.

I'm calling you a follower and a faggot, user.


You do know that Molyneux isn't Milo right?

You daft cunt

I meant you, follower faggot

Boom! Right there, I can tell you're a kike that went to a university.

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

You nailed it.

I'll tell you why people like Bezmenov and Kaczynski are relevant imo. Normies, and I mean the normies who are so far gone as to look at the Clintons and not see the batshit crazy, will not be pursued by logic.
You cannot show them that they are systematically being manipulated by Alinsky’s rules. If things like that would have worked simple logic would have worked on them.
The normine-left is not an ideology, it is a mental disorder.
They are all ruled by the Media, and this election victory proved that an effective way to influence the normies goes as follows:
>Discredit the media to free those who can be freed
>Force the media to cover stories that expose our opposition for those who can't
We are already doing this, but it's not enough. That's why some support pic related
tl;dr idk

I dislike leaders, but I dislike their followers more. I particularly dislike Molyneux because of his stance on extreme defooing, "all parents are evil" argument, and his "do you support violence against me" strawman.

I hate his followers because they claim allegiance to logic and truth, but deny or ignore any weighty opposing arguments. "Not an argument" became a non-argument.

I'm shittalking you because I hate people who feel smart by following and regurgitating without any conscious thought, and stick "not an argument xD" on everything else.

But that is my point user. We can name them while using it against them.

I refuse to believe we can't mass redpill normies. This election and Brexit have shown us that normies are ready for any source, any information that falls in line with what they believe.

That is why Fox is so popular despite being controlled opposition. People are starving for right wing propaganda.

If we can show them that the media they have come to despise is all being run under a playbook... Fuck, we win.

In essence, I ridicule because there isn't anywhere else to go with Molyneux followers. I've tried.

I present my argument and my evidence, and their response is always "no, not true lol." Or even better, they defer and tell me to just call the show, because they can't argue for themselves.

It's beyond frustrating. Try reading Anarchist Cookbook next. The foreword and introduction are worth a look

Where did I say I was a follower? I said I was inspired by a video he made.

I liked Atlas Shrugged too, that doesn't make me a Rand groupie.

You are "shittalking", because you are a huge faggot

You aren't mass-redpilling them. You're swaying them to your side.

There are leaders-- conscious and influential, with a set of goals and values-- and there are followers-- unconscious and apathetic, with hazy minds and an entertainment focus. Freud, Hitler, Soros, Clinton, Bernay, Molyneux, Alinsky, they all knew this.

They aren't fighting for an abstract good. They're fighting for more followers and their goals. Their followers can't think or lead.

Boom! Right there, I can tell you're a kike that went to a university.

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

pence believes in conversion therapy, if you're going to argue that that isn't anti-lgbt then your head is way too far up your ass to be talking down to other people like you can educate them. especially if all you're gonna give them is a fancier wording of "TEH MEEDIA LIEZZ!!!1" without any specific claims being addressed or refuted

Either way. Who gives a fuck if they are thinkers or useful tools.

Right now there are thousands of zombies protesting and rioting for Wallstreet, big banks and endless war.

These are supposed to be Liberals and they have been turned into some kind of radical right wing militia.

It's absolutely fucking brilliant. I am in awe of the Jews today and what they have accomplished.

If they can do it, we can do it. Especially since the groundwork has already been laid.

Twitter operations are good all in all so more power to you regardless. Evidently whatever we're doing is working so we need to basically just stay vigilant and keep fighting.
I think our most powerful weapon(except good old propaganda) is uncovering crimes that the elites are committing and forcing the MSM to report them using breitbart and drudge.
Also this (witnessed)
Don't expect people to understand or care.

Don't we use that shit too?


Also regarding Alinsky’s rules - we need to make a 5 minutes video to spam instead of a 50 minute video and most people are ADHD nowadays

>I think our most powerful weapon(except good old propaganda) is uncovering crimes that the elites are committing and forcing the MSM to report them using breitbart and drudge.

I would agree with this.

I'm not on the Autist squad though. I'm on the propaganda team.

I am cranking out their findings as fast as they come in. In the meantime though...

We can always do better

It's ok when le resistance are doing it silly

I think 5 minutes is too much even.

I'm working on infographics, but what we really need is memes IMO

I'm shit at memes

My advice is going to the other Sup Forums and making a thread about it. Good ideas/campaigns stay there for a while and sometimes even get stickied so it's really good for propaganda spread

Oh and memes and infographics would be made probably

No no, I agree with you. People are stupid, and we can definitely influence them; Molyneux, Milo, and Vox are all evidence of that.

>Who gives a fuck

I give a fuck because brainwashing a follower into believing (following Figure-X = the pursuit of logic and truth) is dangerous. They'll get stuck on their leader's agenda and believe it to be the objective truth, and ignore any opposition.

We may end up with the exact same problem we have now, but with different players and names.

ugh. You're probably right.

I just hate other/pol

>We may end up with the exact same problem we have now, but with different players and names
That's why "we" are going to need to think about ideological unity at some point in the future. If we have that we shouldn't have a problem with the brainwashed masses

We have memes.

Look at ancap memes. Look at Molyneux memes. Look at those SJW cuck memes. Again, the exact same thing with different paint.

I don't want to become the Jew, user.

Can confirm. Ive tried to show the besmenov lectures to half a dozen people, and not a single one watched it.
I think the best way is to come out of the underground, even if its only amongst friends and family. We must normalize opposition to globalism, show people that it isnt a fringe idea.

>ideological unity

Do you mean a single agenda? Or do you mean an informed population?

Both are impossible without propaganda and tyranny. Which are what we're fighting against in the first place.

>Somebody wants to stop being gay with therapy
>anti-lgbt crime!!1111

Make 12 memes, one for each rule, with an ugly cuck SJW male making a hateful face.

Don't use pictures of minorities or women, only white male sjws.

Make the 12 rules seem hateful. Make their propaganda look like hate speech.

I've got one person to watch the Bezmenov interviews. She was a typical ultra leftist parrot and I'm slowly red pulling her. fGM

I don't know about that. If we indoctrinate things like Patriotism, Traditionalism, Nationalism, etc., I think the general population could be transformed into something really nice and for a long time, with little chance of backlash.
And tyranny is not required, we just need to make sure we meme this and manipulate the media right for the next four years while president Trump makes America great again and the EU breaks apart.

Frame it as a step-by-step guide to "putting trump supporters in their place"

I understand where you coming from but you present your argument like a teenaged retard autist.

The problem with unity is that it is always co opted by someone looking to make a buck.

Like fucking Milo and the Alt-right bullshit


I understand the need, but again, I also see the danger. I don't want anyone wielding Ingsoc power. Indoctrinating a mindless follower is one thing, but suppressing and collaring active minds is something else.

If we want to destroy the power of the Jew, we have to co-opt the power of the Jew

>Globalism is a good key word that normies can hone in on.

It is also despised by pretty much everyone on both sides of the fence at this point

>Like Molyneux

Like anyone who tries to lead. Nobody's dedicated to absolute truth or unity.

This is good.

I will work on it. Thanks user

But PENCE is anti-LGBT. How is that even a controversial statement? Trump is pro-LGBTQ. Pence is not. As simple as.

Yes that's the reason I was being vague about it, it's not really possible at the moment
I'm not talking about anything radical, just a steady constant flow of right wing propaganda for all the truly mindless drones

They won't have the self-awareness to apply it to themselves

>steady constant flow of right wing propaganda

We do have that going, at least. Milo, Molyneux, and Cernovich have gained a ton of traction with normies. I just hate them so much