Hillary won the popular vote.
Trump was not democratically elected.
NEVER forget this fact.
I will remind you every day for the next 4 years.
Hillary won the popular vote.
Trump was not democratically elected.
NEVER forget this fact.
I will remind you every day for the next 4 years.
Good thing the usa is a republic
the electoral college is a democratic institution
>candidates should be able to pander to 3 states and win the presidency instead of appealing to all 50 of them
too bad america is a republic and he won fair and square under a republics laws sucks to suck huh
Good to see people in Ireland have nothing better to do...
okie dokie spaghetti
That other guy in your picture also lost the popular vote. He lost it by an even bigger percentage than what Trump currently has. How did it work out for him?
Go count the votes again Mr.Potato.
He ended up winning the popular vote as well after they finished counting everything. He just didnt have the popular vote when he won by electoral college.
>lost popular vote
thats wrong though. in both cases
>a foreignercriticizing my government that he has no idea about
The United STATES are represented fairly through the entire continent. If you ran elections through popular vote then places like New York City and Los Angeles and Chicago would determine the political landscape for the entire country that spans an entire fucking continent. The majority of states voted to be represented by Trump not Clinton. This is balanced out by the larger population of states having more electoral votes. It is a CHECK AND BALANCE so libs can't dump immigrants into sanctuary cities by the millions and win elections every time.
If I have to explain the electoral college one more god damn time to foreigners too lazy to do a Google search I'll fucking scream. It's bad enough to have to explain it to Americans.
He wasn't democratically elected, he was lawfully elected, the best kind of elected.
>The popular vote doesn't matter because we use an electoral college system. The candidates use tactics built to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote. Trump wasn't trying to win the popular vote, he wanted the electoral vote.
>If we used a popular vote system, then the results would be entirely different. There is literally no evidence suggesting that Trump would lose the popular vote if we had a popular vote system. Democrats in republican states and republicans and democrat states have poor turnout in the electoral college because they don't think their votes matter.
>Complaining about Trump winning without the popular vote is like telling the two candidates to play chess, Trump checkmates his opponent, then you complain about the rules of tic-tac-toe.
>If you cut out the illegal immigrants that voted, people that voted multiple times, and bring back the thousands of ballots that were destroyed in Broward county, Trump probably won the popular vote.
Abolishing the electoral college would go against the founding fathers and the ideals that this country was founded upon.
>Trump was not democratically elected.
Thank God we're not a democracy.
I will remind you everday for the next 4 years
>what is a republic
If popular vote were a thing, CA and NY would decide the fate of the USA EVERY TIME. The other 48 states should have a say as well. We are the United STATES Of America, not the United STATE Of America.
If the popular vote counted for shit then Trump would of changed his methods and pander to the high pop states and would of won that way. The high popular vote doesn't count for shit so Trump naturally paid no heed toward it.
Trump won 31 states
Killary won 19 states
>not democratic
>the electoral college is a democratic institution
No, it literally isn't.
We are a republic not a democracy.
She "won" the popular vote despite being by far the worst presidential candidate of all time. That isn't possible without massive rigging. There are tons of reports of Democrats voting more than once, Democrats voting in other people's names including dead people, illegals voting without IDs, voting machines turning Trump votes into Hillary votes, Trump votes being thrown away, Democrats intimidating Republican voters, Republican polling center workers being kicked out so the Democrats can rig away, polling centers in Democrat areas staying open longer than they were supposed to, suspiciously high Democrat vote totals in certain Democrat counties run by major DNC officials, and of course all the fake polls oversampling Democrats to demoralize Trump voters. We already have huge amounts of proof they rigged the Democratic primary. You can be damn sure there was a ton of globalist-sponsored Democrat fraud in the general election, and yet President Trump still won in an electoral landslide. Say it faggot.
>If you ran elections through popular vote then places like New York City and Los Angeles and Chicago would determine the political landscape for the entire country that spans an entire fucking continent
So what? When there are 8 fucking inbred hillbillies in the etirety of Wyoming, what's wrong with a state of several million people telling them how to live?
I will remind you that killary conceded.
Boo hoo.
Don't cry over the rules of the game after you LOST THE GAME.
You lost the election.
When fewer people vote for you, you lose the election.
That's how elections work.
this spud sucker has been on here all day posting this crap... hes not even from Ireland
CTR is regrouping and desperate as fuck
NEVER forget Trump won the election and has a MANDATE of BOTH houses of the congress.
these leftist cucks know they are FINISHED.
Oh shit. Hilldawg was truly born to be president. Now I feel bad for her.
forgot to mention
>this shit thread again
Okay cry Moar bitch
Apparently five times a day you irish cunt.
Shouldve bombed you bastards during the war too.
10/10 criminal hot spots vote Hillary
Keep crying faggot, your opinion is absolutely worthless, we took a vote on it.
He's the projected winner of the popular vote
The popular vote doesn't matter. You can remind me everyday for the next 200 years. It doesn't matter. It's literally an irrelevant number of no significance.
SHe won the popular vote by just a 0.7% margin even after there was blatant ballot stuffing.
But have fun trying to keep apple factories in your country you ginger nigger
>this is what citycucks believe
this is why you lost
Please learn how our government works before claiming that you were cheated.
Interesting, though could you sauce me up? I'd like to see if that map represents hotspots of crime/capita, or something that would vanish if you adjusted for population
In the same way tournaments have tiers and ordered fights, our Presidential Election is not a mass flurry of putting everyone in mosh pit and say "fight." Mob rule would win. So while places like California require a dozen midwest states stacked on top of each other to beat, they are kept under some form of balance because it's a much harder, rigid integer and doesn't get into the closeness of shit like .1 of a lead or something. This also stops state landslides caused by extreme bias from completely destroying the election by containing them all with a certain number of chips.
Whoever is most wanted *in more places in America specifically so that the situation in which most of the country's landmass is controlled indefinitely by a few cities with one bias can not happen,* based on these tiers is thereby elected President of the United States. It's not difficult or outrageous.
That just makes his accomplishment more impressive.
Like it or not, we have always been a union of states. The electoral college ensures that the president in such a way that respects that.
Have they even finished counting the votes?
Stop replying to it if you don't like it.
Based Obama, lmao.
Keep doing it man. The electoral college exists so the fucking Libcuck states cant just vote in whoever they want because it happens to be the most populated.
Get rekt, every single day for the next 4 years.
All you can do about it is post on an imageboard.
I will laugh, every time i see it.
Friendly reminder that popular vote has only ever mattered at the state level ;^)
Good thing we're the United STATES not the United PEOPLE.
Allowing someone to take office who lost in 30 states would be a failure of our Republic.
Thank goodness us, logical, law abiding citizens are protected by the majority then! Otherwise we would have irritating dipshits (like you) dictating the actions of our Great Nation!
>bragging about k/d ratio in an objective based game
Hillary literally a Hanzo main
yeah and trump won that too
Just in case you are not trolling... There is no popular election for the presidency of the United States. There are 50 separate territorial elections. Each state has a number of votes based on its population, and those votes are cast based on the laws of that state (most states are all or nothing).
Canada has a similar system, but because of the heavily skewed demographics, Ontario basically gets to decide everything.
And since some folks don't seem to be aware, the EC isn't some new thing that the Republicans slipped in on a bill. It is essentially unchanged since 1880, save for new states joining the union.
>Before November 8
>Trump is gonna win the popular vote, but he wont win the electoral vote :)
>Say it with me, Madam President
>After November 8
>Tump didn't win the popular vote, so he didn't win the election!!!
>Not my president REEEEEEEEE!!!!
>trump didn't win the popular vote
no you won't you'll tire out before that
>baby's first election
>You lost the election.
This is like the 52485262352630120 you said this, and you're still wrong.
>bitches about lack of democracy
>advocates tyrannical rule of wyoming
>Like it or not, we have always been a union of states
Well sure, but not of equal states. That's why we have both the House and the Senate.
Neither was Obama.
Nice try faggot.
Cucks just refuse to accept reality and move on, you are one damaged cunt
I think they don't want to complete the job fires up the fat millennial cows burning down their own communities that the hill-dog won the popular vote... She prob didn't.
How many electoral college votes does Ireland have?
States are not equal in size and strength but they are equal in respect as Americans, and you will treat those 8 hillbillies like human beings whether your like it or not, you starbucks sipping numale.
Shut up Libnigger #MAGA!
Present evidence that Trump lost.
Of course, and the electoral college directly parallels the apportionment of both houses of Congress for the same reason.
Don't you have anything better to do?
oh yeah
>Implying liberals work.
>Trump won
But he did, what the hell are you talking aboot?
What did he mean by this?
Meant for
Shut it you'r embarrassing us
This is the 10th time today. Have you nothing better to do?
thank you! After all, it's your butthurt that makes this victory so sweet. It would be really boring if libshits were acting like adults and got over it quickly.
Look again. The count was completed with Trump far ahead in the popular vote.
That isn't even how it works in Canada. Liberals were bitching for years that Harper had a majority government even though he didn't have the popular vote, but when Trudeau got one with even less of the popular vote, they didn't say a thing.
The whole electoral college bickering is just partisans trying to coat their bitterness with what they think is objectivity. If Hillary won the electoral college and lost the popular vote, the same rhetoric would be coming from the opposite camps.
Both of which now under republican control
It is. The Majority in the state picked their electors. The difference is how they are awarded. If the Majority in Ohio or Florida went to Hillary, then she could have won.
Then you have people who want the electorate to change their mind next month when:
It was a 400k Difference
4 million libertarians voted who prefer republicans over democrats
over 90 million Americans didn't vote but now knowing the results could probably lean their support for Trump consider the biased media influenced them (which they all admit to)
they have to make all those considerations
Thank god you'r here to make us look good
Oh boy
Another word to add to the filter
Take a deep breath and say it with me.
>not done counting
>will still take office
The sad part for you is, you'll have to actively remind us every day, but we won't need to say anything for you to be reminded every day that he IS #YourPresident
oh and clinton conceded
We are not a direct democracy. We are a constitutional republic. Take a 4th grade civics class and fuck off, Liam.
New thread faggs!
If you factor in the pro-Hillery voter fraud, Trump actually did win the popular vote....
Electors are democratically chosen
You are wrong.
Good thing the US is a democratic republic
>keep crying CTR you won't find soros supporters to pay you here
>crime happens in big cities
Good. Please keep checking in and supply a fresh stream of tears as we flip everything this faggots implemented.
Go away mr potato head.
Source? I voted Trump but curious so I can troll libshits with it.
>popular vote by 400,000
>1.2 million in voter fraud and counting, ALL democrat
Mods need to start banning this horse-shit myth propagation.
Trump won.
Lock up all of the halmalas and nogs now.