Drumpf will be a 1 term president...

Drumpf will be a 1 term president, his presidency will be such an enormous disaster that he will go down as the biggest mistake in American history and will destroy any chance of there ever being another Republishit president. This is what the map will look like in 2020 and you can expect the entire country to be blue once we are done cleaning up Drumpf's mess.

See you in for 4 years, you people are finished.


Say it with me, shill

President Donald Trump

>blue CA
let this meme die

And which 400lb, half-black, half-mexican, half-native American, ftm blue-haired tranny are you going to pony up to be the next face of progressive liberalism for the democratic party?

Hawaiian Major Tulsi Gabbard 2020!

that is, assuming the DNC doesn't destroy her like they did Sanders whom she supported
and assuming being hindi wouldn't completely fuck her chances of winning.

Still, better than fucking Kanye.

>Drumpf will be a 1 term president

He won't be president because more people voted for Hillary.

>Georgia still red

That's what I'm talking about

>He'll never actually run for president goy
>He'll never win the primaries
>He'll drop out of the race before the first debate
>He'll never win the election
I should start saving these posts now for a huge collage Nov 4th, 2020

Ah yes what a sea of talent the Left has lined up for 2020.

Honestly this nobody might be their best shot buts shes probably not marxist enough now that the progressive wing of the party are going full socialist.

President Donald Trump.

Say it.

Yes she is the one.

Tulsi 2020

Fuck no.

Not my president.

This is the next stage isn't it lmao.

> He's not seriously running
> He's a Clinton plant
> His platform is a joke
> He'll never break X% support
> He'll never win the nomination
> He'll never win the presidency
> He'll only serve one term

Here's the next one for you:

> His approval rating after his 2nd term won't be above 99%

They legit thought that was going to be the map this time pham

>Not understanding why its called a representational democracy
The day of the rake is near at hand

I dunno man.

There's still 4 years to make a name for yourself.

Tulsi's a weirdo honestly, and I think she could really make it big on that.
>Anti-Saudi Arabia/Pakistan
>Military Vet with rank of Major
>Supported Sanders, to the point she left her vice chair seat to support him

She's such a strange mosh of things, but It really builds her as the HARD counter to everything Trump is, while also being a progressive's wet dream as a non-christian woman of color.

I completely agree with you. He will go down as a horrible failed experiment. He will not be able to deliver on his many promises and we will make him pay. He will go down as having the most corrupt administration in history. He will quite possibly go down as the worst president in history. Many many of his voters will not vote for him again. We will run a far more popular candidate than HRC and all of our voters will come out to punish Trump. It will be a landslide of epic proportions. Then we will scrap the electoral college so the GOP will never win back the White House again.

2020 guess.

Then 8 years later, the pendulum will swing back again, harder than ever and you stupid fucks will once again be left dumbfounded why it happened.

I can't believe Brock didn't even bother to unlock the virgin nerd vault on the way out the door, what an asshole